On 3rd August 2009, I stepped my feet into Yayasan Ilmuwan, not as a part timer anymore but as a permanent worker - a Research Executive.
And today I've completed the first week of the job with calm. It's calm because there's not much to do yet since the other 2 Research Executives are still on their ways.
I've never expected I would work in this field since my focus initially was to be an academician, spreading knowledge through lectures and classes to the students. But now, I think I can share and spread knowledge also but not through classes but through reading and writing to a wider spectrum of readers.
It had been my passion to write since I was a child and that explains a lot why I write blogs. During primary school, I wrote stories. During lower secondary school, I joined Sidang Redaksi Sekolah which prepared magazine for the school. I even won a place in a writing competition organized by Selangor state government. During upper secondary school, I didn't write very much and it longed until I entered Degree level back when I was in first year in Gombak at which I started blogging. It was there and then that I continued writing until today. Not to mention, during studying in Kuantan campus I got involve in societies and activities that required me to write proposals, reports and such.
And now I'm working with something that needs me to read and write and I am so grateful with it.
I pray this job to be the best for myself and for my future.
Note: You might want to know what I do actually as a Research Executive, aren't you? Yes, I write, but what do I write about? I save that for later. Hehe...
Appreciation: It's very rude of me if I don't thank my boss. Thanks Abang Shaikh! :)
ehem.semOga tabah menghadapi dugaan d mase akan dtg..hehe.
p/s:mungkin tym mak kO ngandungkan kO mak kO nak anak nye jd penulis yg berjaya mungkin.
Alhamdulillah...glad for u zaki!
smg Allah melancarkan sgl urusan ko...
aminnnn...! :D
congrats again
it sounds great :)
Hmmm..ada somebody doing master in pharmacy department..
slalu jugak join kelas 4th year pharmacy..
rasanya ur fren.. ~
amin.. hari2 mendatang sudah pasti menjanjikan lebih banyak cabaran :)
nanti aku tanya la mak aku jika betol apa yang ko katakan tuh :)
amin.. semoga Allah mudahkan urusan ko sebagai undergrad juga :)
thanks again and again :D
owh itu ialah fahmi. dia bukan sekadar fren, tetapi brother! ah aku rindu sudah dengan dia. :)
jangan takut2 untuk bertegur dengan dia. once dah kenal dengan dia, memang susah nak lupa. :D
perangkaan kau, nak sambung master bila?
soalan yang bagus. baru ingat nak tulis untuk entri seterusnya.
izinkan aku menjawab soalan ko tu kemudian ok.
tapi untuk memuaskan hati sedikit, it'll be within this year jugak :)
semoga sukses dlm bidang yg diceburi. ;)
tahniah untuk kamu :)
congratz! I am a researcher. We are in the same position :)
sakit paleeeeee......................aku dah nak termuntah bace jurnal
moga dipermudahkan segalanya...amin..
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