
This is the third notice pasted after the second one.
May Allah guide them...
I pasted the notice at two stations of the bun sale. Few hours after that, when I came back to collect the money, they were not there anymore.
One was unpasted without any trace of where it had gone.
Another one was replaced by another notice, which to me was hilarious. Haha~

I salute the effort executed by the doer. One: for writing down the notice. Two: for pasting the new notice onto the old one. Three: for making the notice sounded more catchy but harsher.
May Allah guide them...
I pasted the notice at two stations of the bun sale. Few hours after that, when I came back to collect the money, they were not there anymore.
One was unpasted without any trace of where it had gone.
Another one was replaced by another notice, which to me was hilarious. Haha~
I salute the effort executed by the doer. One: for writing down the notice. Two: for pasting the new notice onto the old one. Three: for making the notice sounded more catchy but harsher.
Fail exam tak tentu lagi mati, tapi kalau kena langgar bas boleh mati beb!
seram plak aku bc n3 kali ni...
bg aku bunyi serius giler...
byk ke profit yg ko 'hilg'???
ko rase seram, dak laki plak rase kelakar.
agak banyak gak la, tapi maseh untung. :D
tu yang maseh boleh survive and continue the business..
tapi aku maseh tak puas dengan orang2 yang tak bayar @ mencuri ni!!
coz 4 me it's not a joke...
that's why I stated b4 'seram'...
nak2 plak di musim final exam ni...
doa org2 yg teraniaya cam ko InsyaAllah akan dimakbulkan...
skrg ni aku tgok byk yg dpt 'cash'...
xyah tgu kat 'sana' dah...
wow! what an observant you are! bahir bahir!!
berita terbaru, ade yang melaporkan bukan student yang buat. kalo betol, bagus la pasal takde la kang dak2 UIA sini fail exam aite~ itupun kalo betol berita tu~
entah2 orang yang tanggalkan notis adalah antara orang yang berhutang. haha~ takut dengan "doa" aku agaknya...
aik siap ada informer...
hbs kalo katalah info 2 betul...
mesti ko tertny2 keje sape kan???
btw,igt lg komen 1st aku???
yg aku ada sebut psl karma...
moga Allah buka pintu hati dorg utk insaf...
Akak dulu pun byk kali gak tampal2 notis ni sgt HARSH ni. Skali tu masa kat Gombak, dlm toilet hostel. Mmg dahsyat gila la ayat akak sbb budak yg guna toilet tu mmg pengotor.
At last akak tgk notis hilang, toilet pun bersih. Huahuahua~ Berguna jgk.
Lagi 1 masa kat Kuantan, ada girl sorg ni bwk Toyota Vios tp park kereta cam bapak dia yg buat jalan tu. Parking tgh2 sampai org susah nak lalu. Akak letak notis kat kereta dia, the next day, notis tu dia letak kat kereta org lain n dia plak parking kat tmpt lain. Huahuahua~
HA!!!!mcm sumpahan jerkkk..
ishhkkkkk...tak baik mcm tu tauuuuu...
setakat tak halalkan apa yg mereka makan..dah kira ok..
tapi kalau kita niat sst terjadi pd mereka..apatah lagi berkait dgn nyawa (langgor bas)..sodih pulak tak smpai hati:(
biarkan tuhan mgadili mereka.benar kata kawanmu di atas..pasti orang itu akan m'perolehi hukum karma.tak perlu nak tunggu di akhirat..kat dunia niiiih oiiii!!
so..tunggu dan lihat!!!Zasssss!!
psstt..sila tumpukan perhatian pd exam mu~~
hutang benda-benda yang akan menjadi darah daging.
sanggop betullah dorang ni kan?
kalau hutang dan bayar tak apa.
ni hutang dan tak bayar.
takutnye bace notices tu!!!
harap org yg berhutg lgsaikan lah...
btul kate liyana-sara-salleh..
skrg tak tggu kat akhirat...
d pay back time kat dunia sudeh dapt...n for you..
bersabar yg byk..
cos org yg teer-aniya akn diblas baik jika lebih bersabar..
btw,that's the thrill ble berniage rite? :D
kite memang sekepala la! hehe~ sket2 nak tampal notis. serius memang tu perangai saye. hehe~
tak kesah la tampal notis serius, ataupun prank. cam yang saye buat kat jazli. huahua~
saya pun tak tahu camne leh timbul idea sampai macam tu sekali dia "marah" on behalf of saye. dia lebih dahsyat! main langgar2 ni, saye tak terfikir sampai tahap tu.
tapi kan.. kelakar la!
tu la pasal~ nyampesss~
amin... memang thrill.. tapi lagi thrill kalo diorang sedar keburukan diorang buat pe'el tak senonoh tu. hu~
ur blog look nice.
but im jz a bit tired of reading eng-malay-eng-malay.
hehe :p
dasyat ah tajuk...semalam baca tak pasan..haha
yang notice kna langgar bas uia tu kelakar..
antara byk2 kenderaan. bas uia jugak yg jadi pilihan..hehe..
tp kalo kena langgar dgn bas uia yg g kos, xde pape kecederaan kot..
coz pak cik yg bwa bas skrg, bwa bas slow sesgt..=)
btw, sape2 yg xbayar lg tu, tolongla bayar eh(merayu bg pihak szakif..haha..)
hutang bukan benda main2..takut nti, da hampir masuk syurga, tp xmsuk syurga dek krna hutang..renung2kanlah..
sori terpanjang ckit..
da lama xkasi comment..hehe..
hey.. welcome!
sometimes i just think that bahasa part is better written that way coz the impact to the reader is more, and plus that i can express the true expression of my heart considering that my first language is bahasa.
terkesan kan dengan yang bahasa melayu tu? hu~
huhu~ semalam kirenye da bace a? :D
memang kelakar ok part kena langgar bas tu~ aku first time bace pun ketawa.. haha!
dan aku sangat2 berterima kaseh dengan seruan ko... TQ :D
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