Let’s talk about unity and university student, I mean IIUM student.
I wrote about how proud I am, being an IIUM student in this entry. Then there were few people who disagreed with my stand. It’s fine. Let them be, and please let me be also. We are human with different thoughts and stands. I respect what ever people say as long as it’s with reasonable and rational basis.
What ever it is, I expect that you, I mean you, yes you who are reading this entry has a lot of knowledge about the internet, or at least you can use it to check emails, to surf the no-boundaries internet world by clicking here and there and I know you know what I’m talking about.
I expect that you, I mean you, yes you who are reading this entry love to build relationship with people around the world. That’s why you have Friendster account, Facebook account and what ever sites that’s mainly built as a medium for people to be connected.
I expect that you, I mean you, yes you who are reading this entry have read at least one blog written by an IIUM student, not considering the blogger reveals him/herself as an IIUM student or not. Here is one that you are reading just right now. Those who for some reasons would not like to reveal themselves but they love to write, that’s fine. That’s entirely up to you.
I expect that you, I mean you, yes you who are reading this entry have your own blog, or have a friend who writes a blog, or you yourself have an intention to start blogging but it’s either you don’t know how, or you don’t know what to write. It’s ok. It’s easier than you think. Be it written in English, be it written in Bahasa Malaysia, or mixed, or what ever language you might think of, never mind as long as it’s a blog.
And lastly but surely not the least, I expect that more and more students from IIUM will be assigning blogging as their interest and hobby day by day. I’ve seen it growing and it’s still growing now. Don’t you see the commonness?
But now, what do you expect from what I expect?
Still don’t see it? Ok, let me be clearer, the best I could.
Ever heard of the word unity? People who unite are stronger than a person who lives in his/her isolated life.
Ever heard of freedom of writing? Yes, it’s free for you to write anything but must be within a legal and lawful (in term of shari’ah especially) atmosphere.
Now, I am suggesting for we to unite under the name of bloggers among IIUM students. That means, any IIUM student who writes blog will be eligible to join the union, or club, or society, or whatever you name it, for we can unite under one name and register under one official blog. And seeing myself under the name of SCIENCESS Exco member who writes a blog, I think I'd like to start with SCIENCESS members first. “SCIENCESS members” refers to all students from Kulliyyah of Science and I have read quite a number of blogs by KOS students and many others a hiding theirs. I instinctively knew it.
So here I want to suggest to all bloggers among KOS students, for now, to unite under one roof. The main objective is for unity sake and the members will get a lot of benefits like provided with:
- Lifelong information about the kulliyyah and the university
- All-time religious, moral and ethical reminders
- News from the graduated students
- Unpopular but important news and events that’s secretly propagated among people
- Most importantly we’ll stay connected, wherever we are. Well, you know the distance isn’t the excuse not be bonded nowadays.
But this is still open for discussion. I want to know what you think about:
- Is it really necessary on the first hand?
- The name of the group.
- Other useful things that could be injected and implemented in the group if you join it.
- Should it be open to other students from other than KOS? Or should we focus only to KOS students so that it’ll be more narrowed down and thus focused.
- Who’ll run the blog?
- Other discussions that might be out of my head.
Let’s discuss people.
I just copy and translate what I replied to Alif Zai Mim Ra’s comment for this update. This might be a repetition but there are some new updates. More discussions are in the comment room.
The group that we are going to establish is basically based on these 3 foundations; that the members must be:
- IIUM students (current or graduated)
- Writing blog(s)
- Willing to share and contribute to the community of the group and written in one special blog
Furthermore, I’d rather like it to be formatted as multiple writers’ blog. All of the members of the group are eligible to write and share what ever news related to the university and thus to be shared with the members of the community.
For example: There’s news about students from IIUM winning an international level award and the member of the community knows about it just right before it’s spread in the mass media, so the blog will be the first to feature about the news and thus share it with the community, and to a greater extent to the world!
So you say?
