Berbaju biru, berhati salju...
That was my Facebook status yesterday before I went to Kulliyyah of Science for an interview. I wore a bright blue-colored long sleeve shirt with light-colored neck tie which I think had attracted many people to say, "matching gila tali leher dengan baju dia!"
But deep inside my heart, I actually fight with my heart because my presence to Kuantan yesterday was also intended to tell some hearts about something that could break them into pieces. Mine, on the other hand, was cold to do that. Dear whom it may concern, I am very sorry. But the decision is not finalized yet. Now, it's just a matter of time.
Anyway, back to the interview, basically I really enjoyed it! It was like normal chit chat with lecturers but situated in a formal condition where I need to speak in English properly, dress accordingly and answer smartly. The questions during the interview were basically about my planning if I'm successful with the application to do fellowship with IIUM.
You may ask, what fellowship is all about? Is it basically like a scheme that will pay you allowance and fees to do your master programme and PhD. But in return, you have to work with IIUM as lecturer after you've finished the courses. Who would reject the offer if you're paid to learn, right? But in my case, I might be the one who have to reject the offer considering many factors involved. But I am yet to get the result from the kulliyah about the interview to know whether I am successful or not.
With that, I am slightly opening a door about my planning that I kept as secret previously. Yes, I have option to do other than the fellowship and it's very promosing!
I pray that Allah will guide me to take the best turn at this T-junction. Amin...
bro, congratz for the offer u just got. its really hard to get 2 good offers at the same time. u should consider urself as one lucky guy. its not like everyday u can get 2 offers with 2 super duper good outcomes.. just make the best choice, go shopping at tesco.hahaha lawak bodo..pape pon, i'm happy for u..peace
hmmmm...wat is dis newa that could break people's heart?? huhu
untuk ayat laaassst tuh
All da best senior!
Huh..berdebar-debar aku bace. Moga dapat petunjuk nak pusing kanan ke kiri kat junction tu.
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