Please do not open the booklet until you are told to so do.
True/false question. 0.5 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. No marks will be deducted if left blank. Minimum mark for the question is 0.
Take the camera,
Set it to self-capture mode,
Put it outside the window,
The following(s) is/are correct about the situation:
A. the camera fell down to the ground
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture
C. he was not satisfied with the picture
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window
Ok. Time to answer.
F. Camera doesnt like u =p
O mark.
erm....ala lupe ape pilihan die.
tebak aja...
D! btol kan!
Aaaa...the answer is G.
The camera is not yours.
I'll go 4 B...
menung jauh nmpk...
igt kat apa/sapa bro??? :D
xkisah ah jwpn dia apa..gmbr lucah!!!
hey. true false la. kena evaluate each A --> E.
0 mark.
borang OMR takde sampai G.
0 mark.
alamak. erm.. dak CTS tahu ke tak eh jawab soalan T/F?
0 mark.
master j..
kertas jawapan ko dicampak ke lantai.
0 mark.
i pick for c....
it's simply becoz,
ptutnye jdik chantek lg....
it's obvious that u r pretending....
kn best klu btul2 candid....
looks more neutral n interesting....
dlm CTS xde paper yg kna jwb T/F...
& plz don't use dak 'CTS'...
it's like u r referring the above phrase to all CTS student...
kind a bit sensitive...
retry again...
A. the camera fell down to the ground (F)
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture (F)
C. he was not satisfied with the picture (T)
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity (T)
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window (F)
aku memang tak pandai posing cantek2 and natural.. hehe~ pasal tu amik biomed :p
0 mark
owh. ok~ sensitif ek. hu~
3.5 marks.
bukan ape, ko mcm tujukan smua CTS xreti jwb T/F...
kalo ko kata aku x reti jwb T/F, leh consider lg...
wei bro 3.5 je...
soalan mana yg salah ni???
nak try lg...
A. the camera fell down to the ground (F)
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture (T)
C. he was not satisfied with the picture (T)
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity (T)
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window (F)
A. the camera fell down to the ground (F)
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture (T)
C. he was not satisfied with the picture (T)
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity (F)
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window (T)
hukalo~ aku tak letak '2' pun kat perkataan dak tu~ ko ni... lepak a.. sensitip dowh~ serius itu aku tanya, bukan perli.. :D
2 marks.
erk.. mase kat degree dulu korang ade tak soalan camni?
0 mark.
yo bro...
ko suh aku lepak ye...
kepalaku dah serabut dgn info2 utk exams sok...
tensen gile...
mrkh makin kurg...
malas aku nak try...
tgu sok mlm la...
2ka fikiran, retry again...
A. the camera fell down to the ground (F)
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture (F)
C. he was not satisfied with the picture (T)
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity (F)
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window (F)
selingan sblm sambung revision...
kalo xdpt full marks...
aku surrender la jwb soalan n3 ko ni...
wah! aku kagum dengan kesungguhan ko untuk menjawab soalan yang satu nih. huhu~
esok xm 2 paper kan? goodluck eh :D doa banyak2 :D
ehehe.. dah dekat dah yang first trial tu..
2 marks.
kalo danial bc sure x suka pny...
tp dah jd 1 kebiasaan utk kita wish kwn2 dgn 'goodluck' kan???
thanks ye...
nnt ptg sok pas hbs exam aku try lg...
*aku x puas hati sbb xdpt jwb smua dgn betul*
tapi aku terwish goodluck kat dia. cam ok plak reaksi dia. heh.. :D
ok.. tapi esok kalo ade entry baru jangan lupa bagi komen gak tau :D
aku sentiasa kagum dengan semangat ko. huhu~
aku xkisah pun 'goodluck' atau 'all the best' ect...
xpela, tutup cite psl 'goodluck'...
ya aku kan rajin bg komen... ;)
ntah sape yg suruh masa mula2... :p
nape dgn semangat aku???
dah byk kali ko sebut psl ni...
ade je la bro..
tp soklan mcm 2 la yg killer all the marks...
later on la kut nk retry jwb blik...