Would you join the group if it's established?
are those bubbles?
are those bubbles?
eem like bubbles...tibe2 teringat
Salahuddin bin Ayubi saying that:
"Apabila umat Islam bersatu, mereka kuat dan musuh tidak berani melakukan kezaliman, tetapi apabila umat Islam berpecah belah, mereka ibarat BUIH YANG BANYAK, tetapi lemah"
Tapi pics nih macam dlm hujan jugak..hmm...
ni mesti pic amek dalam kereta, time hujan lebat di waktu malam. kan kan?
those are note bubbles la.. thanks for trying to guess anyway :D
twice plak tu.. huhu..
Kak izyan...
again.. bukan bubbles.. huhu..
and nice quote too! may we gain something from what Salahudin Al-Ayyubi has said... *jeling kat Anuar
Kak moon...
anda sangat betol! TAHNIAH!
Hehe.. cantek kan gambar tu~ tak sengaja terambil, pastu tengok.. WAH!
ok nice discussion there
salam perjuangan...
Is it really necessary in the first hand?
yes, it is.
The name of the group
no idea yet
Other useful things that could be injected and implemented in the group if you join it
info about tips from the seniors, scholarships, events around iium, etc
Should it be open to other students from other than KOS?
let me in... :(
Or should we focus only to KOS students so that it’ll be more narrowed down and thus focused
reasonable also
Who’ll run the blog?
a group of people as a committees
Other discussions that might be out of my head.
no comments
hmm..gud idea bro..u had a discussion on dis dgn sumwan kan??i 4got who..i read of dis idea b4..it'll b a gud idea..but needs further discussion tho..
yang atas tuh mase blom update la.. aku letak gambar je.. hu~
so it's a good discussion about the pic la. i take that as complement. hu~
we'll see what the people say.. then we'll decide eh..
huh? i didnt discuss about this with anyone la previously, but i did put comments in some people's blog that i want to do a project.. and here it is what i meant...
tadi aku pi la ke semua blog yang berkaitan untuk spread the info pasal cadangan aku ni, then aku terjumpe rupenye kat blog pojan dia ade mention name aku pastu nak buat gagasan blogger UIA. aku rase itu la yang ko maksudkan kot? FYI, aku tak tahu menahu pun pasal cadangan pojan tu. dia tak cakap dengan aku directly pun. nak kena pojan ni.. hu~
haaa...pi la berdiscuss dgn pojan ye. Korg run la blog tu same2....kami jd penyokong =) *clap*clap*clap*
Wani sokong! Gambate
Did someone mention 'bubbles'? =3
1) Is it really necessary on the first hand?
It's not really necessary, because you've got something already running here, though it's not official. You're just trying to make it official and expand the circle, which is good.
2) The name of the group
IIUM League of Bloggers, IIUM Blog Co., KOS Bloggers Co.
3) Other useful things that could be injected and implemented in the group if you join it.
I think you just about mentioned everything.
4) Should it be open to other students from other than KOS?
Preferably only from KOS, but in Bad's case, why not? If they can put something on the table, then they're in. The 'bloghood' should be limited to IIUM students and ex-students.
5) Or should we focus only to KOS students so that it’ll be more narrowed down and thus focused
On the whole, it would be for IIUM students and ex-students, but most of the bloggers would be KOS students, then Kuantan students, and maybe a few Gombak students.
6) Who’ll run the blog?
Wait, what blog? Weren't you just proposing some sort of society/club? You're not talking about a blog with multiple contributors, right?
ni nak buat satu blog ke macam mane? huhu..haven't got the clear pic yet.
Bubble said:
"6) Who’ll run the blog?
Wait, what blog? Weren't you just proposing some sort of society/club? You're not talking about a blog with multiple contributors, right?"
Good point. Is it just a society or a blog with multiple writers?
kak izyan..
baek.. tapi nk bincang dengan pojan ni plak satu hal. dia tengah sebok dengan master dia tuh~ hu~
POJAN!!! menjelmalah!
harap wani jugak boleh share apa2 yang terlintas di fikiran wani untuk memantapkan projek ni. amacam?
for the rest i'll reply later eh.. got to go work. ciow!
