If told these:
I believe we have our own history that has taught us many things, that has made us a better person, that has raised us up to be who we are today. I will never mind. As long as you take your past as lesson, and as long as you’ll never step on the dark zone again, I’m good with it.
Disclaimer: With all due respect, all quotes have no reference to anyone.
"You won’t like me if I tell you who I was years ago"I think we should positively answer:
"Do you mind if your girlfriend tells you about her relationship with her ex last time?"
"I'm afraid you’ll leave me if I tell you about my past"
"I have so many dark secrets when I was in secondary school. Would you still be my friend?"
I believe we have our own history that has taught us many things, that has made us a better person, that has raised us up to be who we are today. I will never mind. As long as you take your past as lesson, and as long as you’ll never step on the dark zone again, I’m good with it.
Disclaimer: With all due respect, all quotes have no reference to anyone.
this entry sounds fishy~~~
haha! :P
anyway. i was a total rebellious daughter who always caught in a fight with her parents. do u still wana be my never-ever-had-big-brother aprt from my cousin??? :)
hint: please take note the word "was".
yg chomey,
kemachomey (duhh~~)
hahah ;P
haha kema neh...anony bernama di bawahnye
entry ini sangat benar
sangat setuju
setiap orang ada zaman gelap memasing..yang membawa kpd yang lebih baik :)
dulu tuh dulu...
skrg kte dah step ahead..more n more..better than previous..
slmt maju jaya!
sesunggunhnya perkara yang dah berlaku tu sesuatu yg hidup. mcmanepun akan affect kite sampai bile2 kan?
btol tu zaki... kdg2, org xleh terima mase lampau kite...
sbb tu, ade yg lebih suke berahsia mengenai mase lampau mereka...
its true!
but r u really ready to hear the TRUTH???
thats the real question. whether we want it to be a secret and just enough to know that he/she used to walk down that dark road or u wanna know the truth.
because sometimes truth hurts.
Yes, it hurts.
Yes, it will affect us forever.
Tp kalo the person dah bertaubat, adakah perlu nak ungkit perkara lama jgk?
Yes, the person pernah buat kesilapan besar dlm hidup dia.
But who are other people to judge?
Allah sindri ampunkan hamba-Nya.
Kita manusia nak pandang hina?
Owh lupa, manusia. Mmg mcm tu.
why shouldn't i right? huhu...
ahaha nickname takbleh blaaa...
betol betol betol.. as ade kawan2 yang macam tu tak?
yup. move one!
ko ade kawan2 yang macam tu tak?
as long as affection tu mengajar dia sesuatu utk dia menjadi lebih baik, aku rasa kita perlu memberi peluang... :)
pasal tuh ade wujud dalam dunia - "rahsia"..
cuba search "keeping secret" kat blog aku
realiti itu kejam. tapi kita akan jadi lebih kejam jika kita tak dapat menerima realiti
akak betol :)
kdg2 aku pun ckp kt kwn aku cmtuh gk..
ala2 ayat yg pertama tuh..
aku nakal time skolah2 dlu...
aha, kalu Bush, Tuan sanggup baling kasut sejuta kali, eh, tak cukup, 2 juta, tak cukup gak..
ble nk potong rmbut zaki?? huu~
owh takyah cari kawan kot..
as sendiri boleh jd subject case :D
thoughtful, but i think it is more to open up oneself. Letting other people knows the dark secret, aint easy, and knowing those people we confided in betrays that, it hurt much.
that is one of the reason, people dont tell.
1) judgement
2) trust
p/s: better keep the dark to yourself, and i agreed, those things made us, who we are.
see you back in kuantan:)
haha~ confession tau~
ko dulu, nakal yang samoai tahap yang macam mane? kena buang sekolah? huhu~
tapi bush bagus kot. pandai dia mengelak! takpe, baru 2 kali dia terlepas. ramai lagi kot nak naling kasut kat dia~
dah potong da :D
ko perasan je eh rambut aku panjang :p
ahahaha~ macam2 as ade cerita kan~
pastu, tulis kat blog. ceritakan sikit2 :D
hey, welcome!
yup. this entry doesn't say that you need to tell all secrets you have, but it depends on whom you'll tell the secret is.
but, it's secret, why tell, aite? :D
uiks...tuh thap gababn kot tuh..ishk;p
aku nakal lain..ske kenakan org...
a'ah. gaban pun kalah :P
owh kenakan orang ke.. dah tu kantoi? kena tindakan apakah?
kite xperlu dedahkan our dark times kat org lain...unless yg akan affect org tu laa...e.g ade AIDS ke...tapi, yg xde effect kat org tu, xperlu la utk diberi tau...yg penting kite berubah...or trying to change...aku ni pun, nampak je cam ni...tapi sbenanye cam tu...haha...yg penting who I am today...not who I am yesterday...kalau org tau who I am yesterday, most probably korg nuclear-kan aku...haha...bak kate Shafix D Great Chef, "sume org ade jerangkung dalam almari...."
Kesimpulannye, jgn bela jerangkung...and kuncilah almari anda...
Manusia itu pelupa, selalulah ingat mengingati...
thanks for the opinion. can't agree more :)
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