Case #1: You got a disease.
Normal Friend: “Should I even care?”
Supportive friend: “Ko nampak tak sehat” or simply “Syafakallah”
Extra-supportive friend: “Ko nak aku belikan apa-apa ubat tak?” (Fiza, I miss you!)
Case #2: You’re healed from the disease.
Normal Friend: “Owh. Dah baik. Then?”
Supportive friend: SMS – “Demam semalam da kebah?”
Extra-supportive friend: “Aku dengar ko demam haritu. Amacam? Ada baik?”
Case #3: You got arrested from a police road block.
Normal Friend: Stays in the car.
Supportive friend: Together with the driver to see the policemen.
Extra-supportive friend: Smartly backing up the driver when dealing with the policemen.
Case #4: You’re appointed for a position in a society.
Normal Friend: “Wow~ sweetnye...” *sarcastically
Supportive friend: “Aku menyokong penuh!”
Extra-supportive friend: “Aku menyokong penuh dan jika ada apa-apa yang boleh aku bantu, beritahu aku, ok?”
Case #5: Jom sahur sama-sama!
Normal Friend: No answer.
Supportive friend: “Jom!” or “Takpe... lain kali ye”
Extra-supportive friend: “Jom aku belanja! Banyak pahala belanja orang bersahur nih!”
I wish I could be the Extra-Supportive Friend, and (read: and) I do not expect everyone to behave like what I expect.
aahh---ehhh? kau demam eh?
kalau type tu aku dapat less-normal friend eh?
haha.. i missed my friends in UIA..
i think my status now is Bad Friend. which is worse than Normal Friend.. no SMS, no email.. so what?
so true!
but i think i have tried my best to become extra-supportive fren but some people just wanted to take advantage on me.
Agree with are^cha. Kadang2 tu, kita nak jadi extra-supportive friends, tp diorg salah faham. Especially kalo girl extra-supportive to boy. Boy tu akan ingat girl tu ada hati kat dia.
But sbnrnye as a friend jeee. Siap kena ignore plak tu. Duhhhh...
i wana hav org belanje me sahur!
jom sahur McD!!
tingat kes kena saman, memang u are among yang extra-supportive ah :D
sorry lama tak datang, bergekut dengan satu masalah, dua masalah, tiga..hehe..the list will grow longer.. :P
take care fren!
p/s: certain frens ada yang tak show with words n deeds, but they actually hardly worried abt us..yes there are.. name mention in ur blog...
benda dah lama la...
skang nih kalo org demam aku kutuk pas tu aku plak demam...
serius dowh aku rindu kat ko time2 camtu~
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