Kak, saya nak order Nasi Goreng Kampung Pedas-Gila-Babi.
Kak, mee goreng Zuzanna extra pedas satu!
Nasi lemak telur goreng, sambal lebih ye?
Argh... Spicy foods are so my choice. Eating meals without spiciness incorporated is like taking bath without water. They'll taste nothing.
But ya, being moderate is always the best. But levels of moderation vary between people right? You sure don't want to know my level.
Read this entry for the benefits of eating spicy meals.
But there are some side effects after eating spicy meals:
- I tend to sweat a lot, which describes the load of laundry in my room
- I tend to get mouth ulcer at least once a month, which explains my sudden silence
- I tend to be more handsome than previously, which I don't expect to occur
Lastly, don't do this to your grandmother, please. A big NO comes right after you watch this video:
Update: After few discussions, Jepah forwarded to me 2 websites related to appendix and appendicitis. Read the comment room for the discussion.
yeah!!!!!betul2....apalah erti hidup tanpa pepper,cili,lada, :D
Nasi goreng kampung... Mmmm... Sedapnya...
sbgai bakal diettitian, aku tidak galakkan ko mkan bende yg terlalu pedas.... tidak elok untuk kesihatan...
"Eating meals without spiciness incorporated is like taking bath without water."
u really meant so? ^^
ko amik clinical eh?
gadis tipikal...
mari tubuhkan persatuan itu!
kak arshana..
alamak.. patutnya akak jangan bace entry ni. saya rase bersalah plak jadinye~
yey! akhirnya aku menulis something yang ko boleh cakap panjang2.. leh tak describe lebih lagi pah pasal effect makan pedas2, from the perspektif of dietitian-to-be?
using that line in bahasa malaysia has another meaning, that is one has fall in love with the subject. in this case, for me, spicy meals. hehe...
hey. i read long time ago saying that Thai girls and women have solid body because they eat spicy foods. in fact, i've known many thai kulliyyah-mates, to name few, alawiyah, kak rohana kareng and najwa, and they are among those in criterion.
do you agree, wabi?
to be more detail, i take clinical and pharmaceutical research concentration. :D
oh mcm tu...
"solid body"?
ye,and kak latifah.
rindu kat those kakak-kakak!!
zaki mkn nasi goreng?
*bkn zaki diet ker;D
oy...kalau tak jadi dietitian pun kena tau ah effect die. Hish!
yang pedas2 ni kan sume stimulant. Sbb tu blood circulation smooth.
MAcam kita kat tempat panas ni kan, makan pedas2 suhu badan naik aite? Tapi kita rasa sejuk sebab badan kita produce sweat.
PArt zaki rasa if takde pedas2, rasa nothing pada food. Once again, die kan stimulant, thus die stimulate ah appetite tuh (sebab saliva + gastric juice di stimulate kan). Dan gak die stimulate rasa 'terbangun' itu dan deria rasa lebih merasa (haha)..ah kamu suka makan pedas kamu faham ah.
Yang jadi ulcer tu, sebab rasa cam burning sensation aite dalam mulut bila makan pedas2, sebab burnt tu jadi kat membrane dalam mulut(palate) and lips. Depa takleh tolerate each other.
If tanya doctors neh, they will suggest u not to eat spicy food (sbb u salu dapat ulcer!)
Orang yang salu gastric pun etc2 etc2 malas nak state dah
lagi satu spice tu akan caused insulin respond in blood jadi slow, thus kalori tak jadi fat. (weih jep betul tak neh?)
also it cud beat cancer. yang ni tatau ah mechanism die camne. Beat Ca yang da ada or avoid Ca. Tatau ah.
But, lada hitam boleh relief kan demam, migraine, mabuk jalan2, masalah digestion etc2.
Capsicum lak, tak pedas mana kan? if muscle cramp bagus ah, ulcers pun die leh ubat. Hua3. Tapi tatau ah camne mechanism die. Bab nutrition die tanya jep ah :P
satu je bad yanga as tau pasal pedas2 neh, jangan makan biji2 yang dalam cili tuh, lelama nanti die stucked kat appendic jadi appendicitis.
orang salu cakap if sakit perut tu sebab makan makanan pedas kan? Tp setahu as spice ni die jd antibiotics dalam GIT kita. Bantu gak to prevent diarrhea sume. Heh?
berjela. itu jelah yang as tau. kalau salah sila ah betulkan.
me too, rindu with those akak2.. they've been very nice to me and my friends before this. i still remember najwa and alawiyah cooked us tomyam, and of course it was sooooo spicy! but sedap! hehe~
oit. aku sekang cuma makan nasi bila betol2 teringin je a~ dah tak mcm dulu da~ sekang sekat2 je. heh. tu pun aku rase macam dah tak terkawal da. nasi memang macam dadah! :p
thanks for sharing. sebenarnye tengah tunggu jepah taip berjela camtu.. ye la~ sah2 dia mengaku dia bakal dietitian kan~ nak gak tahu apa kata dia. hu~
Hammmmm~~ Tak suka PEdasssss!!!Walau anak orang JAWA:D
Kesian tengok nenek dlm video tu..
