Should I go on with it?
Does it bring happiness?
It’s almost to tend to say a negative word
It’s a two-letter answer
But I try to look it at the bright side
Let’s just give it a try
Let’s just give it some more time
We’ll see
My patience has been tested throughout this
May be this is the challenge for me
To see how well I am in handling the situation
He says: I don’t test you things that you cannot deal with.
One thing for sure
It grows me even more mature
But dark side says: it grows you older Zaki!
Shame on me
If I can’t deal with it
message tak sampaii ke dalam otakku...sorry zaki...I ni...errr...lumpy sikit..
it's ok far. tak yah pening2kan kepala.. sesungguhnya "it" merefer kepada sesuatu yang general. sape2 je boleh amik poem tu dan meletakkan apa yang menyebabkan mereka gusar kepada "it"
Whole feeling turn into a poem..hmm..
InshaAllah yOu can!
ni Nabil versi bahasa inggeris boleh? huhu~
oo.. poem rupenye.
okla, it's good for your creativity. even aku pn jarang melakar puisi berbahasa Inggeris.
Gunbatte ne!! ^_^
wah.. sekali pelajar BENL membaca poam aku la pulak kan~ i know, it's not poetic one. kan?
ko karang ah poem dalam blog ko wawa.. :D
ape jadi zaki jelah :D
oh eh? takleh jadik nabil eh? ok la tu~ :p
pantai berubah kerana ombak, manusia berubah kerana manusia.. (cam xbest je perumpamaan ni, ahh.. pedulikan.)
ha.. ok la tu.. manusia berubah kerana manusia. betol la tuh.. tiba2 teringat firman yang bermaksud bahawa Allah tidak merubah manusia melainkan manusia itu sendiri yang merubah diri mereka, au kama qol...
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