Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pleasant Surprise

SMS text sent to Jepah, Danial and a roomate of hers, Husna.

"Oi, aku nak komplot dengan korang ni. Birthday Liyana esok. Petang esok free tak? Ingat nak prank dia. Haha!"

And they replied positively.

Satu tanduk tumbuh.

Chatting through this blog with the victim, asking whether she's interested to join playing badminton together. She also positively replied.

Dua tanduk sudah tumbuh.

Called the court owner, checking for the availability of the court. He answered it's not available. Booked already. The plan was that we wanted to prank at the badminton court. But... cancelled!

Salah satu tanduk terbantut pertumbuhannya.

Think think think... We prank her somewhere else!

Sent another SMS to them.

Tak dapat court. So kita prank dia kat Taman Tasik Bandar la. Pukul 6 k!

3 tanduk sudah tumbuh. Yang terbantut tadi dah kembali normal.

Tik tok tik tok... 6 o'clock. Kembara with 3 predators, 1 victim was on it's way to the "badminton court".

I enthusiastically told them: Jom gi court! Semangat nak main nih! Jepah tunggu kat sana (walhal orang tu tengah terbongkang atas katil, demam pas mendaki gunung Irau).

On the way, right before reaching the main entrance I got a call.

Troooot... trooooot.... Hello. Yup Jepah.
Hah! Apehal? Bukan aku dah tempah dengan pakcik tu pukul 6 ke? Apsal ada orang main pulak?
Hek eleh... biar betol pakcik ni. Takpe... aku call dia confirmkan balik. Nanti papehal aku call balik.

(Actually I spoke to nobody. It was planted. Danial, who was sitting next to me in the car made the call)

Then, I acted like I call the badminton court owner. Again, I spoke to nobody through the phone.

Hello pakcik. Saya yang tempah court pukul 6 hari ni. Macam mana boleh ada orang main pulak padahal saya dah tempah?
La... mana boleh macam tu? Pakcik kata pukul 6 kosong?
Dah tu, kenapa tak bagitahu awal-awal court dah ada orang tempah sebulan dulu? Penat tau, dah semangat nak main tiba-tiba cancel macam tu je. Patutnya bagitahu la saya!
So, memang tak boleh main la ni?
Takpe la. Nak buat macam mana. Lain kali jangan buat macam ni pakcik...
Ok la. Bye.

Kali ni, tanduk tumbuh mencanak-canak.

So, korang. Tak dapat la kita nak main badminton~ Hah! Ada kerak roti tuh. Jom bagi ikan kat Taman Tasik Bandar makan, nak?


Kah kah kah... Aku dalam hati gelak bagai nak rak.

At the lake, we went straightly to the jetty. See around, no fish! Duh... the plan was to make the victim became pre-occupied feeding the fish while Danial and I ran to get the cake inside the Kembara.

Tanduk aku tumpul.

Suddenly... ploooop ploooop...


Tanduk aku kembali tajam. Ikan yang asah.

Jom bagi ikan makan. Ada pun ikan. Ingatkan hari Khamis ni, diorang puasa. STBB! :P

After few minutes,

Eh, aku tertinggal aku nya henset kat kereta la. Jab aku gi amik ok? Danial, jom teman aku. Korang bagi la ikan-ikan tu makan.

Tanduk aku tak terkira banyaknya.

We took the cake, some snack and drinks, quietly walking behind her. Yes! She was pre-occupied feeding the fish.

I shouted: Liyana!

She turned back.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I showed her the cake box, intending not to reveal what's inside.

Ya Allah!!! She screamed.

Tanduk aku bersepai dengan takbir itu.

She was speechless.

Jom kita cari tempat untuk potong kek, jom!

Along the way, she was like trying to solve the puzzle and to accept that she got pranked!

Tanduk aku tumbuh balik. Sebatang.

Ok, mari aku bukakan kotak kek ni ye.

Liyana, sila baca apa atas kek tu.


Kah kah kah... Tanduk aku tumbuh mencanak-canak lagi.

Ya Allah!!! She screamed again.

Ok tanduk aku bersepai lagi sekali.

Ok ok. Jom potong kek ni. Selamat hari jadi Liyana~

Thanks to all who made the prank successful. Thanks to Danial and Husna for the great acting. Thanks to Jepah who still managed to come although he got fever. And thanks also for the rest who came to the small party and enjoyed it with us.


Kah kah kah....!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kau Ingat Senang Nak Amik Gambar Lompat-lompat?

One thing about blog advertisement is that, you can get a lot of benefits from it. One of them is contest! And I love participating in contest!

The most recent one is from Nuffnang which features Milo Fuze Energizing Your Day contest. You just need to submit a photo and determine the level of energy related to the picture. I join the contest by submitting one of my lompat-lompat photos because for your information, to take such pictures, it needs a lot of energy! One: because obviously the model in the picture needs to jump, and Two: because the photographer needs to take it many times to get the best shot; and that also means the model needs to repeat jumping and jumping until he's tired. Huhu~

So, for you guys, if you see the Nuffnang ad in the right panel shows the Milo Fuze ad, click it and join the competition. And as for now, do you mind leaving comments in my entry? Click here!