Tak mo lah myakat keterlaluan...huhukk
kak ila~
owh akak tak suke pedas2 yek? patut la anak2 akak pun same gak. haritu g makan sama2, rasenya sos tu tak pedas, tapi syamil punya reaksi macam pedas btol~! hu...
pasal video tu, mula2 saya tengok, saye gelak gak tengok reaksi nenek tu. siap terbawa2 masa dah nak tido lagi. tibe2 tergelak sorang2 teringat video tu. tapi fikir balik, itu nenek kot. jangan la buat camtu. kang tak pasal2 kena panggil ambulans~ hu~
ouh...ptutla spare tyr ko mkin comel ek....
owh..perut akak tak tahan pedas. Sensitif mcm tuan punyer badan kot...ahax.
tu la pasal.. aku tengah risau ni. huhu~
ok. sekang da strict balik dengan diet. hek~
kak izyan...
sorang lagi tak tahan pedas~ huhu... ikut orang la kan? :D
kalo makan nasi lemak tu, akak makan ke tak sambalnye?
erk..sorry ah
sebab rasanya tak semestinya dietitian je kena tau bab makan. Each of us kena take care aite :D
*sebenarnye itulah yang sebenarnye cuba di'initiate'kan dalam entry ni :D
as da tlg jawab tu... aku kan x suke menaip berjela2... hahahaha...
mmg yg pedas2 ni bleh sbbkan gastrik... bukan stakat gastrik perut... gastrik angin pun bleh gak... gastrik angin lg la... bleh sbbkan sesak nafas, rase sakit dibhagian2 tertentu bile tarik nafas dlm2... hmmm... ape lg erk? aku tgh mamai lg ni... hahahaha...
sal appendix yg as ckp tu, btol gak... sbb aku da xde appendix lg... hahahaha...
spoil la ko~ :P
ok. ini menarik. ko dah buang appendix ko ke? ape cer? kongsi la weh~
tahu tak sampai sekarang scientist still haven't discovered why appendix must be there along our digestive system? Allah created things for some reasons right? so maybe it's time for us to do something about this? biomedical studies and dietetic studies could be proceeded in that one particular part of the digestive system to figure things out. who's with me? hehe~
aku pun x sure la sal appendix ni... aku pun still cari2 info sal appendix ni... aku da cut appendix aku mase form 1 lg... appendix aku membengkak... hehehe...
that's basically what appendicitis is all about! once bengkak, go for surgery, remove it and you'll be enjoying as much as cili seeds as you want. huhu~ that's because, due to the anatomy of that particular part of the digestive system, it allows such small indigestible particles to be trapped and thus later would cause patological chronology to proceed.
still remember anything during the surgery, pah? let's share for the sake of exchanging experience and knowledge :)
during surgery??? aku kan kene bius penuh... mane tau ape2... hahahaha... nnti kalu ade mase, aku cite dlm blog aku eh...
owh ye ke macam tu citenye.. okeh. aku menunggu cite ko dalam blog ko k? :)
and thanks for the websites you forwarded to me. i've read them both. very interesting!
to know the function of the appendix from the perspective of bible, read here
to ponder whether to cut or not to cut our appendix willingly, or perhaps should i say arbitrarily, read here
credits to jepah!
bleh plak makin handsome kalo mkn pedas ek
oh ya, klau takut spare tyr membesar dn mebesar...serta part laen juga membesar!!!!!!...
amalkan minum green tea...
well, as long as u gigit sampai lumat biji cili tu, then u can eat wuteva spicy food u want. hehe
n ya, i recommend oso green tea. remember green tea yg u blanja dulu? mmg sakit perut terus lepas tu. it lasts for few days. tak caye tanye kema. hehe
a'ah.. aku pun tak sedar.. huhu~
okies. green tea memang bagus ok~ baek!
la~ ye ke~ kalo bagus awatnye saket perut~ banyak sangat makan kot.. hu~
but i wonder of we can actually gigit2 biji cili sampai lumat? leh ke? perlukan tenaga yang lebih i believe~ tapi biasenya aku akan asingkan biji cili, kalo2 aku ade mase dan kerajinan nak buat. hu~
akak suka makan manis supaya menten sweet:)
kak fazila...
a'ah kan. betol jugak. nak makan yang pedas2 dan manis2 ah pasni. leh jadik hensem lagi manis kate orang. heh~
*abes la diet aku~ :P
sejak aku dok jauh dari family...
start aku ada kat PJ sampai le kat Kuantan...
kalau makan nasi mesti lauk ayam masak merah...
kalau tak, aku rela tak makan nasi...
kadang2 pelik gak sebab parents aku orang penang...
dan aku pulak ada kegilaan terhadap makanan pedas yang sangat tinggi... :D
yey! sama la kita. aku paling suka dengan mak aku nye ayam masak merah. serius the best in the world. *ok. ingat nak describe lebih lagi tapi aku dah terliuq~
Tuan tak nak komen. semua seperti yang kita bincangkan 234 hari yang lalu...
zaki, sakit perut sebab green tea tu cerna makanan dalam perut cpt sgt. ehehe... i'll think twice whenever i want to buy green tea next time. huhu..
boleh la gigit sampai lumat. me always do that but not always la since i don't eat much of spicy food. nabi kan pesan suruh makan n kunyah 40 kali. kalau tak lumat gak, ltk je la tepi. hehe
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