Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
The videos above are the multimedia presentation entitled The Journey towards being The Explorer. They are all about the task they needed to do during the KOS Amazing Explorace last Saturday. I have cut the video into 4 parts so it'll be easier for viewers to watch them. Note the low quality viewing. To participants and others who would like to get the copy with a better quality, just consult me. I'll pass it to you for free.
Thanks to Zickree for preparing the video and thanks also to all participants who captured the materials for the video.
Do you enjoy watching the video?
berjaya tengok sume video
ade dua komen
1. Music agak loud, tenggelam suara2 asal..
Suara itu nature video ni, menggambarkan suasana, if tenggelam agak tak best. Ni only my view ;)
2. Nanti jika ditakdirkan one day szakif nak masuk audience untuk jd pengacara program, as rasa boleh kot amik je video ni sume bagi kat syarikat yang nak recruit tuh :p
p/s: eh sape menang eh num 1-7..
p/s 2: uih grup MM sampai lebih lambat dari grup master J..kata genius :P
thanks for watching!
1. setuju, tapi best gak muzik tu. huhu~
2. owh malunye kalo tunjukkan mereka vc yang itu. bersepah kot. dah la semua impromptu je. takde skrip kot. hu~ i take it as compliment anyway. thanks again :)
nak tahu pemenang, jenguk kat blog intan
yang dalam video tu, tak ikut susunan sangat tu. ade yang salah susunannya. MM group yang ke-4 sampai ke final checkpoint, tapi dapat no 3 keseluruhan pasal yag group nombor 3 sampai tu kena penalti masa. sengot kot no 3 dengan 4. hehe~ rezeki masing2 kan~
nnt bile da jd hOst tv betOl2 jgn lupe blanje kitOrg eh..
*wOnder..bile la kO nk jd hOst tv btOl2..huhu~*
aku rase, bila aku dah kurus dan tough. pergh!
masih x gumbira dgn bentuk bdn skang kah..??
kO nk kurus mane lg zaki Oiii...
pernha tak tengok bentuk badan stephen hugh rahman? camtu a~
*aku pun tak pernah tengok sebenarnye. main serkap jarang jek. :P
memula nmpk qiqi bjln...dr blkg da cam..
pastu nmpk tudung wani semut lalu..mane2 aku cam style tudung tu...
pastu nmpk senyuman afiq..the most sincere smile i've ever seen in my life..hanye senyuman die je yg menjadi..
pastu nmpk ecah tgh warnekan batik...
pastu aku da tak tahan n start nanges...smlm je br aku msg die, 1st tyme since i came to gombak...
pastu klua lg ecah tyme srh sorang bdk nyanyi lagu pahang..
pastu lg terok aku nanges..hingus meleleh okay~~~
didnt knw i actually miss my frens in kuantan dis much...sampai nanges n melelh hingus...not until i watched dis vid.
thanks for uploading it. it means alot to me. (T_T)
owh i'm guilty for uploading the vids. wuuuuuu~
dont b~~~ it really meant alot to me. huhu
btw. lame ko tak ngomen page aku ape hal???? :p
yer2...aku tau ko bisi skrg neh~~~ (>_<)
aku bace blog ko sebenarnye, tapi tak komen. boleh tak? huhu~
wei..aku x dpt cabutan bertuah! huhu..
enjoy watchin the prize giving ceremony ..Live! haha
owh yek? aku ingat dah habes panggil kot haritu? maksudnya ko tak lucky la tuh. huhu~
thanks for coming k! really appreciate your and shamel's presence :)
Yahhh...I miss everything la.
Nape la tak buat masa kitorg ada kat sana dulu.
pasal mase tu, ilmu di dada bab2 kuantan ni, blom cukup lagi kot. haha~
Thank you for the video.
I feel relieve.
why? why?? hehe~
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