But... Milo? Boycott?

New Blog Layout

Get used to it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

...I will Still Get My Scroll

If I don't sit down with you in this circle,
I will still finish my degree.

If I don't get to know what's going on among you,
I will still get my scroll.

If I don't even know you,
I will still come to my convocation next October.

But what makes me come to you,
asking you politely how you feel today with a nicest smile in my face?

What makes me want to know your name,
while it won't directly affect my academic performance?

And what makes me make myself present in all meetings, lunches and dinners while the rest of them are busy with their own so-called final semester mood?

Because I concern...
because I care about you...

But do you concern?

do you even care?

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Recipe is to be Tried, not Read Only

Tajuk sahaja dalam bahasa Inggeris tapi aku mahu menulis resepi dalam bahasa Melayu.

Dalam entri ini, ada 3 bahagian.

Satu: Laporan percubaan seorang teman blogger yang mencuba membuat roti pintal yang awalnya tidak menjadi, dan kemudian jadi selepas percubaan kedua dan selepas hasil konsultasi bersama aku menerusi Yahoo Messenger.

Dua: Cara mudah untuk membuat kuah spaghetti.

Tiga: Cara susah untuk membuat kuah spaghetti.

Mari kita mulakan!

Satu: Roti Pintal Tak Jadi

Aku kagum dengan usaha seorang teman blogger yang gigih dan gagah untuk mencuba resepi Roti Pintal aku. Gigih kerana mencuba, dan gagah kerana berani melaporkan kepada aku. Sila lihat gambar di bawah:

Ada rupa macam roti pintal tak? Macam roti apa erk?

Di sinilah bermula apabila aku mengajarnya cara untuk membentuk roti tersebut supaya jadi seperti rupa sebenar roti pintal. Dalam entri sebelum ini, memang sengaja tidak aku ajar caranya, kerana tiada yang bertanya. Nanti aku jadi pensyarah pun (insha Allah), memang cara itu yang aku nak buat: aku tak ajar semua benda, tapi aku tunggu orang tanya.

Jadi kepada yang berkenaan, tahniah kerana mencuba. Lain kali, tolong poskan ke Kuantan ye. Guna pos laju. Last time masa ajar budak-budak ni pun, diorang bedal hari esoknya, lebih sedap katanya. Entah la...

Dua: Cara mudah untuk membuat kuah spaghetti.

Beli Prego, panaskan. Dah siap.

Tiga: Cara susah untuk membuat kuah spaghetti.

Beli barang-barang ni:
  1. Minyak masak/marjerin
  2. Kiub pati daging (sebijik sudey~)
  3. Daging kisar (600g)
  4. Bawang putih (5-6 ulas)
  5. Bawang Holland (yang besar tapi warna putih kekuningan tu, dalam 3 biji)
  6. Tomato puri (setin)
  7. Sos tomato (sebotol besar)
  8. Air (2 cawan)
  9. Hotdog (sesuka hati)
  10. Oregano, garam, gula (secukup rasa)

Cara memasak:
  1. Ko masukkan je bahan-bahan di atas mengikut susunan juga seperti di atas.
  2. Dah siap.

Tips memasak:
  1. Jangan lupa senyum. Kalau hangus pun, senyum.
  2. Kena ingatkan ke, setiap kali mulakan sesuatu dengan bismillah?
  3. Kalau nak adjust kepekatan kuah tu, pandai-pandai la seimbangkan jumlah air. Agak-agak dah terlebih air, ko larutkan tepung gandum dan campurkan ke dalam kuah tu sampai jadi pekat.
Kepada yang meminta resepi di atas, ini pula link ke resepi Fried Fettuccine. Aku nak rasa masakan kau! Ingat free-free je ke aku nak bagi resepi? Ngehehe~

Aku dah penat-penat taip nih, ada kau rasa nak mencuba buat? Paling kurang pun cuba la buat yang nombor 2, ok?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sometimes We Are not Meant to Live with Them

