Gigam refers to "gila bergambar" which really describes how maniac angklung club members when it comes to capturing pictures. Owh OK, i also join angklung club, although I'm not certain about my membership status but I still join their performances. That means, I'm also gigem and I'm OK with that. Hoho...
So, what? Here are collections of pics during last 3 performances that I joined with Angklung Club during the end of the semester break.
After performance for Higher Education Ministry's program.
No caption.
The Angklung Club members.
Who? Disabled?
Spoiling the pic.
Performance during Taaruf Week for the intake July 07/08.
Waiting before commencing our performance.
During performing. I enjoyed it very much!
As if the umbrella is blown by air.
Want more?
Spoil la that side mirror!
Before rehearsal. Do I look thinner?
Waiting waiting and waiting for the slow-moving technicians. Then what they do? They sing Pahang's official song.
After the performance. What else? Capture pics till you turn exhausted la! Huhu~
Owh OK, i also join angklung club, although I'm not certain about my membership status but I still join their performances
ha!! ni nak marah ni!! apakah maksud disitu??? ello, kalu zaki bukan member, zaki takkan dpt pegang angklug tuh!! tp zaki dah main dah pon, angklung punyala byk sampai tak cukup tangan nak bwk, ha!! tak puas lagi ka?? zaki, you ARE the MEMBER of IIUM ANGKLUNG CLUB, ok?? I told ya already, so don't worry.
waa.. zaki nmpk kurus laa
Owh OK, i also join angklung club, although I'm not certain about my membership status but I still join their performances
ha!! ni nak marah ni!! apakah maksud disitu???
ello, kalu zaki bukan member, zaki takkan dpt pegang angklug tuh!! tp zaki dah main dah pon, angklung punyala byk sampai tak cukup tangan nak bwk, ha!! tak puas lagi ka??
zaki, you ARE the MEMBER of IIUM ANGKLUNG CLUB, ok?? I told ya already, so don't worry.
oh, it's not 'GIGEM' by the way. It's 'GIGAM'. heheh..
Ko ni kan Zaki.. Amik gambo, pelbagai pose mulut yg ko terampilkan haha.. Trademark sungguh!
eheh. marah nampak~ tapi mmg betol. aku tak pasti ape status aku. tapi since ko da kate camtu, at least rase lega gak la.. hehe~
pasal gigem, abg mamud yang kate gigem.. aku ulang je~ hoho~
kurus ke? gemuk je~ hoho~
tapi mulut aku yang senget tu memang sangat berkarektor ok~ hoho~
huhu :)
jab jab aku betulkan ejaan tu~ huhu~
semua tu tak penting, yang penting sekali ialah gambar ko yang versi 'disable' muahaha...lawak2... ada bakat.
luppi.. ko nak aku tunjuk "bakat" aku tu depan ko ke ok? boleh sajor~ huhu~
cane nak wat mulut cam tu. try2 tp ta dpt2 gak
kak moon..
itu namanye gifted kak~ tak semua org boleh buat.. huhu~
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