Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Szakif ft. Zikri Zain - Kau Pergi

If you're reading this in Facebook, you have to view the video in the original post. Just click here.

This is my next singing entitled Kau Pergi from Aizat. The guitar play is by Zikri Zain, thanks bro! This is what we call collaboration. Hehe...

I recorded the singing somewhere around 2 am after I reached my home after a 6-hour travel from Kuantan to Banting last Monday.

I had to cut the song due to some technical problems.

Leave your comments ya :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

I Came with a Decision

Today I went to see the Dean of Kulliyyah of Science and the Head of Department of Biomedical Science to tell them my decision:

I want to withdraw from the Academic Fellowship offer by IIUM

because I have decided that I'm taking the road not taken;

working as a Research Executive in Yayasan Ilmuwan.

It was a hard decision. It was even harder to leave IIUM. But the hardest of all is to break people's heart.

I am very sorry for everyone who has been supportive all these years with me. Thanks for the trust and faith you all have put on me but decision has been made and no turning back.

However, it doesn't mean this is the end of my relationship with IIUM. In fact, working with Yayasan Ilmuwan would encourage me to build up networks with other companies and sectors. And of course IIUM could be one them. Hey, should you need any assistance in services like research, consultancy, training, publication and event management, contact me. Maybe I can help in any possible ways? :)

Wish me all the best with my new life and career.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cinta Terakhir Szakif

Kau cinta pertamaku
(memang sejak SAMBEST lagi aku sasarkan nak masuk UIA)
Kau cinta terakhirku
(aku ingatkan boleh la menyumbang kat UIA, tapi...)
Tiada apa yang bisa menafikan kasih kita...
(melainkan dengan ketentuan dan kuasa Allah)

Kau ayu dimataku
(ingatkan boleh la rasmikan bangunan KOP tu sebagai antara student master terawal kat situ)
Satu antara seribu
Tiada tara didunia...
(aku nak sama-sama bawa UIA ke tahap yang tinggi lagi, tapi...)

Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan
(sudah diputuskan, selamat tinggal UIA)
Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan
(aku nak daftar masuk buat master, ko tak bagi masuk July...)
Usah ragu dengan takdir...
(Rukun Iman kot)

Mungkin kitakan berbeza haluan
(memang berbeza haluan tapi matlamat kita sama)
Berakhirnya cerita percintaan
Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Re: Adab Menumpang Kereta Orang

Entri Adab Menumpang Kereta Orang telah mendapat sambutan dan komen-komen hangat di blog dan Facebook. Bagus. Aku dah capai sesuatu.

Tapi meh aku nak cakap sket: Tak semestinya bila aku bebel macam tu, ko terus fikir aku nak tembak kat sesiapa yang spesifik pada masa tu jugak. Kamon, otak ko letak kat mana? Kata student U berfikiran terbuka (konon?).

Yang ko kesah sangat pasal siapa yang aku tembak tu, kenapa? Kesahkanlah isi kandungan yang cuba disampaikan dalam entri tu. Kolot la korang yang fikir aku tengah marah atau geram dengan seseorang pasal tu aku tulis macam tu. Kamon... Kalau ko nak tahu, aku tulis entri tu pada jam 2 pagi masa semua orang tido dan tiada apa-apa yang menyuntik rasa geram mahupun marah dalam hati aku.

Kalau nak kata aku memang tujukan kat seseorang, korang mungkin tak tahu sekarang aku lah orang yang banyak menumpang kereta seseorang yang bernama bos. Terima kasih bos! Nanti pergi IKIM lagi, saya nak ikut eh. Seronok tengok bos keudara secara langsung sambil saya duduk di sebelah membelek-belek monitor-monitor dan butang-butang yang banyak di depan penyampai tu. Paling seronok apabila dapat mendengar ilmu-ilmu yang bos sampaikan. Memang bos terrrbahek la! Hehe...

Kalau nak kata aku pendam cerita lama, memang silap lagi la korang. Siapa-siapa yang kenal dengan aku, memang tahu aku jenis outspoken. Ada benda nak cakap, aku cakap. Tak simpan-simpan. Dan bagi orang-orang yang kolot, meh aku cakap terang-terang. Tak bermaksud bila kita outspoken tu, kita cakap benda-benda yang bersifat negatif dan apabila kita marah je. Outspoken tu luas la skopnya.