Coco: tadi mak aku ada citer something yg giler2 shock kat aku
Szakif: ape2!!
Coco: dia citer pasal jiran aku, dia buat DnC
Coco: a.k.a. abortion
Szakif: owh
Szakif: pe cer?
Coco: well, mak aku citer lah yg aku ni sebenar nyer
Coco: ada abang
Coco: tapi sbb dia ada problem
Coco: n doctor kata klu dia lahir
Coco: akan cacat
Coco: before that.....apa yg aku citer ni sbb nak luahkan rasa sedih n shock
Szakif: sila2
Coco: so, buat la DnC
Coco: ironicly, after 3 years, dapat lak aku
Szakif: hm... mungkin selepas mak ko dnc tu
Szakif: engkau la hasilnya
Coco: yup
Szakif: and it's great for them to have you in their life
Coco: saying something in paradox
Coco: klu abg aku masih hdp
Coco: dia akan umur sama ngan ko
Coco: aku mmg takleh byg
Szakif: syukur la
Coco: sbb aku sll berdoa either aku ada twin or a brother
Coco: tak tau lak sebenar nyer ada sorang
Szakif: hehe...
Szakif: owh sama la dengan aku
Szakif: pernah berangan2 ade kembar
Szakif: nape bru sekang mak ko citer?
Szakif: sebelum ni tak terbukak cerita pasal tu kah?
Coco: ntah
Coco: dia nak citer pasal xperience dia buat dulu
Coco: kat aku
Coco: sbb aku tanya apa tu DnC
Szakif: so
Szakif: apakah DnC stands for anyway?
Coco: Dilatation and curettage
Coco: dia mcm scrape wall of uterus
Coco: to check condition of the tube
Coco: n the baby
Coco: either before pregnant, during n after
Coco: common symptom is hemorhage
Coco: seriously, aku sll byg ada abg nak care aku bila aku bosan
Coco: or bila tgh sedih
Szakif: owh..
Coco: but then, actually i have one
Coco: but he didn't exist anymore
Szakif: but then again
Szakif: Allah lebih sayangkan dia
Szakif: Allah lebih mengetahui dik
Coco: yup
Coco: duhh.....mmg terkejut giler
Coco: aku? ada abang?
Coco: aku sll ingat aku la sulung dlm family
Coco: first production
Szakif: sulung yang hidup
Szakif: tapi bukan sulung yang dilahirkan mak ko
Coco: yup
Coco: very3 ironic
Coco: makes me feel something
Coco: some what life
Coco: apa opinion ko?
Szakif: sambung pasal dnc tadi?
Szakif: ke pasal ko berabang?
Coco: berabang
Szakif: aku rasa
Szakif: aku boleh bayangkan la
Szakif: macam rasanya bila tahu sebenarnya kita pernah berabang
Szakif: tapi tak sempat jumpa
Szakif: macam aku
Szakif: sebenarnye aku berpakcik
Szakif: yang katanya mukanya seiras macam aku
Szakif: tapi aku tak sempat jumpa dia
Szakif: pasal meninggal
Szakif: sakit
Szakif: there are people yang memang kita tak ditakdirkan untuk hidup bersama
Szakif: tapi kita mengimpikan nak spend time with them
Coco: yup!! that the cream of the story
Szakif: apa sebenarnya yang ko rasa bila tahu pasal ko berabang?
Szakif: sedih?
Szakif: bangga?
Coco: sedih
Coco: mcm part of me are missing
Coco: aku cuba byg muka dia
Coco: maybe dia lagi besar dari aku
Coco: leh backup aku
Coco: support aku bila aku need help
Coco: anyhow, aku syukur la at least aku jlnkan tangjwb as a big brother to my siblings
Szakif: bagus
Szakif: macam tu la baru betol2 Coco!
Coco: still, aku terkejut sgt2
Coco: aku rasa terkejut mcm nak demam pun ada
Coco: aku dpt mcm inspiration yg aku ni 2nd and there are someone above me
Coco: susah nak bgtau perasaan ni
Szakif: that news must be really shocking
Szakif: yang pergi biarlah pergi
Szakif: maybe pasni ko boleh sedekahkan doa dan alfatihah kepada arwah abang ko
Szakif: maybe ko tak jumpa dia kat sini
Szakif: kat akhirat nanti insha Allah
Coco: yup, dah jadi tanggungjwb aku skrg
Coco: fuhh.....aku ada abang........
Coco: can't imagine
Coco: hehehe
Szakif: rilek2
Coco: rasa sebak
Coco: n proud
Szakif: bila ko dah tahu fakta bahawa ko pernah ada abang ni
Szakif: ko rasa
Szakif: apa yang ko patut buat
Szakif: i mean
Szakif: as an adik la
Szakif: adik yang tak sempat berjumpa
Szakif: dan dia berada "di sana"
Coco: aku dah terpikir dah
Coco: aku kene replace him
Coco: and do my responsibility
Szakif: as a big bro for your siblings
Coco: yup
Szakif: same la point kite
Szakif: huhu~
Coco: apa je masalah adik beradik n family....i'm there
Szakif: betol
Szakif: selama ni
Szakif: how you treat your siblings?
Coco: aku admit
Coco: kind of serious
Coco: but still at the most love of my heart
Coco: sbb aku nak diaorg better than me
Coco: in terms of everything
Szakif: bagus
Szakif: sebenarnye itulah yang perlu diterapkan bagi setiap abang
Szakif: or kakak
Szakif: erm
Szakif: aku pernah menulis pasal ni kat blog aku
Szakif: *tak abes2 promote blog
Coco: (TAU TAKPE!!)
Szakif: pasalnya
Szakif: kekadang ko dengan aku ni cakap mende yang sama
Szakif: yang pernah aku terfikir
Szakif: dan yang pernah aku tertulis
Szakif: dan there you go
Szakif: kat blog ade jawapannya
Szakif: hehe
Szakif: tak sia2
Szakif: tulis blog
Coco: yup
Coco: k lah.....aku tak nak kaco lagi....cuma aku really2 honored ada older friend mcm ko
Coco: k....good nite
Szakif: salam

To whom it may concern, I just want you to know I was and still am touched with your last statement in the conversation (deleted). Am I not your big bro?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mak, Redhakan Zaki...


