Mari letakkan diri kita ke dalam skop ini: Diri kita sebagai Muslim yang menggunakan Facebook.
Kita semestinya tahu, adalah salah apabila kita menghalalkan yang haram dan mengharamkan yang halal. Mari kecilkan lagi skop perbincangan ini kepada yang pertama: Menghalalkan yang haram.
Umum maklum bahawa di dalam Facebook terdapat banyak aplikasi yang seronok untuk dicuba dan diterokai termasuk kuiz, permainan atas talian, pemberian hadiah dan sebagainya. Facebook sudah menjadi lanjutan kepada alam realiti kita yang dibawa ke dalam alam maya apabila kita boleh melakukan bermacam-macam perkara termasuk meluahkan perasaan, berkongsi gambar dan video, bertukar-tukar mesej, dan sebagainya.
Namun, dalam limpahan aplikasi yang terdapat di dalam Facebook, tidak kurang juga yang menyimpang daripada ajaran agama.
Seperti yang hangat dalam perbincangan saya bersama-sama rakan-rakan di Facebook baru-baru ini mengenai aplikasi-aplikasi Fortune Teller Genius dan Ahli Nujum. Berdasarkan namanya sahaja sudah jelas melihatkan pembabitan aktiviti penilikan nasib tetapi dalam versi maya!
Kita sudah biasa mendengar permainan Spirits of the Coin yang memerlukan pemain-pemainnya bertanya kepada makhluk halus yang menggerakkan syiling kepada abjab-abjab tertentu untuk mengetahui nasib masa hadapan kita. Kita juga tahu sindiket tukang tilik yang konon-kononnya boleh membaca nasib seseorang pada sekilas pandangan pada tapak tangan orang yang ingin nasibnya ditilik. Si tukang tilik memperoleh sumber pendapatannya melalui kebolehannya menilik nasib manusia. Tetapi dalam hal yang terbaharu ini, kita dikejutkan dengan kemudahan untuk menilik nasib secara percuma: daftar masuk sahaja ke dalam Facebook, klik pada aplikasi tilikan itu dan masukkan soalan yang anda ingin tahu jawapannya dan nah! Anda boleh dapat tahu nasib anda baik ataupun tidak, ataupun apa yang akan berlaku esok dan lusa!
Ada yang mempertahankan tindakan mereka yang terlibat dengan aplikasi tersebut dengan mengatakan ia hanya sekadar untuk suka-suka. Tak perlu ambil serius, malah belum tentu mereka percaya dengan apa yang diutarakan dalam hasil tilikan tersebut. Jadi, jika begitu, apa rasionalnya anda menggunakan aplikasi itu pada mulanya?
Analogi yang suka saya berikan untuk membidas alasan-alasan tersebut;
Anda membeli nombor ramalan kemudian anda sematkan dalam hati: Alah, aku beli nombor ni untuk suka-suka sahaja. Kalau kena, aku untung. Kalau tidak, sekadar mahu memuaskan hati sahaja. Lagipun ia hanya sekadar nombor yang dicabut. Jika nomborku dicabut, nasibku baik. Tak perlu ambil serius benda ni la.
Persoalannya: bukankah berjudi itu haram? Jadi, adakah berbaloi menggunakan alasan suka-suka untuk menghalalkan tindakan anda?
Isu pokoknya ialah apa-apa yang haram adalah tetap haram. Semakin canggih teknologi yang ada di dunia sekarang, semakin berubah bentuk keharaman itu. Dalam isu tilik menilik, jika dahulu tukang tilik hadir dalam bentuk manusia, pada zaman sekarang tukang tilik hadir dalam bentuk pautan berenjinkan kod-kod berasaskan nombor-nombor 0 dan 1!
Saya amat sedih apabila ada yang mempertahankan tindakan salah mereka apabila ditegur. Malah saya dicadangkan supaya menutup akaun Facebook saya jika tidak sukakan aplikasi tersebut.
Saya suka mengambil pendirian bahawa Facebook ialah lanjutan daripada kehidupan dalam alam realiti. Kita terdedah kepada banyak perkara baik dan buruk dan ia terserah kepada diri sendiri untuk memilih jalan hidup masing-masing. Begitu juga di dalam Facebook; ada yang baik dan ada yang buruk. Apa-apa yang buruk itu saya khususkan kepada apa-apa yang bertentangan dengan agama dan sudah tentu antaranya ialah aplikasi tilik nasib.
Lebih lanjut lagi, jika dalam alam realiti kita boleh menjalankan dakwah, mengapa tidak di Facebook juga, bukan? Justeru, jika ada kepincangan dalam penggunaan Facebook, sama-samalah kita saling menegur dan mengingatkan. Tundukkan ego dan dengarlah nasihat yang berguna. Tidak perlu menunggu diri dipanggil ustaz ataupun ustazah baru kita berani membuka mulut, tetapi tanganilah kepincangan sedaya upaya kita. Beranilah bersuara jika kita yakin kita benar. Bukan isu menang atau kalah ingin dibangkitkan, tetapi isu mengajak ke jalan yang benar yang perlu diperjuangkan.