*nak menjawab persoalan zul bubble kena buat satu2, tu yang kena buat kemudian tu. hu~
em, aa la zaki. ni blog united na wat blog with multiple members? like this blog (http://biotechnologist-to-be.blogspot.com/) or juz one author mcm ni (http://sciencess-iium.blogspot.com/) ?
kalau blog with sorg author, akak cadangkan zaki la yg handle blog itu. kalo c pojan na contribute jugak, die jadi pembantu aje la. hehe.
btw, kalo narrow down to KOS student aje ok gak. scope nya lebih kecil. tp kalau UIA pun ok gak. aih, pening plak.
Take your time. We can go all out tonight ^_^ I'm particularly interested as I'm planning on starting my blog pretty soon (perhaps tonight, Insha Allah).
Just wanted to draw attention to this thing:
All Malaysian Bloggers Project (AMBP)
wow This is a great idea really. Hopefully something could be done there InsyaAllah...
Did someone mention 'bubbles'? =3
did you see anything that similar to you? Hu~
2) The name of the group
IIUM League of Bloggers, IIUM Blog Co., KOS Bloggers Co.
so guys, what do you think about bubbles' suggestion?
Preferably only from KOS, but in Bad's case, why not? If they can put something on the table, then they're in. The 'bloghood' should be limited to IIUM students and ex-students.
thanks, but what others think?
On the whole, it would be for IIUM students and ex-students, but most of the bloggers would be KOS students, then Kuantan students, and maybe a few Gombak students.
hm.. something may not be right if we do that..
Wait, what blog? Weren't you just proposing some sort of society/club? You're not talking about a blog with multiple contributors, right?
i wrote this in the entry: That means, any IIUM student who writes blog will be eligible to join the union, or club, or society, or whatever you name it, for we can unite under one name and register under one official blog.
did you miss that part? hu~ :p
but whether the blog will be a blog with multiple contributors or not, that's still not decided yet. i need more suggestions and idea.
master j...
it's both. it's a club/society/union that has it's own blog where all the members will be registered under. may be the word "register" sounds too official, but you know what i mean..
should we call it like "geng IIUM bloggers" or something like that, not to make it sounds too official-like-registered-under-ROS?
kak moon..
that's the same reaction i got last time, and that's why i need people's opinion since it'll involve a lot of people (insha Allah) when we open it.
there are definitely pros and cons about whether to ope it to KOS students only, or to all IIUM students.
what does concern me is that, if we open it to all IIUM students, shouldn't it be recognized or registered or what ever terms that tell that the authority of university should know about this so-called club/society/group etc?
zul bubble..
thanks for the info.
can't wait to see your blog bro!
would you join if the idea is initiated? what are things that you may contribute to the community?
Sebenarnya, dah penah tengok bloggers dari Universiti lain buat macam ni. They dsign a blog, they establish a gtoup of committees and they did several activities. I've come to their blog once but I forgot the URL. Forgive me.
And if this mega project established. I want to suggest that we can create and sell T-shirt to get the income. huhu.
slm..uwaahh..sy udah ketinggalan banyak nih.. well, i agree with u on having a 'gagasan UIAM blogger'. bunyik cm best. :D nak join lah.. agree with nuar..we can sell t-shirt to get income. :D cume, bile kate gagasan UIAM blogger nih, bunyik nya gah gitu..umpama satu society UIAM. i dunno.. tetibe teringat kt blog sciencess lak..kte nk wat cmtu ke?
one suggestion, klu nk wat gak, kte kne wat blog yg leh ltk gmbr byk2 cm flickr. then IIUM ppl blh cntribute gmbr2 lawa diorang kt blog tu. klu ade yg nk cntribute karya cm sajak, cerpen ke, leh hntr kt blog tu gak. cam zul wat 'arena puisi'. haish..tetibe teringat kt yearbook lak..mcne nih ek? huhu
ha.. that's basically what i'm thinking of la.. tapi kan, i would suggest if we could find a legal channel kalo nak gunakan name UIA. maybe SRC (menjeling kepada fakru) boleh panjangkan?