coz tgh semak dgn sgl mcm theories utk xam...
owh ye ke~ fitrina yang amik course international relation kan? ke ahada? tak ingat dah.. huhu...
memang killer ok subjek yang ade minus marking for true false question. kena betol2 yakin dengan jawapan, kalo tak markah kena caras~
yey.. terus mencuba!
eh tertinggal plak liyana...
aku kagum jugak dengan kepatuhan ko :D
*aku memang senang amazed. hu~
ko menambahkan kekeliruanku...
bukannye meleraikan persoalan...
mula2 kesungguhan skrg ni kepatuhan pulak...
abg senior sorg ni betul2 wat aku confuse...
yep me, fitrina who take the international relations...
ahada kn wat mba...
suda konfius ke bro?
mane tak konfius nye.. dah lame tak update dengan korang.. huhu~ itu pun aku tak tahu camne aku leh ingat course name tu. hu~ *asalnya aku taip international relationship tau. :P
mantop nye ahada.. MBA sudah! kem salam kat dia eh..
bia bena international relationship...
2 blom lg....
ade gak plan tuh...
haha =D
die tggl lg 1 sem 2 go....
insyaAllah akn dismpikn salamnye...
wahaha~ dahde plan ke? ke memang dah ade calon? tak nak kenalkan dengan aku ke? huhu~
mne ad bro.
bru planning x smestinye da ade cndidte nye...
2 yg tgh cri...JK!
klu da ade nnt akn ku war-warkn di blog...
mane la tahu ade kan~ :p
lemme be the first to know eh! :p
retry again...
A. the camera fell down to the ground (F)
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture (F)
C. he was not satisfied with the picture (T)
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity (T)
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window (T)
teruskan mencuba
2 marks. :D
retry again...
5th attempt...
A. the camera fell down to the ground (F)
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture (F)
C. he was not satisfied with the picture (F)
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity (T)
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window (T)
retry again...
6th attempt...
A. the camera fell down to the ground (F)
B. the camera did not actually capture the picture (F)
C. he was not satisfied with the picture (F)
D. he was fairly satisfied with his level of photogenicity (T)
E. he forgot to take back the camera from the window (F)
3.5 marks
5 marks! congratulations!
letih aku meneka berbaloi gak... :D
dun wori bro. i'll...
neway, am waiting for ur wed's ceremony la dlu...
then i'll think bout mine...
xkn nk langkah bendul kn...
my appreciation for your guesses is more than just congratulations wish.. :D
explain plz...
wahaha~ langkah je la bendul tu. bukannya ape sangat bendul kat pintu tu :P
doa2kan la semoga aku kawen cepat. so ko leh kawen cepat gak.. huahua~ matila takde kaitan dengan entry langsung. :P
maksudnya aku sangat2 menghargai ko le~ :D
saya rasa sgt terharu...
*tiba2 ayat skema*
walaupun kdg2 aku rasa xphm dgn perangai ko ini...
wahaha..! SBM ok SBM~
SBM tu ape???
ok then...
wrap up...
insyaAllah akn didoakn....
amboi2.. sume nak kena spoonfeed. lemak a camni~ :P
SBM = statement berani mati
ape, aku pny ayat2 kat atas tu ke ko kata SBM???
mmg lemak pun, anak perempuan tunggal la katakan...
byk gak la mmg family aku yg spoonfeedkan...
patut la~ :P
:P back!!
ko ingat cantek sangat lidah ko? akunye memang cantek, takpe la~ :P
wek wek!!
bajet lidah dia cantek..
tak leh handle,,
huhu :"
alhamdulillah sudeh lidah aku sempurna..
nah tuk ko last :P
amboi2.. boleh tahan gak canteknya.. errr.. bukan lidah ko. tapi anak tekak.
bia btol?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw, pls tell me wat stbb means.
"bongoknye", i don mind u say tht.
well.. you've turned it 63 and this is the 64th. huhu~
no la~ ape bongok2.. bagus la tanye~ and you've found the answer aite?
this is the 65th..whoa!
aah da jpe. tq~
and this is the 66th! hu~
so dah faham la kan STBB? :D
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