Aku perasan ada member-member yang tak dapat nak terima perangai aku ni. Tolong, aku benci perangai orang Melayu yang satu nih. Memang bagus ko nak jaga hati orang, tapi kalau kat belakang orang tu ko tikam dia, apa kes? Ko pandai suruh orang buat itu dan ini, tapi bila ko sendiri kena buat, ko telan air liur. Tak berani. Oi, baik buang je la!

Kalau nak kata jugak aku memang nak tembak orang yang tertentu, cepat-cepat la ko tarik balik. Pasal semua poin yang aku tulis bukannya berlaku dalam sehari. Dan bukan baru sehari aku bawa kereta dan ditumpang orang. Aku tulis semua poin tu berdasarkan pemerhatian aku sepanjang hidup aku ni.

Aku kan pandai berlakon. Pandai je tulis entri berbaur emo macam tu padahal hati tengah tenang setenang suasana 2 pagi di kebanyakan tempat. Hehe...

Ok ye semua, lain kali bila sesiapa tulis apa-apa, dahulukan mengambil iktibar daripada apa yang ditulis, bukan sibuk nak tahu kepada siapa yang dia nak tujukan. Tolong, blog aku bukan tempat aku nak serang sesiapa. Tapi aku nak kongsi apa yang aku fikirkan...

Nota: Kena mention ke aku tulis entri ni sambil tengok budak-budak angklung tengah berlatih dengan gigih dan mereka sangat mahir bermain lantas menghasilkan paduan bunyi angklung yang merdu? Hello, hormon aku stabil ok?

Adab Menumpang Kereta Orang

Aku rasa kalo boleh nak tebalkan kat perkataan "orang" tu.

Kereta ORANG. Bukan kereta ko ataupun kereta mak bapak ko.


Nah ambik ko satu-satu aku tembak:

  1. Ko ingat kereta member tu, dia pakai air kencing ke nak isi minyak? Ko ingat harga minyak murah macam air paip rumah ko yang dapat subsidi tu ke? Ko tak reti-reti nak kongsi beli minyak kereta dengan tuan punya kereta tu ke? Ko main sedap je bantai naik kereta member tu tapi ko langsung tak ambik kesah pasal duit yang dia dah habiskan pasal nak angkut badan ko yang terlebih lemak tu. Sedar-sedar la diri tu sikit.
  2. Ko ingat kawan ko tu drebar teksi ke ape? Kamon, dia macam ko jugak! Dah tu yang ko buat dia macam drebar teksi, suka-suka ko nak minta dia hantarkan ko ke sana ke mari, apa kes? Ada kau kesah jadual hidup dia? Ko ingat dia takde life ke apa? Sekurang-kurangnya tanya la dia free ke tak. Ini tak, main taram je minta member tu hantarkan ko ke mana-mana. Teksi drebar pun memilih destinasi ko tahu tak?
  3. Nak menumpang kereta dia bukan main sedaap lagi mulut ko puji kat dia kata kereta dia cantik la, anggun la, cun la, walhal kalau dicalit sikit kat bonet kereta tu boleh rata buat celoreng satu badan askar. Mak datuk... ko buta ke apa? Kereta member ko tu kotor. Tak reti-reti nak tolong basuh sama-sama ke? Paling sadis kalau member tu hantar kereta dia basuh di kedai. Siap vacuum dalam dan polish tayar lagi. Lepas tu sedap je ko kotorkan balik mintak dia hantarkan ko kat ceruk hutan mana entah. Ko takde otak ke apa?
  4. Kereta pun macam ko jugak yang berpenyakit. Kadang-kadang kena hantar workshop. Ko tahu tak, kalau nak baiki kereta bukan murah? Pernah kau tanya-tanyakan kat member ko tu, dia nak kongsi duit upah untuk bayar servis ke tak? Ubat panadol untuk demam ko yang dibuat-buat tu pun entah berapa sen je. Itu pun dah ko bising mahal, inikan pula nak kongsi bayar upah baiki kereta di workshop. Owh memang sujud syukur la member tu kalau tiba-tiba ko dapat hidayah nak membantu tolong bayar upah.
  5. Ok, kalau ko jenis yang kongsi duit minyak, aku tabik tapi takde spring. Tapi jangan la kedekut sangat nak hulur lebih sikit bila menumpang tu. Yang ko nampak duit minyak je. Duit tol, kos nak tukar tayar disebabkan botak sebab bawa jasad dan dosa ko yang bertan-tan tu, pernah ko kira? Tu belum kira lagi minyak hitam, pewangi kereta, pengilat dashboard semua tu. Pernah ko kesah? Ko main tumpang membuta tuli ikut sedap ko je kan?
  6. Dey, yang member tu memandu kereta dia, ko yang menumpang tu kenapa meleleh air liur, mengangkang kat tempat duduk belakang? Bawa-bawa la berjaga sama, bagi dia motivasi sikit supaya tak la dia bosan memandu sorang-sorang takde teman nak buat borak. Ko tahu menumpang je kan? Bila tayar pusing je, ko pun lelap. Bagus~ bagus~ Tahu-tahu je kang "Maaa rabbuka..." menjengah kat ko pasal member ko tu memandu dalam keadaan mengantuk sampai terbabas ke dalam gaung. Nak ke?
  7. Kawan ko ditahan polis dalam perjalanan. Dia kantoi ada buat kesalahan trafik, cukai jalan tamat tempoh contohnya. Sudahnya dia disuruh keluar kereta pasal kena tandatangan surat saman. Eh, kamon! Bagi la support kat kawan ko tu sikit. Yang ko mencencurut dalam kereta tak keluar sekali tu apasal? Bagi la member ko tu rasa dia rasa senang sikit walaupun memang betul dia buat salah. Kalau ko lebih baik hati lagi, bagi sedikit wang supaya ringan sket beban dia nak bayar saman nanti. Tapi aku sangsi la ko jenis yang macam tu. Nak bayar duit minyak pun mintak diskaun, apa kes?
  8. Last la aku nak tembak: ko tumpang kereta member tu, atas dasar dia kawan ko ke, atau ko sengaja nak ambil kesempatan untuk kesenangan ko je?
Penafian: Siapa-siapa terasa, memang kena tembak la maksudnya. Aku guna senapang peluru bertabur nih. Nasib ko la kena.