panggilan kepada fakru!!
kalo SRC cam tak berminat, kita buat ah gagasan sendiri tapi jangan gunakan nama UIA secara terus, tetapi kita menggunakan nama sebagai pelajar UIA untuk menubuhkan gagasan itu.
jual t-shirt? boleh dipertimbangkan. tapi terlalu awal untuk membincangkan hal itu sebab gagasan itu sendiri blom wujud.
wah! i sound like this is a damn official thing, kan?
since aku yang develop blog sciencess tu, aku tahu ape yang perlu dijawab. hehe..
yang blog sciencess tu, adalah hak sciencess. penulisnya dilantik dalam kalangan ahli sciencess untuk menulis aktiviti2 yang dilakukan oleh sciencess.
sangat berbeza dengan apa yang aku cadangkan for this so-called gagasan.
yang gagasan ni, macam kita bina satu group yang mana ahli2nya adalah:
1- student UIAM
2- menulis blog
3- mahu menyumbang kepada komuniti dalam group tersebut dan dipaksikan kepada sebuah blog khas
dan aku cenderung untuk mengatakan bahawa blog yang akan diwujudkan nanti akan diformatkan kpd "multiple writers". ahli2 yang bernaung di bawah group tersebut ade kelayakan untuk menulis dan menyumbang sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan UIAM untuk dikongsikan bersama ahli-ahli komuniti tersebut, yang dipaksikan dalam blog tersbut.
contoh: ade berita pasal kemenangan pelajar KOS dalam pertandingan Debat Antarabangsa. jika ada ahli komuniti tersebut yang tahu pasal news itu, boleh la menulis dan dimuatkan ke dalam satu entry. this refers to the first benefit that i list in the entry: Lifelong information about the kulliyyah and the university.
things like that la..
em, baru nmpk clear pic blog ni mcmana. and yeah, it sounds quite official. tp mabe tadela official sgt kut once da establish nanti. ikut rentak para penulisnya la. bagus jugak kalo member UIA ni bleh spread recent info psl apa yg berlaku kat UIA. sebab akak2 yg da grad ni of course la da lack info psl wat's happening inside UIA. at least dpt gak info2 dr adik2. cewah. mcm tua sgt la plak. pas tu senior2 yg da grad plak, bleh la spread info psl any job vacancy ke, or their current job ke, so adik2 yg bakal grad bleh gak planning2 from now before na grad nanti. sebab kdg2 yg kita blaja kat univ tu ta sama ngan apa yg kite practik in real life. and kadang2 ade adik2 mabe na tau how to apply this and that job, and bermacam2 lagila ttg dunia pekerjaan. pas tu sape2 yg na sambung blaja tu, bleh la share tips ke, tanye pendapat ke, tell their own experience ke, tentang course ape yg na disambung, which one is more marketable. blehla share2. aa, gitu la citenye. eh, tetiba plak panjang lebar.
i'm a new blogger n i'm not really active in blogging..but i'd like to explore more about blogging.
am i eligible 4 ur suggested 'KOS bloggers group'?
aku dah lama sebenarnya terfikir tentang ni..
n aku ada workout kejap
but then
aku stop..(atas sbb2 tertentu)
suddenly ko plak nak buat..
kalau ikut perancangan n kajian aku
aku nak buat macam
blog itu nanti akan ada link ke
semua blog2 yg berdaftar
ahli blog@gagasan itu mesti memparmerkan logo@apa2yg patut di blog masing2
melambangkan mrk adalah ahli
di blog itu nanti, entri yg akan dipamerkan adalah latest upd8 dr ahli (yg ni aku igt nk jd kan ianya auto mcm feeders tp taktau mcm mana) ada aku jumpa one singaporean yg buat tp dia very registered punya la..lupa da pe site dia..
patu boleh buat entri pilihan setiap bulan ke, anugerah blog terbaik ke, etc etc
ada bnyk lg..