Hakikatnya, apa-apa sahaja yang berlaku dalam alam realiti boleh dibawa ke alam maya. Internet misalnya yang pada asasnya bagi saya bersifat murni tetapi dicemari dengan bermacam-macam laman web yang pincang dan songsang. Tapi, dalam kepincangan dan kesongsangan itu sebenarnya internet mengandungi lebih banyak kebaikan dan kesenangan yang boleh diperoleh dan diaplikasikan untuk kita sebagai Muslim dasawarsa ini. Gunakanlah yang baik dan tinggalkanlah yang buruk. Mudah kan? Facebook pula ialah subset internet. Sifirnya masih sama.
Nasihat akhir saya bagi pengguna-pengguna Facebook, anda yang membentuk baik buruk penggunaan laman interaktif itu. Fikir berkali-kali apabila anda mahu terlibat dalam mana-mana aplikasi pun. Timbangkan faedah dan manfaat dan tinggalkan apa-apa yang tidak menyumbang kepada kemaslahatan diri.
Betul, katakanlah: Daripada aku main Facebook, baik aku baca al-Quran!
i like this post
nicely written...
a good reminder to all :)
these people are tend to commit the fallacy of rationalization..:0
these people are tend to commit the fallacy of rationalization..:0
i like this article. well placed. kudos. :) people nowadays dah jd liberal sgt la. we're indonesia in the making. nationalism that put religion aside.
nice thought...
a reminder for all..=)
nahh! kan bagus mereka2 semua membace n3 kO ini.biar mereka sedar!
satu kesedaran buat diri yang sering lalai dan lupa :)
A good thought, but I dont quite agree with it.
People use that applications for the sake of fun, because the answers we get are sometimes funny and from that, they expect funny comments too from the readers.
To me, if you have the intention to 'boycott' those applications, you should consider boycotting facebook as well as it is a product of Jews which makes me agree with your statement 'Daripada aku main Facebook, baik aku baca Al Quran'
Bagus orang muda...
Berdakwah dengan tegas & berani
Without fear or favour.
Salam Revolusi.
Buzze Azam
Presiden GGMM
(Calon no 3)
I'd like to share these questions with you:
1. Niat tak menghalalkan cara. Adakah dengan for the sake of fun and funny things, menghalalkan cara yang boleh menyesatkan aqidah?
2. Do you know the history behind the development of the internet? If you do, you'll reconsider your statement.
This is only my opinion,
Yes, 'niat tak menghalalkan cara'. But I dont think people especially Muslims who use those applications are unaware at the fact that the 'tilik nasib things' on Facebook are bull*****.
Do you think we are that stupid to believe on such things? That's why I said it is merely for the sake of fun.
And one more thing, I didnt say anything about the internet. But I do believe you heard about some things they call as 'lagha' right?So to me, instead of thinking too much about those applications, I dont think you should have a facebook account in the first place.
Owh, I forgot this important thing.
If you think that we cannot have fun playing applications on Facebook, do you think we should stop playing/using games like Counter Strike or Mafia Wars or whatever as gambling and killing are also haram in Islam?
Do you think we are that stupid to believe on such things?
i don't say stupid, but it's unwise to do so because it'll affect your aqidah.
And one more thing, I didnt say anything about the internet.
In the entry I said Facebook pula ialah subset internet.
If you think that we cannot have fun playing applications on Facebook, do you think we should stop playing/using games like Counter Strike or Mafia Wars or whatever as gambling and killing are also haram in Islam?
this is where is said Timbangkan faedah dan manfaat dan tinggalkan apa-apa yang tidak menyumbang kepada kemaslahatan diri. If by chance you've learned the Maqasid Syariah, you'll know how important to preserve our Aqidah in the first place. If such things would contribute to degrading our faith, why get involve with it?
Apparently, I dont think the tilikan such as 'Baik kau makan lemak cili api kalau kau nak jadi hensem/cantik' or 'Kau akan terkentut bau bangkai jap lagi' will affect my aqidah.
You see, buying nombor is different because you know there's a chance to win the money whereas those applications are made by funny people who dont know anything about tilik nasib and such. I doubt there's a real penilik nasib behind every applications, dont you think so?
Well i guess you have strong aqidah. Good for you.
Agreed, but what if the fortune result made by the application becomes true then the user has in his/her mind, "eh betol la tilikan tadi". Isn't that has, if not much but slightly, shaken the aqidah? This is especially applicable to those with weak iman and aqidah.