Ada aku kesah?

Makluman, entri ni ada disclaimernya memandangkan ramai yang ingat apa yang aku tulis ni isu peribadi, jadi suka aku nak bagitahu, BUKAN. Bila dah masuk blog, maksudnya aku sedia nak berkongsi fikiran dengan pembaca benda-benda yang mungkin semua orang boleh apply. See the bottle half empty, not only half full. See things from different perspectives. Open that perspectives. This is just another perspective of seeing the matter of menumpang kereta orang. Take the lesson, that's more important than taking it to the heart. 

Yang penting dalam bersahabat, ikhlaskan hati. Mari sama-sama kita renungkan dan amalkan.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sifir itu Terus Kekal

Tersebutlah sebuah kisah yang tak berapa nak dongeng yang disingkatkan...

Ketika zaman peralihan daripada sekolah menengah rendah ke menengah atas, Zaki tak suka masuk sekolah berasrama penuh. Ironinya, pada awal katanya dia boleh hidup. Sekolah baru itu terletak jauh dari rumahnya. Pernah dia menghubungi ibu bapanya meminta supaya dipindahkan ke sekolah yang lebih dekat dengan rumahnya. Tapi ibu bapanya tidak membenarkan. 2 tahun berlalu akhirnya Zaki berjaya dalam SPM dengan menjadi antara pelajar terbaik sekolah berasrama penuh itu.

Kemudian masuk zaman matrikulasi. Zaki sepatutnya kena pindah ke kampus UIA di Kuantan apabila tamat matrikulasi, tapi Zaki sanggup tukar jurusan pada saat-saat akhir kerana tak mahu ke sana. Jauh katanya. Akhirnya dia berjaya meneruskan pengajian di UIA Gombak.

Rupa-rupanya bukan semudah itu untuk melarikan diri. Zaki kena pindah ke UIA Kuantan juga kerana mengikut pentadbiran kuliyah yang berpindah ke sana. Mahu lari lagi? Mahu tukar jurusan lagi? Owh tidak, sudah 3 semester dilalui. Tak mahu dibazirkan. Jadi Zaki dengan berat hati pindah juga ke Kuantan.

