Secretary - the easiest task in an organization. I dare to say that.
My post in SCIENCESS is about to the end. I'm looking for one to be the next Secretary General for SCIENCESS. Who would that be? Ehem ehem...
About I-QUEST 2008, I thought I'll be busy this week, but apparently I wasn't. 2 blog entries in one day. Perrrgehe~
Tomorrow is the day for I-QUEST 2008. I pray to Allah, may the best come and bless our big event. Amin...
2 blogs in a day?not bad for sumwan yg handle I-QUest..unlike SUM ppl dat i noe..mcm TERsgtlah 5mins pn da other hp belambak2 org call..
nway..hv fun wif ur I-Quest tu.. ;)
2 entries in a day la~ :D
tha tsumeone lain sikit. dia kena dok diam, pastu kena concentrate betol2 bila nak tulis satu entry. itu kate dia la. pasal tu susah sket nak tengok dia tuli entry lebat macam aku. maklum la, konsep blog masing2 lain2..
and aku nampak pun kesibukan dia. macam semalam, dia terlewat gi kelas. kesian. pas kelas kena set up barang2 stall. maken kurus la budak tu kang~ huhu...
he did a good job anyway, so far.
slackerz tak datang sini ke? (matila mane nak cekau tiket kapal terbang aite? huahua~)
oopsss...2entry..haha ppl like me mana nk tau bahasa bloggers nih..=p
plus tulis pg2 buta mmg begitu..
oh dtg sana?? dad owner MAS..bebile je blh dtg..hahaha ;)
wat wif u ckp dia kurus n he sed u gemuk?erm..i cudnt see in any of ur picts dat u gemuk pn?he being kurus-haha cant deny it..
wah. are you serious your father owner MAS. wah wah wah~ :P
hek. ade cerita sebenarnye di sebalik gemok-kurus tuh. tapi papehal pun, mamat tu yang mulakan. huahua~
orang yang berkenaan sila jawab. huhu~ (kerat jari la kalo dia boleh reply within this time pasal he is currently busy with his stalls)
*habis jari aku kalo btol dia reply. huhu..
hehehe no..if mcm tu..TIAP mggu balik juz to pg pasar malam n mkn SEDAP2 kott...hehe
u seriously ade BYK MASA eh?n he's SOOO BZ wif his stalls..
haha, nanti as report kat Master J
lalala~ :P
boleh katekan ade gak mase la.. drpd tak sempat langsung nak bukak internet sebagaimana yang pernah berlaku sebelum nih.. sehari tanpa internet, macam sehari tanpa nasi (although this kata2 doesnt apply to me).
yey! tinggal sehari, dan sure mamat tu akan sangat sebok kemas2. sure takde mase nak online. wah! selamat jari aku! huahua~
ko jangan lalala~ kang masuk exco baru tahu. huhaua~
owhh..huhu..jgn2... actually dat lalala~ was my response to slackerz la..huhuhu...dun ever put me in the exco lines..pls...
what i can say is that, it's all up to the people's vote. i don't have authority and capability to stop people.. hehe..
wats lalala~?
azmar sila jawab!!! matila main cakar2 plek~ :))
selamat memilih pengganti =)
doakan semoga tenure SCIENCESS yang akan datang lebih mantap drpd sekarang.
thanks for the wish mrs. ex-VPII :D
saye 1st year student biomed..
undilah saye.!!
saye akn cube sdaye upaye utk mnjdkn sciencess mantoooop...
pape pn ctc saye eh...
vote 4 me..(despr8 sjil)huuuu
cactus hijau berduri...
save that when you're in second year at least. kita bagi peluang kat senior2 dulu eh.
aku nasihatkan, timba ilmu banyak2. nanti bila naik pape jawatan, tak kekok (macam aku) :D
slackerz...err...*sambil menggigit jari*
zaki, wutever it is, dun ever mention my name. no name, no vote. hahaha
smangatnye cactus hijau berduri..apepun, dun go for the certs semate2. dat's unfair. ;)
haha.. baru ingat nak api2kan korang supaya bergaduh kat sini. mesti hawt~ (baca: hot)
i won't mention your name, as wished. noted! :D
cactus dengar nasehat akak~ tu....
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