First time I saw this picture, I talked to myself: Aku ni kurus macam tu ke?
By the way, we strongly do not believe the taboo saying capturing pictures of 3 persons in one would cause something bad to happen to any of those 3 in the picture. Titik.
By the way, we strongly do not believe the taboo saying capturing pictures of 3 persons in one would cause something bad to happen to any of those 3 in the picture. Titik.
Hey Danial, you asked me to bring you shopping because you were to find new shirt for the dinner, but it ended up me buying a shirt, not you. Huhu~
Now you know who can take place as the MCs for SCIENCESS programmes. These are the candidates: Princess Molly and Danial Goon. You guys did well that night!
People said usually when you take picture with an artist or celebrity, he or she will be at the center and at the front. Aite?
I know you needed a pillow because you were so tired... but not on my arm?
It wasn't my first time seeing him with that kind of face because last time during IQUEST, he had that face right throughout the 3 nights. Alolo ciann...
It wasn't my first time seeing him with that kind of face because last time during IQUEST, he had that face right throughout the 3 nights. Alolo ciann...
...because couple taking picture together was not allowed. Huhu~ So I captured many pictures with guys la then. Susah btol!
Didn't I say most of my shirts are short? [link]
kalo la program AGD ni satu2nya prog yang bro malek seliakan, mesti dia tak lupa~ huu~
owh.. main gune "dia" eh~ macam la saye tak tahu~ hu~ uiks. dia makin cengkung selari dengan kecengkungan saya, boleh? heh~
"People said usually when you take picture with an artist or celebrity, he or she will be at the center and at the front. Aite?"-STBB
ingt ada la gmba aku tersesat kat blog ko ni..
xda lak aih.huhu..
skang baru aku sdar aku xcukup cun mcm danial n fakhri utk berada lam blog ko..huhu
sedih ni..=p =p =p
owh..mamat-tatau-nak-tulis-ape-kat-blog-die pun ditampilkan di sini ye (:
i once made up that kind of backdrop kat Al malik Faisal Hall (AMF is u still remember), it was great bile dah siap :) letak lampu2 blakang kain :D
ur facial impression ngan jaz tu jas suite each other..haha..jaz nak pegi kawen ke (:
btw, ade jugak sindrom STBB kat sini..huu
take care
ko sudah pandai mana satu yang STBB dan mana satu yang bukan! hehe~
erm.. betol la tu.. STBB :P
pompuan malam tu ramai sangat ah.. ditambah oleh fakta bahawa kewujudan fizikal sangat susah untuk dikesan dek saiz yang sangat zarah (=p) maka tidak la kita bergambar.. patut nye panggil je nak bergambar dengan aku malam tu~
owh. ok. bergmabar berdua tak boleh. aku takut. huhu~
tapi, standard cun ko dah melebihi danial dan fakri ok~ patutnya aku lebih banyak bergambar dengan ko berbanding diorang, tapi rezeki tak menyebelahi~ muahahahha~
isk. takyah la nak menzahirkan apa yang sepatutnya dirahsiakan.. huhu~
backdrop tu hotel yang sediakan. cantek gah a~ lagi2 mase lampu dimmed. hu~
mamat tu dia recycle baju yang pernah dia pakai masa dinner sebelum ni~ hu.. memang macam nak g nikah pun baju dia tuh~ naseb baek tak menang best dress.. huahua~
as kena tengok muka jaz malam tu.. sangat sangat sangat.. ape ntah. undescribeable!
owh....sodapnyer.. xpe no hal... xksh pun haha.. but there is smthng that i really2 really23x dont like... ish!
hu~ :P
erm... apa yang ko tak suka tu fak~ is very short n dat makes me the CUTEST!!!! ngahahahah! =P
anyway. danial caught my heart..da lame tak jumpe org mcm dier since skool...mcm nostalgik plak rase~~ huuu
i LOVE u BOTH!!! muahx!!!