Akhirnya Zaki berjaya menamatkan pengajian di Kuantan dengan agak cemerlang. Bermula dengan berat hati mahu pergi ke Kuantan, akhirnya dengan berat hati juga dia mahu meninggalkan Kuantan. Sungguh bertentangan Zaki dulu dan sekarang.

Sekarang Zaki dalam fasa pasca-graduat. Dia sudah pulang ke pangkuan keluarga di Lembah Kelang. Dia mendapat panggilan ke Kuantan, tapi ada sesuatu yang menantinya di Lembah Kelang.

Jika diturutkan sejarah hidupnya, apa-apa yang Zaki tidak suka pada mulanya akan berakhir dengan sesuatu yang susah untuk Zaki lupakan (baca: gembira).

Berdasarkan sifir itu, Zaki fikir dia sudah menemukan jawapan yang konklusif untuk dilemanya.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am not Meant for Pharmacology

This morning, I got an official call from the administration office of Kulliyyah of Science telling I got the Fellowship offer. But to my surprise, the field that I aimed for was not granted (Pharmacology) but I was given Pathology and Histopathology. I was like, "Huh.. What on earth?". To my knowledge, that's the game when you apply for Fellowship, you can be put in any field that is not up to your interest. So, it's either you want to play the game or not :) Whether or not we can change the field, I don't know.

Another round of interview with the Rector of IIUM will be held soon but the date is not fixed yet. But I am afraid I can't make it to that interview.

This is because I insha Allah will be attending an interview with Yayasan Ilmuwan, the office where I'm doing part time job now for the post of Research Executive this Thursday. This is the other choice that actually meant in this post. Since the interview hasn't been held, I don't want to comment more about it. Whether or not I'll make it in the interview, I'll inform once everything is confirmed.

I think, I have made the decision. Thanks Allah for making this feeling easier than before.

Now I'm looking for a room to rent around Wangsa Maju/Keramat/Setiawangsa. Any vacant room anyone?

Doesn't that sound fishy? :->

Szakif dan Yayasan Ilmuwan

Aku kerja separuh masa di Yayasan Ilmuwan sekarang.

Pelik. Dalam banyak-banyak tempat, kenapa tempat ni banyak kebetulan dengan aku? Memang semuanya kebetulan, ataupun aku sendiri yang mencari-cari kebetulan itu dan terjumpa?

Mari aku senaraikan:
  1. Kalau setakat model telefon bimbit sama, mungkin perkara biasa. Tapi kalau kedua-dua tona bunyi untuk panggilan dan SMS sama dengan bos, apakah alamatnya tu?
  2. Nama Thaqif masih kurang terkenal jika dibandingkan dengan nama Aiman dan Danial darsawasa ini. Tapi perlu ke Akak Awet Muda ni punya anak yang bernama Thaqif juga? Tahu tak asal-usul nama Szakif ialah Thaqif?
  3. Masih berkenaan nama. Bukannya ramai pun kakitangan di Yayasan Ilmuwan ni. Tapi dalam banyak-banyak nama di dunia, kenapa mesti ada dua orang yang bernama Zaki di pejabat ini? Sudahnya mereka memanggil aku Szakif (sebut: Za-kef) untuk membezakan aku dengan Zaki yang satu lagi, walhal nama Szakif hanya untuk digunakan dalam dunia internet sahaja. Tapi tidak mengapa, itu lebih membuatkan aku rasa unik.
  4. Dalam banyak-banyak universiti di Malaysia, kenapa la bos kepada bos dan Akak Awet Muda tu mesti daripada UIA? Hehehe...
  5. Bilik tempat aku bekerja sekarang ialah milik bapa kepada seorang junior aku ketika di SAMBEST dulu, Datuk Abdul Monir.
Orang kata, kalau dah jodoh, memang tak ke mana...

Erk? Kena kesah ke tak ni ye?

Monday, July 20, 2009

One Thing that I've Never Missed but will Miss

Since the move to IIUM Kuantan campus, I've never missed a chance to talk to the juniors about biomedical science and its prospect during Gathering of Science Students (GASS) and in a few other events. To my knowledge, this semester's GASS should be the ninth one, am I correct Mr. Secretary General? :)

But to put myself into reality, I cannot do it anymore since I am no more in Kuantan. Hey Zaki, sila sedar anda sudah bergraduat! :P

However, in last GASS I saw Jazli did a great job where he used his wide knowledge and experience, and not to mention his fluency to amaze the juniors when he talked about biomedical science. Way to go, bro!