but for now aku rasa itu jela kot
kak moon..
those are basically it! thanks for explaining more about what i see from the blog and community group that i am planning to establish.
you got the points there..
kos student...
as long as you fulfill the three listed conditions mentioned in the 10 June update, there's no problem for you to join.. you are most welcome! :D
and keep on exploring the blogging world. you'll never have it enough i could say.. hu~
bagus! itu lah yang kite hendak. thanks for the suggestion. semua itu adalah yang bermain di fikiran aku tapi tak terluahkan semua pasal aku just nak point out yang penting2 dulu.. details kita boleh selaraskan kemudian..
cadangan yang bagus!
segan la plak nk join....
nak sebok.
badrul nak join.
jennyto nak join gak.
eventho kalo die xdpt sumbangkan pape, die nak gk.
badrul, jom la kite wat ex-IIUM united..kah2..ramai je tau!! tapi tak rami yg blogging..hehe..
aih sgt suka ngan matematismuda punye idea2 tuh. suka!
anyway smoge maju aa korg2!!
go KOS go!!
saye menonton dari jauh!
doakan saye maju gk :p
ini bkn lg comment kt blog szakif dh..ini dh jd forum perdana dh!!
Pasal cadangan Nabil yang ni:
"di blog itu nanti, entri yg akan dipamerkan adalah latest upd8 dr ahli (yg ni aku igt nk jd kan ianya auto mcm feeders tp taktau mcm mana)..."
Rasanya macam tak praktikal, sebab setiap hari mesti ada lebih dari satu entry. Nanti bila member dah ramai, blog tu jadi besar sangat pulak. Blog yang dicadangkan ni rasanya lagi elok buat untuk events KOS/hal2 lain macam yang Kak Moon cakap. Sekali-sekala je update, kalau ada benda menarik.
Kalau fikirkan balik, benda ni boleh jadi macam forum jugak. Cuma kita buat blog, sebab semua orang suka blog, ye tak? ^_^ Pasal hal ni pulak, entry kena banyak perkataan & taruk gambar sikit2lah, sebab kalau tak, tak ke serupa je blog tu nanti dengan forum biasa?
Jangan jeles, Jaz. Heheheheh =b
So, you're going to organize both a club and a blog rite? I don't know yet how necessary it is, until i can see then big differences either being part or not being part of it: What we (as IIUM bloggers) can gain from the club/blog. However, i support your effort n be part of it.
My opinion:
1. Having a discussion forum for IIUM bloggers also is quite good. 2. Better to open it for all IIUM bloggers, and make it official.
3. A moderator might be needed for a blog/forum with multiple contributors/writers.
4. And make sure all bloggers under this unity are following a bloggers "code of posting"
Panas...mmg aku pernah point out nak CADANGKAN mende nih semua....
OK zaki, finally aku sudah bersuara...melengkapkan komen ko yang ke 47 ko??/
Ok...idea asal ni ilah mewujudkan satu official blog untuk saper2 yang pernah belajar dan sdah meninggal kan UIA walaupun untuk satu hari.
Blog ini ialah blog yang berorganisasi
bley jadi banyak contributor
ini alah blog ALUMNI
saper yang bermnat, bley add YM! aku nick : POJANBIOTECH, jadi bley berdiskuz
so far wat maser nih aku sedang bertungkus lumus menga adapkan diri dengan suasana USM. nanti bila aku dah dapat online 24 jam, lagi mudah untuk berbincang....
aku juga sangat happy dengan semngt zaki, master j dan zulhilmi...nuax dammit dan matematismuda....dan semua orang yang dah komen... korang mmg dah ada basic idea....
mungkin kita bley organize jalan2 (ini bila dah semua blogger dah establish)
AMPUN, gua sedang BZ sekarang...
ape plak nak segannye join group ni.. join je la.. meriah2kan suasana sambil mengeratkan dan membina ukhuwah..