Helo... Mak. Dokumen-dokumen yang mak hantar semalam dah sampai dah. Tapi Zaki nak cakap sikit ni.

Nak cakap apa Ki? Cakap je...

Takde la... Camni. Ye la, borang tu kan untuk apply pinjaman untuk belajar di luar negara. Tapi sebelum Zaki isi, Zaki nak pastikan mak betul-betul tahu apa yang Zaki nak buat. Zaki tak nak suka-suka isi borang tu tapi mak tak tahu hal apa-apa, kang tahu-tahu je esok lusa Zaki dah nak terbang.

Borang yang ko nak isi tu, untuk apa sebenarnya?

Untuk lanjutkan pelajaran la. Master, kat luar negara. Tapi ye la kan, dulu pernah dapat tawaran buat perubatan kat Ukraine, mak dengan abah tak bagi. Tapi Zaki faham la masa tu mungkin mak dengan abah tak bersedia nak lepaskan Zaki dan mungkin tak tahu nak uruskan. Tapi sekarang ni, Zaki rasa Zaki nak melangkah setapak lagi dalam hidup Zaki.

Kalau sebelum ni, Zaki tak banyak terdedah kepada dunia luar. Tapi sejak pindah ke Kuantan ni, banyak perkara baru Zaki belajar dan banyak mematangkan Zaki. Jadi, sekarang ni, bila dah nak habis kat UIA, Zaki tengah merancang la nak buat apa selepas ni dan antara pilihan yang ada ialah belajar di luar negara. Borang dah ada, tapi belum isi lagi selagi Zaki tak cakap perkara ni dengan mak. Apa pandangan mak, mak bagi ke?

Kalau kau tanya mak, mak lebih suka kalau kau belajar dalam negara je. Ye la, anak-anak mak bukannya ramai. Kalau kau takde kat Malaysia, takut nanti mak rindu dengan kau.

Ha... pasal tu la Zaki nak cakap terus terang dengan mak. Pasalnya Zaki tak mahu la macam membelakangkan mak dengan abah bila masuk hal-hal macam ni sebab apa-apa hal pun, Zaki masih berada di bawah tanggungan mak dengan abah.

Erm... kalau belajar kat luar negara tu, berapa lama Ki?

2 tahun je.

Owh ingatkan lama.

Tak, 2 tahun tu pun maksimum. Tapi ini baru apply, belum tentu dapat. Tapi tu la, Zaki nak pastikan bila Zaki isi borang tu nanti, Zaki betul-betul mendapat keredhaan mak dengan abah...

Kalau macam tu, terpulang la. Mak serahkan kepada kau sebab kau bukannya kecil lagi dan mak tak boleh la nak kongkong kau selama-lamanya.

Jadi, Zaki isi borang tu nanti ye? Mak redhakan ye?

Insya Allah...

Related entry: Selamat Hari Ibu

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Post Grad: Which to Choose?

When you have no choice, you whine.
when you have a lot of choices, you also whine.

Pursuing Master: abroad?
my parents sound hard to accept that,
I can tell.

Pursuing Master: local?
might be a choice,
but might not be chosen.

Or maybe immediately jump into work field,
gain some money and think of making my life with a soul mate,
is that it?

On top of that,
decision has to be made,
one and I'll go for it,
for good or for bad,
many hearts have to be satisfied,
and that includes mine,
O Allah, please guide me...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bolog: Be Careful

Since I opened the Bolog blog, I have to be really careful with my spoken words. Huhu...

There are always people around me who always care with what I'm saying. Thanks for posting it in the blog. Haha!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Go Online Unexpectedly

What to do when you have nothing to do in the bus while you have 3 hour away in it?

Go online and post an entry in your blog!

What you need to have are laptop and USB modem and you're happy to go online as long as the battery is still loaded.

Owh first thing first, you need a seat with a table in front like where I am now when I'm posting this entry. I am now in Sani Express bus for a travel back to Kuantan from Kuala Lumpur that takes about 3 hours and I can't sleep. Huhu... It's great that I choose this seat. It has a table in front of the seat that allows you to put your things, like in my case, my laptop.

People in the same bus? Ah never mind, they are happy in their dream.

