So this is an official announcement about my current activity as a graduated student. I am now working as an assistant to Bro Shaikh in his office in Yayasan Ilmuwan, Setiawangsa. Thanks to Bro Shaikh for offering me this job and for being a great boss. Today is my second day and basically I am having fun here! Hehe...
To be frank, I do not dream a job that needs me to sit a room for the whole office hour. However, after going through the second day, I think I can live with it (as long as there's internet connection :D). This job does not need me to go here and there. I just need to sit down, read and edit the assigment given in an air-conditioned room. Owh seronok!
Besides doing the assignment, I also actually gain some knowledge about the assignment itself. Fortunately, to an extent at least the assignment is still about science although not much scientific and medical terms are in it. This is also a great opportunity for me to study the level of PhD thesis writing as I am looking forward to doing PhD right after Master insha Allah.
Apart from that, the other staffs in this Yayasan Ilmuwan are also nice. Although I haven't got the chance to know them more yet, I am happy that they accept me as a new part time worker here.
I am looking forward to do and contribute more to this Yayasan Ilmuwan with guidance from Bro Shaikh. Owh thanks also for the treat at Amy Search's Cheng Ho.
apekah? aku xnk join kelab ko leh? hahaha...
(u know what i mean, rite?)
nampaknya ko sangat happy dengan kerja sambilan ni...
enjoy... (^_^)
eyh,dapat gaji belanja okayh!
wahaha! paham paham...
tapi mana la tahu jodoh ko di sini jugak? hahahahaha~
sangat! but yet many to learn insha Allah...
er.. gaji tu ape? hehehe..
wahh!! tingginyer impian smpai ke phd..
all d bez~ :D
selagi ada kudrat untuk menuntut ilmu akademik, teruskan je la eh.. :D
all the best to you too..
all the best bro!
thanks sista! all the best to you too :D
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