Out with Juniors
Hutan Lipur Sg. Pandan, PanchingDate:
22 August 2008Time:
08:00 - 12:00Involved:
9 trang tang tang bachelors
The bachelors. The one in white in the middle is the youngest junior.
Only this picture that has passed the qualification to be viewed to public. The rest would be offensive and contains nudity and thus not suitable to be viewed in here. Spot which one is me.
So guys, where will be our next destination? Berkelah? Pulau Pangkor? Pulau Tioman? Or simply Cherating or Pantai Balok? Having BBQ and Wild Bachelor Party would be nice for next time, isn't it? Ok, let's have it once before I lost that title (STBB detected!). Haha...
siot, tak ajak pun :p
ini.. ini.. syyooooooosssyyyyy!!!
i heard frm faiq, u guyz sesat..tp mcm pelik...sbb ade ko...huuu?
sebenarnye, yang naik motor yang sesat. tu ah, jalan depan sangat. takmo tunggu senior yang sah2 tahu jalan. huhu~
sebenarnye kuar gi panching ni aku yang ajak ah. tu cerita yang sebenarnye.. hehe..
aku cuba mncari,kot2 ada gambar aku..Tapi,tkde..siut tk ajak aku...
din jagatraya..
kalo ko free jumaat pagi, da lame aku ajak ko (walopun tak tertanya pun ko free ke tak.. huhu..)
lain kali kite gi same2 k.. berkelah da gi lom? aku blom weh.. jom gi!
berkelah kat ner? nih nk g gak neh...huwa haha~
isk.. dalam entry da sah2 mention katne kitorang berpiknik.. hehe..
sebenarnye pagi semalam yang ko tegur aku kat parking mahalah tu, kitorang tengah berkumpul la tu nak g piknik.. hehe..
ouh...i tot "berkelah" tuh nama tempat....hahahaha
sori yerp~
ooh... i tot you were asking about where we were having the picnic. yes, berkelah applies for name of a place and a word to describe activity of picnic. hek~
berkelah (nama tempat) terletak kat jalan menuju ke arah KL. kalau nak menuju ke KL drpd kuantan lalu jalan dalam, nanti akan jumpe signboard kate berkelah. aku pun tak pernah pergi lagi nih. sebelum grad kena pegi. yey!
ke ko nak pergi dengan aku. hekhek~
sori yerp jugek~ :P
fuhh...mmg best pg sane...nant kte wat lg n invite rmai agi ek...thanks bcz sponsor mkanan...huhu
anonymous (adakah pudeng?)
no problem.. korang pun bayar, bukannye sponsor sangat pown~ hu~
lain kali kite gi tempat lain plak. berkelah maybe? lebih adventurous beb!
kalo pegi dgn ko...
ko sponsor mknn gk ke?
kalo cmtuh....
aku nk popia....haha
tgk ah. popia cam ok je kot. tapi betol ke nak kuar dengan aku? diam2 suda~ huhu~
ade plak aku kne ketuk dgn bakal tunang ko kekgi....
amboi~ sejak bila plak pandai buat STBB ni~
ok. tengok tu. aku da kena STBB disease~ hu~
sape ntah ajar.....
ntah gak~ sape yg ajar eh?
having BBQ?
wow..best tuh..
ajak la ramai2 lg g skali..
gurl pun bleh gak..
yeah! girls and BBQ would be fun! hek~ :P
so where's our next destination? berkelah sounds good aite?
BesT !! PasNi kiTe Gi Kota TinGGi PuLak..haha..:P
da tu jangan lupa ajak aku k~ agak2 aku free, aku takkan menolak jika nak g mane2 pun. huhu~
jom pergi masjid!!
settle! jom pi masjid berbuka free! hehe...
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