Friday, January 16, 2009

10++ Things To Do Before Leaving IIUM Kuantan Campus

  1. Initiating the establishment of Biomedical Science Society in IIUM. (done)
  2. Organizing an Explorace-like programme. (in progress)
  3. Giving presents to lecturers in Biomedical Science department.
  4. Cooking pizza.
  5. Azan kat musolla.
  6. Going to the water tank above the hill next to KOS in the midnight.
  7. Being the Quran reciter in an event.
To be continued...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Car and Palestine

I was driving a car with 3 friends accompanied, heading to Teluk Cempedak.

At a junction, a car in front of me stopped suddenly. The signal lamp turned on, indicating it wanted to go to the right lane although he could actually do that without stopping . Consequently, he rest of the cars at the back, including me had to stop and wait until it managed to do that.

That triggered me:

"Pakcik, kalau nak masuk kanan tak payah berhenti. Jalan je... Sambil-sambil jalan tu, bagi la signal ke kanan. Boleh je masuk ke kanan nanti. Ini tak, dia berhenti. Tak pasal-pasal kereta kat belakang pun kena berhenti gak"

The question is, could the driver inside the car in front hear what I said?


But the passengers in my car could.

Related entry: IIUM Kuantan Mega Assembly - Post Assembly

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Anonymity is a Blessing

If you notice, I allow anonymous comments to be posted in my comment rooms and I put no word verification to ease the sending of comments and feedback for myself and most importantly for my readers. True, I was attacked by spam few times but that's still under control. Well, what's with this blog other than just a blog?

However, that doesn't mean readers and commentators could do anything they want; posting threat, unethical comments, fraud etc. Please people, internet is just like our real life: we have to be ethical, disciplined, well-mannered and you can name other adjectives that tell you have to be nice even if it comes to writing in the internet.

Like few cases that happened recently, I myself have been attacked with few threats in one of my entries (not to be specified) that he/she sent curse and slander, but alhamdulillah, after dealing with the attacker nicely, he/she stopped the immoral comments. Like the case in this blog, the commentator(s) sent shoutouts that basically tried to give advise, but unfortunately in the wrong way (see the image above). One thing is that, he/she was anonymous (although he/she named himself/herself with few names); and two is that, what sent were completely unethical.

Do you think by doing so would bring any good?
Come on, face the life and be real.

For those who have been attacked with such things in the internet, first thing first; do not be panic. Relax. That's just another challenge in your life. Second, do not fight back but deal with it calmly. You may choose to be silent and you may also choose to reply what he/she said about you but never challenge him/her with anything like saying "who do you think you are to say that?" or worse. What you need to do as a first step of dealing with this thing, is to guide him/her towards solution, not towards other problem. If he/she does has personal problems with you, tell him/her to solve them behind the scene, not to let the public to know your problems. Email is the best way to solve such online problem; the commentator can still hide him/herself behind anonymity and you can exchange emails in order to discuss and solve the problem.

Yes, anonymity is a blessing in the internet but use it wisely.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Have you ever heard the word "bologs"?

When I was active in Angklung Club last time in Gombak, we have this special white board to record all bologs mentioned by the members of the club. It was nothing but to create some fun although the fact is there's someone being laughed at. But hey, when you have a kind of bond with close friends, you wouldn't mind being laughed at right? Through fun, strong friendship bond could be gained isn't it? I personally admit that the bologs thing did bring some value to my relationship with the club members.

Now, in Kuantan, I make friend with his friends whom I found have quite some similarities with friends in Gombak, they easily slip when talking. Everytime, we they slipped, we remember and we repeat it again and again and also we laugh again and again. Haha!

Therefore, not to forget the bologs, I create a new blog (duh~ not another one?) entitled Kau Silap Cakap, Kami Tulis with the url So far there are 3 authors for the blog, you wanna join? Send me your email address so that you'll be able to post your friends' bologs. But this one thing I'd like to remind: do not humiliate people by mentioning their names. Diam-diam sudey~. Hehe...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

STBB Versi Kereta


My friends and I went to a mall. I couldn't help myself but to take a nap in the car while they do their shopping. I parked my car outside the mall, considering it's easier rather to climb to the mall just to park and got to pay for it.

Suddenly, when I woke up I saw a notice. I was clueless, didn't know when it took the place.

I got summoned!

Argh. Ok, my bad I didn't pay for the car park. Fortunately, the summon only cost RM5. Then I went to pay it at the parking counter.

Makcik, tadi saya dalam kereta la. Tido sekejap. Ngantuk sangat. Bukan kalau ada orang dalam kereta, tak payah bayar parking?

Parking tu untuk kereta, bukan untuk orang tido. Apa ingat hotel ke apa?


I went to help a friend of my junior who involved in an accident. I took her from the location back to campus. In the car, she sat at the back trying to calm herself, alone. Suddenly she broke the silence. She told us how the accident happened until that she concluded:

Kalau tak kerana seat belt, tak tahu apa akan jadi dengan aku.

