On Monday, she came to my house to see me, my mom told me. But I departed back to Kuantan early morning that day so I did not manage to see her. We haven't met for quite some time and I missed her very much. Usually if she saw me, she'll kiss and hug me. She said I am like his own son. Then I wrote the status in my Facebook:
"Kalau Zaki nak balik Kuantan, dia cium Zaki. Bila dia dah "balik", Zaki pulak tak sempat cium dia" Al-Fatihah.
My emak did not allow me to get back home for some reasons and I have to obey her instruction. What I could do was just to call my emak and update with her what's happening from time to time and perform solat ghaib for Mak Ngah. I couldn't help myself but to cry. Yes, I cried. It's about a death of some one I love.
Few minutes ago, I called my mum again and asked her what's happening there in the kampung and how she felt. She answered:
Alhamdulillah dah kebumikan petang tadi dalam pukul 6. Kalau kau balik pun tak sempat jumpa. Syukur la semua elok-elok aja. Jenazahnya, sempat la mak cium...
People, cium-lah whomever you love (who is halal with you) and say that you love them very much before it's too late...
I understand how do you feel.
erm, thx for d reminder...
btw, takziah zaki...
Smg roh Mak Ngah di cucuri rahmat Allah SWT..amin..
Jangan sedey2...doa banyak..
dear zaki
every soul shall taste death
kita akan lebih merasai bila dia dah pergi
Salam Zaki, takziah dari abang sekeluarga. Your Mak Ngah may not be amongst the living anymore, but her memories are alive and well in those who love her. Cherish these memories, and pray for her happiness in the Hereafter.
Takziah diucapkan... Mudah-mudahan dia tersenarai dalam golongan disebut di dalam al-Qur'an pada Surah an-Nisa’: 69. Amin
yang hidup pastinya akan kembali.
semoga ruhnya dicucuri rahmat. amin.
Condolences to you and your family.
salam takziah..
sgt sedih bc entry ni..
saba ye zaki..
al-fatihah to her..
pesanan kao..buat aku teringat cerita passengers
Takziah to u n family..
Banyak2 besaba ye..
salam takziah..
owh.. sorry to hear that. takziah zaki. aku amat2 lah memahami situasi ini. lebih dari memahami.
tabah hadapi hidup..
semoga m'ngah ko ditempatkan bersama2 org2 yg beriman.
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