After 2 months trapped in Selangor, finally I'll be going to Kuantan!
I was asked to come to IIUM Kuantan Campus to be the committee for the 2nd International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology (iCAST) 2008 which is held on 13th - 15th June 2008, organized by Kulliyyah of Science (KOS).
Apart from that, the discussion about the establishment of IIUM Students cum Bloggers Community is still on. I want to suggest that name. It's a community only, not a club, or society or what ever terms that might make it sounds official and legally registered. In other way to explain it is that, it is an official community of bloggers among IIUM students with a mutually agreed name.
But i think the name "United Bloggers Community of IIUM Students" might sound better. Isn't it? Then it'll be shortened to UBCIS. Or should it be "United Bloggers Community of Students of IIUM" which will be UBCSI. You don't see the pattern? You-be-CSI. I know many of us love CSI series. Haha...
Other and further discussions are available in this entry. Meanwhile, this blog and this blog could be the references for the suggested blog which will be built for the community. Figure out the format. They are multiple writers blogs.
The to-be-established community blog differs from a forum in the sense that only registered yet responsible members are allowed to post entries while no registration is needed to read and to give comments on them.
Meanwhile, to differentiate the community blog with personal blog is that only entries containing news and facts related to the university (read: IIUM), careers and jobmarkets, and the like are allowed to be posted and personal opinions must be minimized.
What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions?
Any abbreviations for the name of the community maybe?
Which host to use? or or others?
What's domain name for the blog you'd like to propose?
Zaki, memang fokus only for blogging je ye. Tamau consider buat portal which where we, all IIUM bloggers could share opinions and discussions such as in a forum etc. And apart of that we still have an open access blog for anyone.
But that thing looks quite tough for early starting. Mula dengan blogging pun would also be great for us to share the good things, inshaAllah.
Wallhu'alam, may He gives us the best. Ameen.
that's the thing. aku personally tak tahu canme nak establish a forum website from which kite bleh jadikan portal perbincangan. apa yg aku reti ialah membina blog. so i guess we start wit blogging dulu ah..
kalo sape2 ade ilmu dalam membina forum, angkat tangan! huhu~
the i dea of community blog was fine...
nama tu biarlah bunyi wild and happening sket....
Chikaroo (bersempena nama abang kat celup tu) ker....
idea tuk letak cerita ttng uni, bla bla ok, tapi cara penyampaina tu biorlah slumber......
chikaro sekadar menyebut nama tah haper haper tah :o
erm.. i'd prefer if it's more official (although it's not an offical blog anyway) than just giving a name that has no connection or relation with the members as a whole pojan. although chikeroo may sound interesting, but erm.. no.
Hmmm.. Salam
Tag dah dijawab! lain kali tak yah la tag cikgu, tag budak sambest lain!
cikgu tak der idea nak tag orang lain :(
erm, setuju2x...
UBSCI 2 cam cun gak!
kalau boleh wat logo yg semua ahli boleh letak kat blog masing2
cikgu amir...
wah! terima kaseh eh sebab jawab tag saye. saje je nak perkembangkan tag tu pasal tak ramai dak2 sambest yang saye kenal yang ade blog. nak tag member2 UIA plak, ramai yang da kena tag gak ngan orang lain. so takmo redundant ah..
maaf jika mengganggu cikgu :D
mane ade UBSCI. yang ade same ade UBCSI or UBCIS je~
pasal logo tu, memang wajib buat ah. pasal nak memastikan keahliaan nye kan. maybe kite bleh minta tolong anwarkan buatkan kan.. (jeling kat anwar)
haha, okay gak, buat je mana mampu dulu, lain2 kita kembangkan kemudian. IIUMbloggers would be nice, souns official and well-recognised. Aite?
IIUMBloggers la best. Simple, tapi senang orang ingat. Chikaroo ok, tapi takde maksud. Acronym UBCSI/UBCIS susah nak ingat. Buat poll la.
you got the point there! well done.. ho~
aku takut je kalo gune IIUMBlogger tu, UIA tak bagi pasal kita sah2 gune name UIA kan. tapi entah la. kite cube dulu ah eh..
chikaroo aku tak bape setuju sangat.
UBCSI/UBCIS pulak is the name of the community, bukan domain blog tuh. k?
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