SMS text sent to Jepah, Danial and a roomate of hers, Husna.
"Oi, aku nak komplot dengan korang ni. Birthday Liyana esok. Petang esok free tak? Ingat nak prank dia. Haha!"
And they replied positively.
Satu tanduk tumbuh.
Chatting through this blog with the victim, asking whether she's interested to join playing badminton together. She also positively replied.
Dua tanduk sudah tumbuh.
Called the court owner, checking for the availability of the court. He answered it's not available. Booked already. The plan was that we wanted to prank at the badminton court. But... cancelled!
Salah satu tanduk terbantut pertumbuhannya.
Think think think... We prank her somewhere else!
Sent another SMS to them.
Tak dapat court. So kita prank dia kat Taman Tasik Bandar la. Pukul 6 k!
3 tanduk sudah tumbuh. Yang terbantut tadi dah kembali normal.
Tik tok tik tok... 6 o'clock. Kembara with 3 predators, 1 victim was on it's way to the "badminton court".
I enthusiastically told them: Jom gi court! Semangat nak main nih! Jepah tunggu kat sana (walhal orang tu tengah terbongkang atas katil, demam pas mendaki gunung Irau).
On the way, right before reaching the main entrance I got a call.
Troooot... trooooot.... Hello. Yup Jepah.
Hah! Apehal? Bukan aku dah tempah dengan pakcik tu pukul 6 ke? Apsal ada orang main pulak?
Hek eleh... biar betol pakcik ni. Takpe... aku call dia confirmkan balik. Nanti papehal aku call balik.
(Actually I spoke to nobody. It was planted. Danial, who was sitting next to me in the car made the call)
Then, I acted like I call the badminton court owner. Again, I spoke to nobody through the phone.
Hello pakcik. Saya yang tempah court pukul 6 hari ni. Macam mana boleh ada orang main pulak padahal saya dah tempah?
La... mana boleh macam tu? Pakcik kata pukul 6 kosong?
Dah tu, kenapa tak bagitahu awal-awal court dah ada orang tempah sebulan dulu? Penat tau, dah semangat nak main tiba-tiba cancel macam tu je. Patutnya bagitahu la saya!
So, memang tak boleh main la ni?
Takpe la. Nak buat macam mana. Lain kali jangan buat macam ni pakcik...
Ok la. Bye.
Kali ni, tanduk tumbuh mencanak-canak.
So, korang. Tak dapat la kita nak main badminton~ Hah! Ada kerak roti tuh. Jom bagi ikan kat Taman Tasik Bandar makan, nak?
Kah kah kah... Aku dalam hati gelak bagai nak rak.
At the lake, we went straightly to the jetty. See around, no fish! Duh... the plan was to make the victim became pre-occupied feeding the fish while Danial and I ran to get the cake inside the Kembara.
Tanduk aku tumpul.
Suddenly... ploooop ploooop...
Tanduk aku kembali tajam. Ikan yang asah.
Jom bagi ikan makan. Ada pun ikan. Ingatkan hari Khamis ni, diorang puasa. STBB! :P
After few minutes,
Eh, aku tertinggal aku nya henset kat kereta la. Jab aku gi amik ok? Danial, jom teman aku. Korang bagi la ikan-ikan tu makan.
Tanduk aku tak terkira banyaknya.
We took the cake, some snack and drinks, quietly walking behind her. Yes! She was pre-occupied feeding the fish.
I shouted: Liyana!
She turned back.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I showed her the cake box, intending not to reveal what's inside.
Ya Allah!!! She screamed.
Tanduk aku bersepai dengan takbir itu.
She was speechless.
Jom kita cari tempat untuk potong kek, jom!
Along the way, she was like trying to solve the puzzle and to accept that she got pranked!
Tanduk aku tumbuh balik. Sebatang.
Ok, mari aku bukakan kotak kek ni ye.
Liyana, sila baca apa atas kek tu.
Kah kah kah... Tanduk aku tumbuh mencanak-canak lagi.
Ya Allah!!! She screamed again.
Ok tanduk aku bersepai lagi sekali.
Ok ok. Jom potong kek ni. Selamat hari jadi Liyana~
Thanks to all who made the prank successful. Thanks to Danial and Husna for the great acting. Thanks to Jepah who still managed to come although he got fever. And thanks also for the rest who came to the small party and enjoyed it with us.
Kah kah kah....!!!