There's one thing that makes me scared - if I can't be an example of a great biomedical science graduate. Maybe the word great is way too much, but you know what I mean right?

I've been vocal to describe biomedical science as this and that during the series of GASS, so now I've graduated, what example can I show to the juniors?

Not that I regret of being vocal, but I'll regret if I cannot be an example.

Also, not that I kesah sangat with what people would think of me if I don't become an example, but I would be very kesah if I don't force myself to be an example.

Also again, not that I'm saying that I am the only one example the juniors would look at, but all I'm saying is that I want to be a good example for my juniors no matter they all kesah ke tak :P

So, this is a challenge for me to be the example. That's my motivation to push myself to do something I will be proud of.

You may say this is a put-yourself-into-a-basket-and-lift-it entry, but ada aku kesah?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Skill that I Haven't Had

My boss and I attended a dinner at Restoran Sri Melayu, located at Jalan Conlay near Bukit Bintang in conjunction with the International Workshop in Agribiotechnology: Finding a Common Language between Ulama’ and Scientists held in University of Malaya (UM).

During the dinner, we were not only served with a lot of local foods and some international cuisines, but they also served entertainment by featuring local dances and live songs. We sat at the table closest to the speaker system. With us were some other participants and speakers in the workshop. While the dancers were performing and while the singers were singing traditional songs with the loud music, I saw (read: not listening) my boss, the speakers and participants discussing something that I couldn’t listen at. While one’s mouth was like chanting something unlistenable, to me at least, the others were paying attention very closely and carefully. I wonder how they managed to listen and thus understand. To me, I just couldn’t.

So what I did was I enjoyed the buffet like I am not in diet. Huahuahua~

I’m sorry boss. You could even see me turning off the speaker although the sound came from the earphones. Right?

That’s why during classes, I am very annoyed when some classmates make noise while I am listening to and giving my constant focus to the lecture. I am not afraid to show my annoyed face when I am in that situation. Ok Zaki, stop talking about class and lecture. You’re no more a student. Hehe...

But I think I need to develop this skill for future sake. Ada kursus khas pasal ni tak? :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Other Choice

The truth is I have 2 great choices for the post-grad life and in every aspect, one outweighs the other.

Let me reveal one for now: I've been informed that I made it for the IIUM Fellowship and next there'll be another round of interview by the Management Services Department (MSD) of IIUM in the middle of August 2009.

And the other choice, I dare not to reveal it yet but what I can say for now is, I'll attend the interview next week. I am really looking forward to it although attending the interview would mean I have to reject the IIUM Fellowship offer should I am successful with this particular interview.

So here's the dilemma: should I reject IIUM Fellowship or not? Should I go for the interview in the first hand?

It has been my dream to serve for IIUM since my second year since I see there are a lot of opportunities for bringing the university to a higher level. Other than that, Kuantan is a very peaceful place to leave live in. But I am very sorry to say, I did feel disappointed about the unsuccessful application to enrol doing Master programme in Kulliyyah of Pharmacy which supposed to start this month. I still question to myself:
Why didn't they make the procedure easy for ex-student of IIUM like me? Didn't they know without that stupid final transcript, it doesn't make so much difference?

Then suddenly comes the other choice which has a lot of pros which again, I dare not to mention one yet because I am not ready.

However, without realizing my actual action, I have done few actions that would lead me to rejecting IIUM Fellowship. I have told the hearts in Kuantan about the other choice, I have emailed my supposed-to-be supervisor for my Master programme in Kulliyyah of Pharmacy about the other choice and I have worked also on the logistic matters related to the other choice. Silently, my actions tell me the decision although at the base of my heart, I love Kuantan so much.

Let see, now it's just a matter of time. I always pray to Allah to guide me to the right path and best decision and for Him to strengthen my faith to accept whatever the decision is, that's the one meant for me and the rest of my life.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fellowship Interview

Berbaju biru, berhati salju...

That was my Facebook status yesterday before I went to Kulliyyah of Science for an interview. I wore a bright blue-colored long sleeve shirt with light-colored neck tie which I think had attracted many people to say, "matching gila tali leher dengan baju dia!"

But deep inside my heart, I actually fight with my heart because my presence to Kuantan yesterday was also intended to tell some hearts about something that could break them into pieces. Mine, on the other hand, was cold to do that. Dear whom it may concern, I am very sorry. But the decision is not finalized yet. Now, it's just a matter of time.

