Biomed ni susah tak? (Is biomed a difficult course?)
How do you define “difficult”? Difficulties to me come when you can’t find a solution for a problem or any raised matters and the capacities that you have couldn’t overcome the problem. So to answer the question I need to know your definition of “difficult”.
Biomed ni senang tak? (Is biomed an easy course?)
How do you define “easy”? As long as you have interest in it, insha Allah it’ll be an easy one for you. But first you must know what biomedical science is all about. Once you know it, find the way to love it. Once you love it, waaaaayyy to go!
Lecturer biomed best tak? (Are biomed lecturers good?)
How do you define “best”? If you take it like a lecturer who can give you knowledge, we absolutely have them. If you take it like a lecturer who can give marks so easily and leniently mark your exam papers, we have some. And if you take it like a lecturer who will just let you sleep during lecture, don’t ever dream it. Respect them as our mu’allim.
You and Kak Wawa adik beradik ke? (Are you Sister Wawa’a brother?)
*ok, bluff. This was asked only once and I was shocked to hear that. Hu~ I can’t find any resemblance between the two of us. But one thing for sure, we both have had our weight decreased. Kan Kak Wawa?
i LOVE banana spilt!!!!!!!!! yummmm~~~!!!!!!!
ok. itulah first time aku makan bananan split ok~
boleh tahan la~ masuk gak rupenye makan eskrem dengan pisang. mendenye simple je~ tapi sedap. heh.
mana tak sedap...dah benda tu di campur dgn ais cream..+ miscellaneous thing's kat atasnya= bgi nmpak cantik..biasanya bnda2 mcm ni si hasya yg suka.
tang pasai wawa gak kalau betui2 jadi adik bradik..oleh kerna akak as her bley lah ragging zaki sampai puas..muahahahaha..
nanti pasti ada dialog..
oh, ko dah cakap ni...aku baru prasan. Muka korang mmg sama!! muahaha. So aku nak ulang soklan tu, versi lain. Ko ni adik kak wawa ke? huhuhu
kak ila..
satu: mende banana split tukan cam meriah dengan macam2, mane taknye budak2 suka~ paling tak bleh bla, mendenye macam tu je.. harga bukan main mahal! buat sendiri ah pasni. hu~ pastu tulis resepi kat blog ni. boleh? huahua~
dua: saye rase akak ni da tersalah "wawa" nih. wawa yang dimaksudkan dalam entry ni ialah kak wawa head of department biomed. saye rase akak mesti ingat wawa angklung tu kan? huahua~
ni sorang lagi. pasni harus la soalan yang asalnye bukan FAQ jadik FAQ plak. huahua~
tapi entah lah. tak pernah plak orang2 sebelum ni kate muka kitorang seiras, tapi semalam bila masuk kelas first year, tibe2 ade yang tanye kitorang ni adek beradek ke bukan. lawak~ :p
fuhh.. sentap kejap dgn soalan last tuh. nasib baik tak silap teka. da agak da Kak Wawa yg dimaksudkan adalah org lain, hehe..
*azuwachan has decreased weight?? It is most unlikely me, huhu...*
erm.. sori2. maybe aku tak jelaskan pasal wawa yang mane satu yang dimaksudkan. dalam idop aku sekang ade 3 orang yang aku panggil wawa. hu~
tapi kesian plak kat kak ila.. tak pasal2 dengan tiada niat telah tertipu :p
For me, everything in this world is difficult; takde bendanye yang senang. But all it takes is hard and smart work from u. A sincere effort to succeed. Honestly, i've encountered many easy exam questions only that I mostly blew em away just because of my lack of efforts (especially since i finish school, mind u! *sigh*)
btw. Fish n Chips Reastaurant at sogo used to serve the BEST banana split EVER! only that, u could barely find anymore Fish and Chips Restaurant here in Malaysia..i wonder kat UK still ade tak? huhu...
sincerely yours,
kema si budak ice-cream-obsessed. :P
patut pun beriya beno ko kate suka dengan banana split. da sah2 ko kate eskrem obsessed, cannot help la.. haha..
maksud ko sogo at KL tu ke? hm.. kena cari nih..
owh ye pasal effort tu, yup. you got point there.. can't agree more. just hope that you can work on putting more effort in the future to be successful.. ye dik~
owhhh...restoran tu yg kat sogo da tutup, diorg ganti ngn Manhattan Fish Market yg SANGAT la mahal n memuakkan! though i cant deny diorg nyer buttered mussels SANGAT la sodap! hehehe
anyway..yea...i know wat u meant there..bagaikan ade maksod yg tersembuyni yer~~~ ehehehe im trying, im trying...huhu
ha macam tu la adik abang~ (gelak tahap dewa). kema berusaha lebih giat! yey!
erm.. bila la aku nak bawa hawa gi secret recipe ni~ ko join sekali eh? :P
ohohoho!!!! sicreito recepreito???? mmmm~~~~~~ *air liur meleleh* boleh2!!!! *sambil melompat!*
p/s: cek abg mau belanja saya jugak kah???? :P
itu kita cakap belakang2 k.. nanti ade orang nak itut.. keskes~ :p
salam bro zaki...time sharing moment aritu saye de tanye about how to get past year question...mane yer nk dapat,hehehe aritu xclear sgt lar...
okies.. da reply kat blog ko..
macam mane hidup selepas bergelar pelajar biomed selama sebulan? huhu~
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