pada aku, tak kesah la kalo nak buka membership kepada yang bukan lagi pelajar UIA pasal as long as you got something to share about things related to UIA dan perkara2 lain yang berkaitan, boleh je...
alang2 ko da de huubngan dengan most of us kan~ join je la...
ape nak buat. kita takde ruang forum yang khas to discuss about this matter. hu~
zul bubble...
did i say i agree with nabil? maybe aku terlepas part tu, or maybe jugak aku tidak mentafsirkan ape yang dia maksudkan sebagaimana tafsiran ko.
but the thing is, ape yang bermain di fikiran aku ialah blog yang akan dibina menjadi medium untuk satu berita (for example) to be written by an author or member of the blog dan orang2 (note: bukan setakat ahli sahaja) boleh komen atau mengutarakan soalan.
dan sila ambil perhatian, setahu aku setiap kali seorang ahli ingin menulis entry, ia akan dinamakan atas nama penulis itu sendiri. maksudnya setiap penulis entry bertanggungjawab atas tulisan mereka.
tapi this one maseh di peringkat kajian..
you got points there!!!
1. Having a discussion forum for IIUM bloggers also is quite good.
if anyone knows how to build a forum, fine then. tapi kalo kite bukak blog, lebih mesra pembaca pasal sume orang boleh bace dan beri komen, jika mahu. bukan ke kalo forum ni kena register segala pastu baru boleh beri komen? correct me if i'm wrong.
2. Better to open it for all IIUM bloggers, and make it official.
ticked. to be discussed further. we'll see what majority says..
3. A moderator might be needed for a blog/forum with multiple contributors/writers.
of course there'll be head of the union.. name pun "group", mesti ade yang perlu mainkan peranan sebagai penyelia.
4. And make sure all bloggers under this unity are following a bloggers "code of posting"
good point there. ticked!
more suggestions people. jai got few already..
aku tengah geram dengan ko ni.. hu~
baikla.. nanti bile ko da tak busy, make sure aku adalah org pertama yang buzz kat YM k?
good luck!
tiba2 aku nampak muka ko cam Christiano Ronaldo.....
kalo wat forum pun best gak. mmg forum kene register. tp bleh je kite set forum to supaya guest bleh bg comment. ta ya register. itu repulang pd moderator forum itu. em, best gak kite wat forum. bleh wat ala2
pulek~ pandai la ko nak bodek aku kan~
tapi memang pun muka aku macam christiano ronaldo. itu fakta.
kak moon..
sape2 reti buat forum angkat tangan! huhu~
tapi saye secara personal lebih suka kalo ia dalam format blog, bukan forum.
other, say you?
Haaa, buat dua2lah =D
Blog untuk entry2/artikel2.
Forum untuk discussion/soalan.
Idea sangat bagus, cuma kena efektif dan komited sebab memasing ade blog gak. A great idea which is not impossible :)
CUma, pening sket. Memula state unite all IIUm bloggers, then to all KOS students. Hmm..sebenarnya mana satu ye..? Hehe, patik kurang ngerti :D
Maybe leh bukak portal yang ade forum discussion sume. Moga bermanfaat,inshaAllah. keep it up.
aku uruskan blog, ko uruskan forum. amacam? ade berani? huhu~
this entry is all about perbincangan. memang mula2 nak bukak untuk sume student cum blogger IIUM, tapi ingat nak start for dak2 KOS je. tapi since ade yang luar KOS yang nak gak join, boleh je kalo kite open to all IIUM student.
as nak join tak kalo blog ni dibuka kepada semua?
zaki, naper xwat forum group jer? baru leh discuss2. kalo wat blog, xramai yg leh post entry can. lg satu, aper tujuan iiumbloggers ni sebenarnya?
aziz, utk soalan ko tuh, telah dibincangkan di atas. harap ko boleh jumpe jawapannye kat atas :D
yang pasti, blog iiumbloggers.com tu diformatkan dalam multiwriter. kalau ko nak menulis boleh jugak. boleh share pape yang menarik dan yang berkaitan :D
Good job! A good effort to unite all the UIAM bloggers.
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