

Argh... I'm so blur who to choose because to me all my readers are highly valued, be they write blog or not.
Ok let's define "gila" so that it'll be clear who and why I choose these bloggers and give them this award.
- Gila in the sense that she could bear the pain she's suffering from, from the day she was diagnosed until the day of post-surgery i.e. now and yet she's still positive and strong. Read her journey through the suffering in her blog. It's really inspiring for healthy people like us who usually take advantage of our health. Gila ah ko As!
- Gila in the sense she would and could entertain my craziness in this blog of mine, and also in her own blog. Not only that, she must be crazy spending the break at home and home only that she writes her daily activities in her blog to fill in the hours, intending not let boredom to surround her. Gila ah ko Liyana!
- Gila in the sense that she is admitting something BIG is going to happen in her life but she's yet to choose or not to choose to go for it. All these are written in her blog. Let's wait what's that going to be and let's pray the best for her future. Gila ah ko Kema!
- Gila in the sense that he has been really committed with the community blog (IIUMBloggers.com), as well as his own blog that is very informative and not to mention very attractive. Gila ah ko Adlan! No, this is not because I got present from him recently. Huhu~
Those whom I didn't choose, don't be angry with me, but with them. Huhu~
somehow i always think that Im crazy..
really crazy..
and..u can read my mind eh? OMG!
and ur description above abt me + to put me on the first line for the GILA reward..
(how tu put this eh..speechless..ok sambung bawah)
im..cam nak sebak..ur words, touching as always..coz actually I cannot endure the pain..without u guys..sebab senanya tak ter-endure pun..lakonan best :)
ngah3..ok I think Im crazy..for being sooo feminine tonite...euwww..
"gila ah ko As!"
wakaka..as tanda ah statement neh sampai mati..cite kat cucu....wahaha..
ok..journey for other sicknesses berjela lagi..but my blog does not devoted for that..kena tapis banyak..and banyak menung before sharing in blog ;)
I do hope it did benefit human lifes..inshaAllah..
p/s: As bet susah nak pilih neh! Heh!
thanks..for being so supportive all this while (yek..feminine giler ayat..)
blah lu, nak gi muntah :D
aku terharu...
sebagai orang ke-2 yang terima award ni lepas As...
adakah aku sorang je yang 'Gila in the sense she would and could entertain my craziness in this blog of mine, and also in her own blog'???
papepun thanks ya...
really appreaciate it... :D
syukur and truly grateful that i'm not among the 'gila's.. hehe
dah habes muntah lom? :P
same2.. :D
see, gado2 pun dapat hadiah ape~ hu~
time for you to write!
a'ah.. pasal tu la ko tak terpilih. otak ko kat center. aku dah tengok da. huahua~ kitorang ni lain la~ :P
ye tengah taip lah ni...
tunggu sebentar...
nanti aku post la...
gado2 manja kan... :D
kalau tak dapat hadiah pun takpe...
liyana tak kisah...
thanks again...
lantaklah orang nak kata apa pun...
glad to be 1 of the 'gila2'... :D
ala..kalau otak tak center, kalian semua terkejut plak... huhu
okayyy~~~ ini bermakna otak aku ni mmg one screw lose la ek?? adeh! hmmm..pape pownn...aku terharu gak~~ *sebak*
you should have to! sekang ni ramai nak mengaku gila, pasal dah tak tahan dok rumah, kot. huahua~
tak. kami tak dan takkan terkejut kerana kami sendiri mengalami dan menyaksikan sendiri kedudukan otak tu. huhu~
ko ni perli aku ye...
nyesal pulak letak entry Quarntine tu...
la~ ko baru tahu ke?
*adek afiq tu banyak letak LOL kan dalam blog dia?
rase pedas tak apabila diperli? aku rase macam oren la... :P
haiyo2.. dapat plak award ni.. thank you thank you..
pasni pasti aku plak jadi gila.. tak tau nak pas kat sape plak..
hahahah! btol2~~~ LOL~~~
btw. aku ltk link adek dier okayy~~ aku ltk link dulu baru mintak izin dr afiq. LOL~~~~~~~
hello there saki~
saje singgah. tanya khabar.
hope everything is doing great for you.
same2.. aku mase nak pilih penerima award ni pun terkulat2 kowt~ huhu...
kema azeman...
aku rase kalu tak kerana dia tulis entry terbaru dia, aku takkan tahu kot pasal adek adia pun ade blog.
as i said, adek dia lagi hot ok~ ahahahha!!!
*matila mengumpat afiq~
muahaha~ saki~ macam name orang jepun!
hey, long time no see and hear. thanks for the wish and i wish you so :D
tak rasa pedas...
rasa macam Ribena kot~
owh, tak sangka ko sampai terkulat2 masa nak bagi award ni... :D
it must be a tough decision aite???
of course la terkulat2. nak bagi award ni, yang dapat insha Allah suka yang tak dapat teraa plak kang. seolah2 meletakkan taraf pembaca-pembaca kepada darjah2 tertentu.
heh. ayat skema lak. baru pas komen kat IIUMBloggers.com. :P
sorry la...
aku tak pernah terfikir sampai macam tu...
kalau difikirkan balik memang betul kata2 ko tu...
maybe ada yang akan tertanya2 nape dorang tak dapat...
p/s: sejak ko kasi aku award ni, feedjit bagitau aku ramai orang view blog aku datang dari szakif.blogspot.com :P
tahniah! tu la pentingnya untuk sentiasa link dan memberikan credit kepada blogger2 yang ada kaitan dengan post2 kita.
apa kata kalo ko pulangkan balik award tu kat aku plak. nanti blog aku ramai gak masuk. huahua~ matila buruk siku~
keep on blogging!
eh zaki bukan memang buruk siku keh?
p/s: baru habis muntah
la~ ingatkan tak tahu~ huahua~
awat muntah? side effect ubat??
aku memang sentiasa link kepada seseorang yang berkenaan bila orang tu ada kaitan dengan entry aku...
bagus gak idea ko tu...
sebab aku memang tak cukup sorang je lagi penerima award...
I will keep on blogging bro... :D
cepat pulangkan!!!
aku dah pulangkan semula award tu...
silalah amik kat blog aku tu... :P
aku memang gila sebab melayan kegilaan ko...
eheh. takmo la terima award tu. dah de da.
oy, kat komen atas nung kan zaki tanya da siap muntah belum..
hisy..tulah banyak sgat komen2 die :P
eheh~ yek? :P
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