STBB is a new disease discovered by a scientist-to-be student from IIUM whom classifies the disease as contiguous yet probably endemic. It involves varieties of signs and symptoms and they may vary from one patient to another. Among others, it may cause reddened face, acute heartache, burnt ears and their internal parts, hypertension and high blood temperature (but not up to feverish point). Besides that, to certain people with disordered psychological conditions, the signs and symptoms are completely different. Among others, they are hyperhydrated gum, dislocated jaw bones, and to a greater extent; temporary loss of memory, uncoordinated physical movements and loss of body balance. In rare cases, no signs or symptoms claimed.
Psychologically, the disease could be treated with, most likely for the first cases of signs and symptoms mentioned above, a word consisting of five letters sounded “sow-ree” that would be highly effective. In other cases, treatment would not be necessary due to absolute undetectable signs nor symptoms. Due to its varying signs and symptoms, it is highly recommended for the people who are susceptible to the disease to always think positively and live life happily without too much concern about what people say and to take jokes as jokes, not as something insulting.
This new disease is yet to be approved by the Malaysian Ministry of Health and to be patterned under the name “Statement Tak Boleh Blaaa” disease or simply scientifically written as “STBB”. This name is adopted from the etiology of the disease that is obviously not caused by any pathogenic microorganisms or cancerous chemical agents, but from sharp aching spreading vibration of sound wave produced by the vocal cord from people other than the patient’s. The method of transmission is mainly through the air as it serves as the main medium for sound wave transmission. This disease can be prevented by many preventive measures such as shutting the ears with patience shield, appreciating people’s thought as inspirational and many more.
For study case, this is one example to be observed:
Date: 16 August 2008
Location of detected case: Main gate of IIUM Kuantan Campus
Patient: Private and confidential
Involved: I-QUEST welcoming committees
Case: The patient was to visit and check the subordinates in the location mentioned above. Upon meeting he was terrified by the statement bombarded by the committees who suddenly asked “Mana Kak Yam?” When the committees were asked by the patient the source from which that they knew about the rumor, they answered, “Ala... sapa yang tak tahu kan~”. Then, a unique symptom for the patient immediately appeared: reddened face. Instantaneously and fortunately, the patient knew how to deal with it by changing the topic to something else, hoping the conversation would not drag them into more complicated yet secret matters to be discussed. No treatment or drug was prescribed as the sign showed uncritical condition.
mati2 la aku igt penyakit serius ape..
haha.. tu gambo ko eh.. kurus nye..
:D ngeee...
itu memang penyakit serius weh~ :P
yup. tu gambar mase aku kecik. aku aim nak kurus macam tu ah (which apparently sangat susah).. hehe...
comel kan? :P
i like d way u xplained d disease
mmg bdk biomed sejati nih
tp kan
kerap gak statement b'kaitan isu kt gate tu yg aku dgr
but i know nothing
so i dont care much la..
does that help to reduce ur STBB symptoms? =)
hik hik.. thanks for the compliments. yey!
pasal isu kat gate tuh, memang tak bleh bla... masalahnya, orang yang tanye tuh, langsung aku tak kenal. tapi boleh plak dia tanye macam tuh.. adoi~ aku tak tahu nak kate ape dah~ speechless...
rasenye macam da kurang sket kot STBB aku nih.. huhu~
hehehe... err..mane kak yam? :P :P
mak aih.. kalo camni, STBB aku datang lagi ah! :P
woa! tot it's a serious disease. rasenye cam ketinggalan jer coz not knowing the disease but then... CET!
erm..still xpham psl jari =(
hehehe.. harap tidak serik membaca szakif's apa yang aku fikirkan selepas ini... huhu~
ape yg ko ingat ko akan bace ekceli?
master j..
jawapannye ade kat entry yang bertajuk the secretary :D
selamat mencari! :P
aku akan kene jangkit ker?
since ko da datang ke kuantan, malah ko menggunakan khidmat delivery aku untuk mengambil ko dr terminal, most likely ko akan infected. bersedia utk mengalami simptom2nye!
nope. ur english is so good that i fall in love with ur writing. keep up the good work!
acha septriasa...
ha? this is the first time ever orang jatuh hati dengan bahasa inggeris aku yang bersepah. ko sebagai guru bahse inggeris mesti dapat detect banyak kesalahan kan? huhu...
Sungguh bijak junior aku ni.
eh. takde la.. itu borak kosong jerk tuh~ uhu~
1st impression !... I thought that the boy in the picture really the victim of this disease.huhu.
one day he will be.. hehe.. anwar pernah kena penyakit nih? mesti pernah kan~ ape kah tanda2 yang biasanye anwar hidapi dan hadapi apabila terkena penyakit STBB?
cecep la anda ini..
agk pndai dc2..bangge lec epi..
neway..,mane kak yam??(saye da komen ni,tumpg nek kete lg bley?)haaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaa..........
cactus hijau berduri...
wahaha~ ape kaitan dengan lecturer epi yang dikatakan sebagai kakak aku tuh? huhu..
ayat2 dalam entry tuh lebih kpd hal2 klinikal. nanti mase korang amik clinical biochemistry or medical microbe or entomology, macam tu la cara nak jawab soalannye. ngeeee...
sape kak yam tuh? sape?? :))
nak tumpang lagi? boleh. 50 sen! :P
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