Never mind. My point is, from my observation treating people with foods is one of the best ways to connect people.
While we're on the way to the restaurant, we talk.
While waiting for the foods to be served, we talk again.
While eating we also talk.
After eating, everyone is happy and we talk again.
Talk here covers everything that describes people knowing each other through direct conversation, face to face which to me is still the best way to communicate. Yes we have Facebook, YM and all, but can we share foods while using them? No.
Don't you agree?
ye betul3
takyah tunggu treat kat luar pun takpe kan ade jugak banyak cara laen
alang2 keluar makan ke ape, then beli some food for kengkawan, or masak, bawak dari rumah for kengkawan etc etc..
sume leh gembirakan jugak ;)
stuju2...stuju ngan as..he~
nak tambah point ko...
macam tak cukup sikit... :P
masa makan la nak rasa sikit yang kawan punya...
sharing is caring katanye~
eh. aritu yg ko mkn krepek popia kat umah aku tu, kire blanje dah tu eh?
talking about blanje-m'belanje ni, ko suda lupekah plan kite nak mkn kat crocodile rocks..hehe
kan ke ko kate nak blanje aku n aina??...hahahaha^_^
jgn buat2 lupe zaki..ahaks
name je facebook..
tp x face 2 face pun..
td prof blanje lunch kt sara thai
very hepi
suke la jdik budak kos. ^_^
Zaki plak blanja akak... =p
betol2.. tak semestinya makan kat luar. yang penting occasion tu, bukan location. :)
dengan aku, ko setuju tak? :P
betol betol betol... hehe~
mane cukup weh! :P
isk. tak pernah setuju pun~ :P
mahal kot~ hehe~
isk. tak pernah setuju pun~ :P
mahal kot~ hehe~
sah2 dia kate dia berhadapan dengan buku je, bukan orang :P
owh tahniah :P
last time prof pun pernah belanja kitorang kat tempat yang sama. suka betol dia dengan sara thai tuh. huhu~
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