Observe the picture above carefully. Click here (reuploaded!) for better pixel. Spot one thing that is NOT probably usually found around your study desk.
Name your spot and tell me what it might be. Leave your answers in the comment room. Best answer will win a RM10 top-up for mobile phone credit.
Contest ends Friday, 11:59:59 pm on 29 August 2008.
Contest closed.
what's wrong with the picture?
everything is looking fine..
u r using Olympus camera isn't it?
hehe.. i have one too
btw its a messy table
how bout that milo fuzz?
no 12
you still have time to keep on guessing. so you're saying number 7 aite? nice guess, but next guess please~ huhu~
actually, there's nothing 'wrong' but there's something that highly unlikely to be found around/at your study table.
ape eh tu? :D
nape eh nombor 12. ape yang ade kat situ?
akak pun ada bekas pencil milo tu..
saye ntah bape kali ntah beli milo fuze dan dapat mende free tu tiap kali beli. tak tahu letak mane dah. hu~ tu yang bersepah tuh
err..let me guess...
the handfon on no 9?? coz u shud be studying not calling or sms-ing when u study rite?
next guess would be the earfon in the middle of the pic there. between no 6,7,10,11..as i said earlier...it's study time!
next guess would be sumthg on top of the electric plugs..no 6..is it a concert ticket or sumthg??
arecha buah~ LOL
wow.. i love you!!! ni baru betol guessing banyak2 camni. aku suka aku suka!!
keep on trying. i'll stop the contest once i find the nearest to the real answer.
hehe.. you know what i mean aite :D
tenung punya tenung..
renung punya renung..
ok, xtau pe jwpnnya..
susah jugak nak dapat top up free ni kan..=p
memula aku nk guess tnda hrga ats plug extension tu
but since u said "..something that highly unlikely to be found around/at your study table."
keraguan mula timbul di benakku..
kompius neh..sume mende tu ptut ade ats meja study :p
tp aku try je r
mende itam tpi kanan tu ape ek?
battery charger? modem?
unlikely to be found on my table =)
name pun meneka.. so kena la pandai2 meneka.. kekadang mende buduh yang yang kite teka, itu lah jawapannya yang sebenar.
alamak. terbagi hint la pulak. hu~
give it a try~ yey!
wah~ instinct ko hampir tepat! but not yet. :D
meh la aku btau. mende hitam yang ko spot tu adelah charger bateri kamera aku. so takde la sampai "highly unlikely" kan~ ade je orang charge pape pun atas meja study. kan kan?
ngeeee :D
woa! so difficult laaa..aiyok..
next guess wud be the kepit kuku near the earfon and the usb..
under the stapler on top of the charger, i see sumthg like a butterfly..is it?? or is it my imagination. ahaks.
how about the mp3/mp4 player. since u have the earfon than u shud have the mp3/mp4 player rite? no 10. that one in the small bag.
i still want to try again with the concert ticket u got there on the plugs. it says sumthg like One Faith Unity perhaps
i really want the top up!! aiyok!! no gaji yet...so miskin...huhuhu..
are cha!!!
aku sangat menghargai ketabahan ko mencuba. bagus!
setiap jawapan ko aku teliti satu persatu. aku sendiri kena plak buat research tgk balik gambar2 tuh. lawaks~
meh aku jawab satu2.
ketip kuku? takde a~
butterfly pun enggak ada lo~
i got no mp3/mp4 la pulak~ aku sebenarnye yang miskin nih. huhu~
that one isnt a ticket, tapi cam penanda buku tapi bentuknya cam card. penanda buku biasa dijumpai atas meja study kan~ huhu~
teruskan mencuba! maybe aku akan pertimbangkan untuk meningkatkan jumlah hadiah based on ketabahan ko, mane tahu. huhu~
ok2..let me try again...i will never stop till i know wuts the answer..wut is exactly under the earfon?
u r so unpredictable. aiyok. i have lesson plans to prepare yet i'm here looking at the pic and my mother said:
"tuh nak makan laptop tuh ker? ker dah rabun?"
arecha septriasa...
under the earphone? itu pendrive a~
cerita kau menambah2kan kekaguman aku. kem salam world kat mak ko. huhu~
next guess please~ :D
Pencil kartun tu ka?
kak arshana...
ade je orang lain yang ade pencil kartun~ huhu~ :D
next guess puh-lease~
instinct mn satu nih
takkan ko pnjm xtension org len kot
sbb xtnsion aku sniri bli
tak pun 'soket' (xtau pe nama die) tmpt ko boh plug tu ade 2
mahallah ktorg each cmprtment ade 1 je
ni jwpn plg bodo aku leh bg
tp meja ko siries kemas (real cmpliment).
owh ye ke korang ade satu plug jerk? yang satu tu, yang kanan suiz lampue meja. yang sebelah kiri plug kosong, ade 2. but still they are usually found on/around meja studi~
takpe2.. cuba jadi lebih "bodo" lagi~ huhuu..
btw, tu adelah gambar meja aku sebelum aku kemas. mase tu sebok dengan iquest, tu yang tak kemas tu~ huhu~
nak teka jwpan paling bodo di dunia..
no 10-mouse..
reason: mouse(kat cni bermksud tikus ye, bkn tetikus) x mungkin djumpai atas meja study..
terima kasih..
/s: kalo salah, sila delete comment ni..hehe..
ko buat aku ketawa! tahniah!
takmo ah delete.. pasal.. pasal... ade kaitan sikit dengan kebinatangan.. hek~
tengok. drpd bagi jawapan bodoh, membuka satu persatu lapisan kepada jawapan sebenar.. lalala~
k nak teka lagi skali..
kat no 8..ada sarang binatang kat situ..
but i dunno what binatang..hehe..
ade taik cicak ke ats meja ko
aku g top up sniri je la cmni
susah gak nk jd "bodo".. :p
aku rs kirana btul
kan? kan? kan?
he~ *sebok
okies.. kite da jumpe pemenangnye ye...
nombor 8 adalah jawapannye dan memang itu adalah sarang "binatang" atau lebih tepat lagi serangga.
sila serahkan nombor anda kepada aku dengan menghantar sms ke 0139991703. nanti aku belikan topup by easy top up.
pandai la ko~ mane ade taik cicak. kalo ade da lame aku bersihkan~
ye~ tahniah kepada kirana~ boleh ah mintak dia belanje pasni~
blanje blanje blanje
w/pun aku xtau knp aku prlu telibat
hah! aku tulis entry khas pasal ko. hehe~
tahniah lagi sekali~
ko perlu terlibat pasal ko juga ade meneka2.. huhu~
dan drpd tekaan2 ko yang kureng tepat tu la kirana bisa menyaingi ko. hu~
szakif n LIB..
bole je sy nak belanja..
nak makan ape?
attention:hanya makanan kat cafe mahallah shja..
n hanya hari jumaat ni sahaja..(reason: nak exam ari khms mlm ni, n jumaat mlm, nak balik..)
terima kasih.. =p
uiks. timah. nisah nak belanja makan lau pulak. jom sebat waffle nak? yey!
tapi.. tapi... jumaat aku ade visit ke UKM under CPR dan maybe terus balik KL..
rabu malam cambest jerk~ petang ke.. hehe.. i mean esok a~
terima kaseh juge :D
ok, bole je..
k tim, bole x sok ptg?
yey! dapat makan waffle esok~ just sms je kol bape eh... aku free je esok~ :D
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