Dah tu, ko kat belakang tu ko pakai seat belt tak?

Erk, tak.

Friday, January 09, 2009

IIUM Kuantan Mega Assembly - Post Assembly

Allahu akbar!
Allhua akbar!
Allahu akbar!

Jahanam jahanam!
Jahanam Israel!

The campus was shaken by the shouts from the people who deeply hate the intrusion and aggression by the Jews laknatullah.

I'm waiting for an update from a mate who'll be writing for the regarding the assembly.


She wrote her comment:

In my opinion, walau sebanyak mana pun kita kutuk Israel, kita maki diorg, kita buat demo byk2, Israel tak peduli pun sbrnye.
Instead, makin ramai yg terbunuh dan makin byk peluru n bom yg Israel lemparkan.

Pada akak, drpd kita menjerit2 marah Israel apa sumer tu, kita patut buat solat hajat tiap2 hari, doakan kesejahteraan rakyat Palestin, doakan yg laknat utk Israel, derma utk tabung Palestin.
Mmg la demo sumer ni nak menunjukkan kita marah dgn Israel n US tp ntah la.
Rasanya diorg tak peduli pun.
Lagi buat statement bodoh ada la.

Bygkan the latest, Israel kumpul 110 org dlm 1 rumah, konon utk protect, in the end, diorg serang rumah tu sampai 30 org mati.

Apa effect demo kita? Apa effect kutukan kita? None.

I replied:

sebenarnye saya juga berpendapat macam akak jugak. sekuat mana lah suara kita untuk didengar oleh israel, sedangkan PBB yang konon2 badan pengaman dunia pun israel buat dekk je, apatah lagi cuma beberapa ribu orang membuat demonstrasi..


saya lebih melihat tujuan demonstrasi ini sebagai medium untuk menyedarkan orang-orang yang masih alpa dengan nasib saudara kita kat palestin sana. saya pun sebenarnye tak nampak sebesar mana effect demonstrasi yang dibuat kepada israel secara terus tetapi saya nampak effect nye terhadap orang-orang yang hadir, dan juga to a broader range, orang2 yang menonton demonstrasi tu secara langsung mahupun di dada-dada akhbar dan kaca-kaca televisyen. mereka lebih terpukul untuk terus membenci apa yang telah dilakukan oleh rejim zionis dan bersimpati dengan nasib warga palestin yang ditindas. oleh itu, dengan semangat yang ditunjukkan dalam perkumpulan itu, kita boleh buat something for the sake of people here, jika tidak suara kita didengar oleh israel mahupun amerika pun.

apabila sudah terpukul, tu yang semangat terus membara dengan menghulurkan bantuan dalam bentuk derma dan doa tu.

Disclaimer: This is not discrediting, but discussing.

What do you think?
Does demonstration bring any effects?

IIUM Kuantan Mega Assembly

Will be updated.

For now, let's go!

Allahu akbar!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Now that She's Gone

Not that gone, but this gone...

You've finally achieved what you've been dreaming of all these while. I would say it was a mistake for putting yourself in science field while actually your right brain works more than the left one. I know you are indescribably happy with the change and I also know in the happiness, sorrow comes along.

Don't let the sorrow kills the happiness because your future is determined now and there in Gombak. Your wish has become true and Allah granted you your wish and thus never forget Him, never stop praising Him. Keep on praying because your future is ahead of you and I back you with Ameen...

I didn't know what caused us to be that close that you would share few things with me. But I appreciate your openness to share those things. Am I not your beloved brother? :)

Note: Kema was previously a biomedical science student in IIUM Kuantan Campus and has recently successfully changed to BENL course in IIUM Gombak. It started with a post in her blog entitled Eternal Change of Life that people questioned what actually she tried to mean and few subsequent posts after that didn't really tell the rest of the iceberg. Now, everything has been revealed and we wish Kema all the best with her new life.

We shall be missing Princess Molly after this!


Height: 179cm. Pass!
Weight: 85.4kg. Ergh?!
BMI: 26.7!!! (optimum: 18.5 to 25)


I am overweight.

Take my food when you see I'm eating. I won't mind. You eat it on behalf of me.

He was right. He also was right. And I think he tried to convince me: Ala... tulang ko tu je yang berat~

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Ayam Masak Hijau

Aku hutang resepi ni kat Akak Printing KOM. Inilah resepi kemenangan kumpulan aku masa program ARC Biggest Day last time dan akak tu pulak dapat nombor 2.

Ayam Goreng
  1. Peram ayam bersama bahan-bahan peram: kunyit, hirisan bawang putih, bawang merah, dan garam.
  2. Biarkan selama 30 minit.
  3. Goreng ayam sehingga masak bersama dengan bahan-bahan peram.
  4. Asingkan ayam yang telah digoreng dan bahan-bahan peram.

