I still remember the time when I knew Danial's name, spontaneously I said, "Hey, nama anak buah aku!"
The first Danial, who is always in my heart. Adopted from a broken family, raised by my adopted older brother and his wife. Last week when I went back home, he opened the door for me with his ever cute face that made me forgot the tiring 8-hour journey. I am grateful Allah wrote in His Book that we have met each other in this life. I wish you'll grow up to your best with the best guidance from your parents.
The other Danial, who is most of the time seen with me. People said we are like siblings, which I have no problem to accept it. The same goes to him. We can always discuss range of topics and most of the time we share the same thoughts. I am grateful Allah wrote in His Book that we have met each other in this life. I wish you all the best in your life and to my observation you have great talents and abilities to be a great leader. Insha Allah I'll keep all that we've shared.
When I am home, I got Danial.
When I am in Kuantan, I also got Danial.
Both Danials do make my days.
srOnOk kO eh ade 2 danial...bg aku satu..ngehngeh..
ko nak danial yang mane satu? nanti aku tanyakan diorang kot2 diorang nak ko gak :P
welkam back to kuantan...
hari2 ko sbut name danial..
name aku plak?
Heh....so nanti ko bagi anak ko nama danial jugak la...danial ke-3 dalam hidup ko..hehe
Cmna g kl hari tu? best ke?
aku rasa nama ko boleh menjadi sebutan harianku kalo ko jadik bini aku. ahahaha~ matila statement :P
ahaha~ aku dah de nama lain kot. :P
btw, hari gi KL best kot. jenjalan macam takde orang kesah :)
aku xnk la danial yg kO punye..
aku nk danial yg laen~!
tp name danial jugak.bule..?
huhu..touching..Both Danials are really lucky to hv met u as sumone in their lives also..hehee;)
i think so..huhu
kak az...hehehe..cam kenal je orang atas ni...
hari2 aku jumpa danial...hari2 gak aku dgr org cerite pasal dia kat mahalah...haahahah..ops..no comment..=P
ok sila berusaha mencari danial yang ko punye k... ahaha~ matila statement macam buleh ka?
i'm honored to read that :((
hehe~ boleh plak~
takpe, aku dah ajar danial -->ade aku kesah? in fact, itu adalah antara perkara yang kitorang bincangkan and we concluded - kita tak hidup dengan kutukan orang~ duh~ *rolling eyes
emm..ye betul..aku sokong itu... kita tak hidup dengan kutukan org...
aku pun nak rolling eye gakla...iyah..*rolling eyes 100x..
ok tamatlah lesson menggulingkan mata~
ok...statement tak boleh blah!!!
which part is it?
"..kalo ko jadik bini aku.."
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