Anyway, back to the interview, basically I really enjoyed it! It was like normal chit chat with lecturers but situated in a formal condition where I need to speak in English properly, dress accordingly and answer smartly. The questions during the interview were basically about my planning if I'm successful with the application to do fellowship with IIUM.

You may ask, what fellowship is all about? Is it basically like a scheme that will pay you allowance and fees to do your master programme and PhD. But in return, you have to work with IIUM as lecturer after you've finished the courses. Who would reject the offer if you're paid to learn, right? But in my case, I might be the one who have to reject the offer considering many factors involved. But I am yet to get the result from the kulliyah about the interview to know whether I am successful or not.

With that, I am slightly opening a door about my planning that I kept as secret previously. Yes, I have option to do other than the fellowship and it's very promosing!

I pray that Allah will guide me to take the best turn at this T-junction. Amin...

Friday, July 10, 2009


Cerita satu:

Di tempat kerja aku sekarang, terdapat beberapa penulis novel.

Bos aku penulis novel. Aku dah habis baca novel Ombak Senja tulisannya. Inspiring!

Akak Awet Muda ini pun penulis novel. Produktif pulak tuh. Cemburu aku.

Tak boleh jadi. Aku pun nak juga.

Cerita dua:

Sambil berjalan, aku berkata, "Saya nak mulakan menulis novel la bang!"

Dengan senyum terukir dia menjawab, "Silakan!"

Cerita tiga:

Di dalam bas, memerah idea untuk menulis novel.

Rangka, rangka, rangka. Selepas itu, ini. Kemudian, sesuatu berlaku. Akhirnya... Owh. Best jugak cerita aku ni.

Eh sekejap. Kenapa cerita aku ni macam terlalu aku?

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

For Now, I Have to Keep It to Myself

Since my last post, I have been asked many times by many people about my planning for the post grad plans.

Truth be told, I was and still am disappointed with the disapproval for pursuing my Master programme for the July intake. Apparently, the 3 times going back and forth from Banting to Gombak just to submit the form were not worth it when I knew the form was not processed yet just because I didn't submit the full transcript while I was informed that it was OK just to have the partial transcript upon submission at the counter. Haiyoh...

Thus, I have made my plan which I am not ready to announce publicly yet. This is nothing but to avoid people making misleading speculations like, "Zaki dah nak kahwin", "Zaki dah benci UIA" etc. Haha... Giving such examples I think is enough to trigger people to make speculations. Haiyoh...

By the way, I really appreciate those who ask me directly about my plan. Insya Allah when everything is confirmed, I'll write about it and explain why I choose to do that. Thanks also to family members of Kulliyyah of Science for the concern about my Master programme application.

For now, I am just afraid I'll break many hearts when the decision is finalized.

Friday, July 03, 2009

The Application was not Successful

I applied for Master of Science in Pharmacology at Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, IIUM for the July intake. I checked from the Center for Postgraduate Studies (CPS) about the application but it was not successful. Since I haven't got the full transcript because my current status as a student of IIUM is still not GR (GR student means he/she has graduated), the application has been brought to November intake, which I can't wait for.

However, I have another option which would turn my life into something I previously have not thought of. But to choose which one is the best for me and my family, I have to discuss with my parents. Ok, told be truth, I have made the decision but I am yet to get their blessing (read: redha) since I know my parents usually will leave it all to me to decide.

To make this decision, I know I would hurt some people's heart since I have put hope in them. But considering from the biggest until the smallest things, I think that would be the best for me and my family. I know this sounds selfish, but my family is my utmost priority. Thanks also to whom it may concern for being understanding. We plan our way now and we'll find the intersection at which we'll drive to the same direction one day insha Allah.

Apart from that, about the GR status, I would like to suggest to the student organizations namely SRC, SCIENCESS and BiomedSS to do something about it. Since our GR status is delayed, we can't get the full transcript thus it's and it'll be difficult to apply for jobs since most organizations including the government sector need the full transcript for job and post-graduate applications. In my case itself, my application to do Master as soon as possible was not successful although I am myself from the same university. This could be the reason for making the decision which I'll announce when I've discussed with my parents.

For now, I can only pray that this is the best decision and the best for my future. Amin...
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