On the same hand, i said in the entry, Facebook ialah lanjutan daripada kehidupan dalam alam realiti, so in real life, would you go to the fortune teller and ask him/her to see your palm just for the sake of fun?
Reading all this just makes you want to ask:
The fuck's wrong with this Anonymous dude?
I honestly like to discuss these things with you because you're good (by this I meant you have clear points)
'On the same hand, i said in the entry, Facebook ialah lanjutan daripada kehidupan dalam alam realiti, so in real life, would you go to the fortune teller and ask him/her to see your palm just for the sake of fun?'
Of course I wont go see the real fortune teller because it is undoubtedly haram. Same goes to buying the nombor ekor. My point is, the applications on Facebook are not true. If it happens to be true, to me that would be more like 'kebetulan'. Yelah, kebetulan je kawan aku mati sebab tahi keras. Ye kan?
If you think those are haram, I hope you'll post another entry talking about those games that use gambling, arak and such in it. Because you see, obviously there's alot of Muslims out there playing those games. Not to forget, some Muslims also take dogs as their pets in other applications on Facebook. Do you think that is also haram?If you do, please please please post another entry about it.
And to Muhammad Zulhilmi.
Nothing's wrong with me. Im just telling him my opinion. If you think I dont have rights to do that, that I should keep it to myself, or if I dont like what is written here I should stop reading, then you should say the same to this dude -Szakif.
anonymous.. (adoi. tak sempat aku habis taip ko dah komen lagi :P)
I'm sorry if you think zulhilmi's comment above is insulting :) On behalf of him I'd like to apologize.
Kebetulan does happens, but when it's coincidentally happening after some so-called fortune teller said something about it, how would that make the user think? It depends, but to those, I repeat with weak faith and aqidah, would lead them astray.
Moreover, for things that are certainly not true, why bother in the first place? Ok if you still want to get some fun there, it's fine but make sure la the way you get the fun won't affect your aqidah, iman and dignity. In analogy, you go to a restaurant next to a bar with people drinking arak and people with different sexes has no physical boundaries between them and all, just for the sake of fun or maybe wanna get some rest. The bar is haram while you're not in a haram place but you're close to it, so why get close to it? Banyak restoran lain.
About your suggestion, maybe one day I will write about it but not in near future.
The name's Linn by the way. =)
'In analogy, you go to a restaurant next to a bar with people drinking arak and people with different sexes has no physical boundaries between them and all, just for the sake of fun or maybe wanna get some rest. The bar is haram while you're not in a haram place but you're close to it, so why get close to it? Banyak restoran lain'.
Im wondering the same thing suprisingly. If you think there's alot of things that will affect your aqidah in Facebook, why bother to join it?Facebook is not haram to you, but you're close to haram things right? Banyak lagi cara berdakwah. =)
Owh, thank you very much for entertaining me. I'm sorry for everything (I'm still in the mode of raya). Maaf zahir batin. Bye. =)
owh it's Linn. Hye Linn.. :D
No, I don't take Facebook as a bar, but a life (if you know what I'm saying). As i said, Facebook ialah lanjutan daripada kehidupan dalam alam realiti. That's why i still join and use Facebook because it's to me is another form of life of mine, but in virtual form at which I can share my thoughts, connect and reconnect with my friends, give virtual presents and wishes, share information, announce news and all.
Tak ke banyak benda lain yang elok dalam Facebook tu? Guna la yang elok, yang tak elok tu tinggal2kan lah. Macam juga kehidupan realiti. :)
Keep on reading my blog and giving comments, and of course, thanks a lot!
This topic affects me as I play games as well, so I shall summarise it for my benefit:
Linn has been justifying the usage of the application from the start by saying that it is for the sake of having fun. And she suggested that if one wishes to avoid this application, then he should avoid using Facebook, as its developer is a Jew.
Zaki argued that Niyyah does not legalise the means, and negated Linn's suggestion by implying that the internet was first developed by a Jew, so it is not logical to do as Linn suggested.
Linn countered by saying that people do not believe in such applications' results, then went on to suggest that Zaki should not have started Facebooking in the first place.
Linn then asks a brilliant question that should have been asked since the very beginning:
"Do you think we should stop playing/using games like Counter Strike or Mafia Wars or whatever as gambling and killing are also haram in Islam?"
This is where the real discussion started. Zaki answered by saying that one should consider the benefits of playing such games, and leave them if they do not benefit you. Then posited that such games would affect our Aqidah negatively, so they are not beneficial.
Linn then went on to argue that she does not think that the application will affect her Aqidah, which is moot in all cases.
While Linn's arguments and suggestions were weak (which frustrated me to no end), she did raise a good questions, so let's just attempt to answer it.
"Do you think we should stop playing/using games like Counter Strike or Mafia Wars or whatever as gambling and killing are also haram in Islam?"
