When you have no choice, you whine.
when you have a lot of choices, you also whine.
Pursuing Master: abroad?
my parents sound hard to accept that,
I can tell.
Pursuing Master: local?
might be a choice,
but might not be chosen.
Or maybe immediately jump into work field,
gain some money and think of making my life with a soul mate,
is that it?
On top of that,
decision has to be made,
one and I'll go for it,
for good or for bad,
many hearts have to be satisfied,
and that includes mine,
O Allah, please guide me...
whatever you gonna choose in the end, don't you ever, ever regret it soon in your life,k ;)
the choice is in our hand...
tapi Dia telah tentukan jalan hidup kita...
as for me, it'll be pursuing master abroad...
and I'll try my best to convince them to allow me go abroad...
lagipun sambung belajar/bekerja ada kebaikannya yang tersendiri untuk diri kita bagi tempoh jangka panjang...
whatever your choice is...
all the best... (^_^)
my pray will always be with you...
wat solat istikharah..
moga ditetapkan hati n dibukakan jalan..
tp d last choice tu mcm menarik..hehe..
~mesti bila sy dah final year nti jd mcm ni jugak kan.dunno wat to do next..=(
Akak mcm dah baca gerak hati kau tuuu...
kalau ambik kputusan & dah berdepan dgn kerja..tentu lpas tu terpikir pasal kahwin pulakkk..huhukk
kahwin la zaki.haha.
ok.kidding. :)
anyway, whatever that you pick later on, may Allah helps you in any way to success :)
zaki... jauh termenung bang.... =p
doa la byk2 ye zaki... semoga dikurniakan pasangan hidup yg solehah...
membuat la sembahyang istikharah..
insyaAllah Allah will guide u..
Kalau niat mahu menuntut ilmu semata-mata, teruskanlah pelajaran. Sekiranya sebaliknya, lebih baik bekerja dahulu.
Sekadar cadangan...
pepatah mengatakan;
"carilah ilmu sehingga ke negara China"
tak salah sambung dulu then u can work. kalo work first, mesti nak kawin. bile dah kawin, agak sukar utk sambung blajo. melainkan nawaitu nak sambung time tuh sgt kuat.
ape2 pun, semoga apa yg telah diputuskan kita jalankan amanah yg diberi dgn ikhlas.
Maybe should try to look at what exactly is your priority in life la bro..and after that, it is wise to proceed as what suggested by Kirana...all the best :-)
In the end kau pilih apa ni?
salam saudara blogger,
itu dilemma student final year, wether to further study or jadi career person ...secara realiti hidup sbg student kita dalam comfort zone, bila setapak melangkah dengan status graduate kat situ baru nampak segala kanan kiri terjahan untuk masa depan...dan bagi saya doa padaNya yang penting...pengalaman saya sebagai graduan, i never set my mind on what to do next ...(i'm too slamber) alhamdulillah rezeki saya disambar satu company.Ada juga yang rakan plan nak study, akhirnya kerja and vice versa ...my advice only one:cheer the last moment in uni ...if not u will regret ...
sorry mambling in ur comment ..as one of the senior i wish good luck and all the best...
master abroad?
master local?
straight away working?
all the 3 choices have it's own pros and cons...
but definitely i'll vote to pursue master... hehhehe
tu la... before decision is made, kena betol2 fikirkan pro and cons nya..
setiap benda ada pro and cons, tapi bersediakah kita untuk semua itu?
aku rasa daripada sekarang ko kena buktikan ko boleh pursue master abroad pasal, satu: ko anak perempuan sulong dalam keluarga, dua: based on perkongsian2 cerita sebelum ni, aku rasa ko akan hadapi masa yang sukar untuk convince parents ko kalao ko tak bertindak apa yang sepatutnya seawal sekarang.
last choice tu memang menarik! malah, paling menarik! kalaulah yang menarik semudah menarik benang dari dalam tepung. hehe...
sila bersedia daripada sekarang. tetapkan hala tuju seawal2nya k!
sebok la akak! :P
*gurau jek...
amin... :)
amin... teman hidup yang solehah katanya. baik! mantop!
wah~ ape wink2 tu.. huhu... aku tahu yang ko maksudkan :P
ape2 pun... amin... TQ!
anuar manshor...
niat di hati, mahu teruskan belajar. belom rasa mahu bekerja lagi. tapi sampai bila kan?
dilemma :)
nsehat yang berguna.. insha Allah akan diikut.. :)
baik la.. nasehat yang berguna.. terharu :((
dark angel..
maseh ada masa. belom buat pilihan lagi, tapi sudah menuju ke arah yang pertama... :)
doakan kejayaan aku!
thalia damia....
baik la! nasehat drpd senior kepada junior, biasanya memang masuk akal dan paling penting praktikal.
for now, that's what i'm looking forward to. hehe... tapi jalannya tak semudah yang dirancang. :)
zaki,come to australia. spesifically Melbourne!
i know nothing bout pursuing masters in ur course,but defintely,since it is an university city,i am sure u will find the right place for you.
but,if u want too feel the pre-heaven,this is it. Melbourne such a great place. U will not get tired of this city.yep,im talking by my experience living here for almost 6 months.
tak rugi if u sneak sikit ttg sini kan?
don't make me crave for it! argh~
yup2. i might consider to find a place suited to my course and field there. heard a lot about it, but yet to consider many things. thanks for the sharing :)
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