Kuah Hijau
  1. Kisar hingga lumat bawang merah, bawang putih, lengkuas, halia, cili hijau besar dan cili api hijau. Kalau nak pedas super-duper, tambah la cili api hijau berkati-kati. Kalau nak pedas light-light, lebihkan cili hijau besar. Sebarang bentuk cili yang berwarna merah adalah diharamkan daripada resepi ini. Kalau tak namanya bukan lagi Masak Hijau.
  2. Tumis sehingga bau naik dan masukkan santan.
  3. Masukkan daun limau purut.
  4. Masukkan gula dan garam secukup rasa.

Cara hidangan
  1. Tuang kuah hijau ke atas ayam.
  2. Tabur bahan-bahan peram yang telah digoreng ke atas ayam berkuah itu.

Cara makan
  1. Baca basmalah dan doa makan.
  2. Makan dengan comel dan bergaya.
  3. Kalau tak nak gemok, jangan makan dengan nasi. Ratah macam tu je sudey~
Macam biasa la, resepi aku mana ada bagi jumlah sukatan yang spesifik. Aku pun main campak-campak je kot~ Huhu~

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Pondan: Masyarakat Perlu Memotivasi Mereka, Bukan Menjatuhkan Motivasi Mereka.

Kau ni pernah rasa nak berubah tak?

Berubah yang macam mana?

Ye la... Jadi macam lelaki semula... Takde la macam sekarang. Rambut panjang, straightened pulak tu. Kulit halus macam perempuan. Suka jantan. Things like that.

Kau ingat aku nak ke semua ni? Masalahnya, apa sahaja yang aku buat, semuanya tak kena pada mata masyarakat. Aku dulu tak macam ni, aku lembut biasa je. Orang kutuk-kutuk aku, kata aku sotong la, pondan la, macam-macam la! Paling teruk masa aku kat sekolah menengah. Sekarang aku jadi macam ni pun, pasal diorang la.

Jadi, sekarang ni, orang dah tak kata macam tu lagi ke?

Ada jugak, malah mungkin lebih teruk. Aku sedar bila aku keluar, mesti orang berbisik-bisik kat belakang aku.

A'ah. Tadi 2 kali naik lif, sengaja aku berdiri jauh di belakang kau. Nak tengok apa reaksi orang bila orang macam kau masuk lif. Diorang berbisik-bisik sesama diorang. Aku terdengar jugak la ada yang kata, tu laki ke perempuan tu? Kau tak rasa ke hidup yang kaupilih ni membebankan?

Memang! Memang membebankan! Tapi apa lagi yang boleh aku buat, Zaki? Aku tak jadi macam ni, orang kata. Aku jadi macam ni, lagi la orang kata. Tapi bezanya bila aku dah macam ni, ada je yang puji suka dengan aku la, aku cantik la, macam-macam la!

Jadi kau rasa bangga? Tak ke kaurasa apa yang kaulalui sekarang ujian daripada Allah?

Memang Zaki, aku sedar tu, tapi apa yang aku boleh buat? Naluri aku suka aku jadi macam ni. Naluri aku naluri perempuan, tapi aku terperangkap dalam badan lelaki.

Sudah tu, kau nak ubah badan lelaki tu, jadi macam perempuan? Berjayakah? Dengan menggunakan pil hormon, luruskan rambut, pakai baju ketat-ketat, tak ke kau rasa semua ini membazir? Sebab semua ni bukan menolong kau jadi lebih baik, malah memesongkan kau lagi!

Entah la, Zaki. Aku lebih suka macam ni. Ini yang aku selesa.

Jadi, kau tak nak berubah langsung?

Aku rasa, aku tak boleh berubah.

Tak boleh, atau tak nak?

Erm... Tak nak.

Kau kena sedar, setiap manusia diuji dengan berbagai-bagai cabaran dalam hidup. Mungkin dalam hidup kau, inilah cabaran yang paling getir. Malangnya, kau tewas dan kau memilih untuk jadi macam ni yang pada aku tidak membawa apa-apa faedah melainkan membawa masalah baru pula.

Jadi apa yang perlu aku buat? Kau nak aku terus jadi lelaki? Ubah perasaan suka perempuan macam tu sahaja? Tolong la, aku dah cuba tapi aku tak pernah berjaya.

Kau boleh berubah, kau kena yakin, kau kena kuat. Semuanya kena datang daripada diri kau sendiri. Kau tak perlu berubah secara mendadak. Ubah sikit-sikit. Bab perasaan tu, aku tahu memang bukan senang. Pasal tu aku kata ubah sikit-sikit. Apa kata mulakan dengan rambut tu dulu?

Erm... Tengok la macam mana. Aku takut je, nanti bila aku dah berubah, apa pula orang lain fikir? Boleh ke diorang terima perubahan aku? Boleh ke diorang terima aku?