ur most adorable lil' sis, princess molly =D
p/s: both of my bodyguards look DASHING! *meltzzz* (>_<)
p/p/s: haihh! internet slow..nak reply commnt kat blog sndiri pon tak bley...
p/p/p/s: ari tu me n danial tertanya2..agk2nyer biler u-knw-who pakai high heels n dok sebelah zaki, sape ek yg lg tinngi?? oppss!!! da dpt da jwpn dier~~~ harharhar =P
yelah..event kat hotel, takkan backdrop tu korang lak yang wat..
naseb bek as tak ditakdirkan tgk muka jaz pd hari kejadian :D
tu ah~ aku tengok korang ni cepat betol mesra nya.. baru dok sekejap dah macam da lame kenal. aku plak yang pelik dalam kejelesan. heh.. kejadah jeles~
oit. owh.. belakang aku cakap2 pasal aku dengan you-know-who eh~ nanti siap korang.. sengaja je aku bongkok sket dalam gambar tu. tak nak bagi nampak J rendah sangat. boleh? wahaha~ STBB...
hey you both did well that nite. pasni bleh a jadi MC lagi :D
aku tak tahu plak hotel leh sediakan, pasal sangat jarang aku pegang post dalam Prep n Tech. huhu~
ke tak pernah langsung? :P
tak yah tengok muka jaz pun takpe. same je dengan mase iquest dulu. muka orang kepenatan. hek~
jaz jaz~
haha..ahah la aku da paham da STBB ko..hee..
act, xsusa pon utk aku bezakan antara STBB ke x..
sbb nye..sume statement ko sume xbrape nk bleh blah..
ha ha ha ha
(gelak jahat)
Jap jap...cemana kamu leh kurus camtu? Kasi tips skit. Akak semakin gemuk la. Tak selesa!
mak ai tingginye
klu g amerika msti da kn amik jadi model ni
perlu diingat aku bkn refer kat ko
p/s: sori aku tatau lak ade syarat tag aku tarik balik tag kt ko,ok.saya budak baru belajar :p
rugi ah tak jadi prep tech..part prepare sebelum program tuh cam sgat semangat.
part nak kemas balik, kena semangat lg dasyat..huu!
as plg tak suke pub pro!
hah, pinjam quote best zaki buh kat komen blog jep eh :D
"People said usually when you take picture with an artist or celebrity, he or she will be at the center and at the front. Aite?"
takpe. bagus! asalkan ko tahu itu STBB dan tak amik hati, aku suka dan sayang ko.. huahua~
akak klik kat category "Change" dalam blog saye nih. ada jawapannya di situ :D
selamat mencuba!
tahu.. ko refer kat you-know-who~ huhu~ motif la kan ko baru tahu sekarang ni~ :P
ha~ pasni aku akan tag ko banyak2 eh.. tunggu~ :D
yang second part tu yang aku kureng.. haha.. pasal tu takmo jadik prep n tech :P (walhal jadik SU lagi la hazab~)
kebenaran granted! :D
yeke takut.. ntah2 gambar dgn para gadis semua ko simpan. taknak letak kt dlm blog.. hehe
oh simpan sorang ye..
p/s - aku pn simpan sorg je. watpe letak gambar yg bakal mencetuskn isu kalo bakal bini tengok..huhu
alamak. kantoi! haha~
SeMPOi & KURuS BENO!!!!!
kak ila...
semua itu ilusi optik saje.
ths is off topic.
eh cne nk login iium bloggers r?
asyik passwrod xbtol aje.
pdhal copy dirctly dri inbox pword tue..
*akan menghubungi melalui blog ko~
xamek ati pon..
aku tau ko memg kuat perasan
ko xmrh kan..he
looks like really happening that night..
hepy yg amat...
congrats guys.....
nahhh,u dont look afraid at all
haha,ur funny..=D
memang happening la~ :D
thans, on behalf of the organizing committees~
gala night to succes ker, sebab ada orang kata its just to simple.
you should come and judge it by yourself rather than listening from other's opinions. that'll be better.
results may vary kate orang. hu~
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