Kau tak perlu kisah apa yang orang fikir. Yang penting kau kena tahu apa yang kau buat ialah, aku nak berubah. Sampai bila-bila pun, kita takkan boleh ubah apa yang orang fikirkan. Tapi kita boleh ubah fikiran kita. Kita boleh ubah perasaan kita. Cuma mentally kita kena kuat je. Biarlah apa orang nak kata, yang penting kita tahu; bila kita nak berubah, kita berhijrah ke arah kebaikan.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

You Have to Fight When You're Not Healthy

Jangan layan sangat. Makin teruk sakit tu kang.
Psychology kena kuat, baru badan kau kuat beb!

Although I was not 100%-ly healthy yesterday, I didn't think much about it. Tidying up the room, sending a mate to the terminal, going out to Teluk Cempedak with this guy and this cute girl with her roomate, and then teaching the girls how to prepare roti pintal; those what I did yesterday. Not only that, at the night, I went out for dinner and met this guy and this guy with almost the same name there and we had a nice chat about everything, including about gadis Kedah. Huhu~

All in all, when you're slightly sick, don't think too much of it. You have body immune system cells that are activated when you're sick and let them do their work and for the rest of your body, especially your brain, keep it working like nothing happens.

Do not, once you feel like you're sick, you think it's time to go to bed and die. Unless the sickness is unbearable, then it's time to consult a doctor. And never feel shy to ask for favor from your friends, because that's what friends are there.

About the picture: Read the stories and more pictures in their blogs: Intan's blog, Nad's blog and Sulha's blog (new!).

Jom Pi Youth'09!


This guy asked me will I go to the event. So far, I don't see any barrier to go.

So, who wanna join me put your hands up! Click the image to know the interesting yet beneficial activities in the event and to get your pass now. It's FREE!

Simple Tips to Make the Picture in Your Blog Looks Better

Did you notice most of the pictures in the previous entries are edited?

Like the above picture, the left mate spoils the picture, so cropping is essential and I adjust the color so that it looks better. Could you spot other difference?

Again, cropping plays a role in making this picture looks better besides adjusting the color. I try to make the color of the trunk looks more prominent and to make the picture looks like I climb a tall tree.

Don't worry. You don't need highly competent skill in using designing software like Photoshop. You just need a software called Microsoft Office Picture Manager which comes together when you install Microsoft Office software (i.e. Microsoft Word, Powerpoint etc). You open the file and edit the brightness and color of your picture. Cropping would be best to choose the wanted parts of the picture that you admire most and thus get rid of the unwanted parts.

Try one now!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

It's Weekend Again, but Where to Go Next?

Any idea, people?

Information for Biomedical Science mates in IIUM, click the link below. It's important.
Penubuhan Kelab Sains Bioperubatan UIAM

Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year in Gua Charas and Pasir Kubur

At Gua Charas, about 30 minutes from Kuantan. For more info about the cave, visit here.

It was my first experience walking through such as a huge cave, seeing the stalactites and stalagmites is just another prove how great the Creator is.

Izzuddin, an experienced friend in recreational activities explained to us some features in the cave. No tour guide was with us thus everything was under our own supervision and risk.

The light that penetrates the cave makes the scenery so beautiful.

I can say Gua Charas is a well-managed recreational place and would recommend people to go here. Inside the cave is a Sleeping Buddha. Gua Charas is actually a place where a temple is situated and you will find a lot of statues.

What's so typical that you could see in this picture?

At Pasir Kubur. It's located about 1 hour from Kuantan.

We didn't see the signboard to the location of Pasir Kubur but from our experience, we managed to find it. Actually we've been there previously but from other route.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Chemerong - Malaysia's Highest Waterfall

That's the highest waterfall in Malaysia. Read here for more info.

Lompat-lompat pose has infected my friends. Hehe... Before this, I was the only who love to do such thing.

Taking picture in front the signboard is a must when you visit any places.

Visiting Pantai Tanjung Jara of Terengganu.

Today is another day of holiday. Where shall we go?

Vodafone E172 USB Modem

Now I'm doing a business selling USB Modem as I am the dealer for Kuantan area.

I've given out the handbills and posters around IIUM Kuantan Campus. One most popular question asked is: how much need to pay monthly?

To answer that question, it's simple. It's like you're first time using the mobile phone. You buy the mobile phone and the simcard. I only sell the mobile phone, not the simcard. You need to go to, for example, Celcom Center (next to Kamdar in Kuantan city) for registration and getting the simcard. For IIUM Kuantan Campus, I recommend people to use Celcom Broadband with package RM68/month which is most suitable for university students.

Next, I recommend people to buy the latest version of Vodafone USB Modem which is E172 (read review) with the price RM490 only. Yesterday I went to Celcom Center and they sell it for RM599! That's a huge price difference!

Other models that are available are as follow:

Vodafone E270 – RM405
Vodafone E272 – RM425
Vodafone K3520 – RM450
Option Icon 225 – RM430
Huawei E220 – RM400
Huawei E160 – RM410
O2 MC930D – RM470

Those who are interested may contact me to the number 013-9991703 or 012-3106189.
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