According to IslamOnline, "it is not Haram to play computer games as long as none of the material contains indecency, pornography or anything against Islamic teachings and playing them does not keep one from doing an obligation."
Hence, the answer to the question above (according to the statement) is yes. Apparently, some of us have been doing something which is Haram since we were little.
But it is best to ask someone with more knowledge than me, as I might be wrong in interpreting the words of Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid.
If you truly are interested in knowing more about gaming and its rule in Islam, here are a few websites worth reading:
P.S. I was appalled by this opinion of Linn's:
"Im wondering the same thing suprisingly. If you think there's alot of things that will affect your aqidah in Facebook, why bother to join it?Facebook is not haram to you, but you're close to haram things right? Banyak lagi cara berdakwah. =)"
Let's just substitute the word "Facebook" with "Las Vegas." Can you see the absurdity of the statement? When before, it seemed like such a logical argument...
To En Zulhilmi, thanks for the summary.
"Im wondering the same thing suprisingly. If you think there's alot of things that will affect your aqidah in Facebook, why bother to join it?Facebook is not haram to you, but you're close to haram things right? Banyak lagi cara berdakwah".
That statement was for this statement by Szakif
"In analogy, you go to a restaurant next to a bar with people drinking arak and people with different sexes has no physical boundaries between them and all, just for the sake of fun or maybe wanna get some rest. The bar is haram while you're not in a haram place but you're close to it, so why get close to it? Banyak restoran lain"
It was a sarcastic remark if you know what I mean. Oh yes, apparently, we can use the word Las Vegas too. Or perhaps I should rewrite the Szakif statement and replace the word restaurant and bar with Facebook and games/fortune tellers' applications? Heh.
What bothers me the most is the fact that this entry was just focusing on a small-small thing rather than a big thing. So yes, that's why I asked him to write another entry regarding games and whatnot.
Not that I'm gonna stop playing/using those applications by the way. =)
Linn actually have very good points.
With all due respect Mr Zulhilmi, I don't find your points that strong either. But of course your judgment of other people's points as 'weak' is just 'an opinion' of yours.
Wonder if there are any games out there that don't have the slightest bit of indecency
"Fortune Teller Genius dan Ahli Nujum."
Let's take ahli nujum as an example. Have you seen the results that people get from that application? Don't you think they're ridiculous? Do you actually think people would believe those? Can you actually see this application ruining one's faith? I doubt so.
So basically your point is saying that these applications 'jatuh hukumnya haram' because of it's nature, which is of course, 'menilik nasib'.
Why? Because in real life, an act of believing/seeking the prophecies of a fortune teller is haram. By saying this, you're actually agreeing that MOST games are actually haram too. Kidnapping and killing are haram, therefore games like Mafia Wars are haram, therefore, you've agreed with Linn and her points.
"Gunakanlah yang baik dan tinggalkanlah yang buruk." Come on, if that RIDICULOUS application brings smile to dozens of people [not you perhaps], enabling them to socialize in a non excessive way by commenting on their friends' Ahli Nujum posts, ain't that good Mr Zaki? The 'buruk' part is when you believe the results, and I think most people would never do that, or in other words, they are actually 'sedang meninggalkan yang buruk'.
If much hype is said about such applications, I see that you've posted your astrological sign and zodiac year on your blog profile. Although zodiacs and horoscopes are based on astrological studies, but it is widely known that it is used to develop predictions about oneself throughout the world. We have our own astronomy and animals such as oxen have nothing to do with our belief. If Blogger does not allow you to disable that feature, why not find another blog site? It's not that we don't have options. By doing so, we can all "tinggalkan yang buruk" together.
I'm sorry for overlooking your sarcasm. Zaki's analogy wasn't accurate after all, on retrospect. I hope you agree with what the 'Ulama` on IslamOnline has to say on the matter.
Don't result in sophistry. Your blatant use of ad hominem abusive statements and honour by association in your first comment are obvious.
Just because you find my arguments weak, or just because you find Linn has good points do not undermine the sources I have mentioned, which do not support Linn's use of the applications discussed (or anyone else, for that matter).
Don't throw us a red herring. Ultimately, the important thing is not about what any of us think, but about what the 'Ulama` thinks.
And yes, it seems that games that have elements involving killing/gambling/luck are also Haram. As is Mafia Wars, if it has elements like so. Again, this is a deduction from the statement by Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid. Until you find more reliable Nas. Na'uzubillah.
No red herring involved.
As a matter of fact, your latest post is a proof how direct my post was.
It's good that you've understand how blatant ["The fuck's wrong with this Anonymous dude"] you were in the first place.
I'm no saint, but I can't condone such "ad hominem" ["The fuck's wrong with this Anonymous dude"}] abusive statements either.
Well, I think I have to define and put the extend of my statement/analogy if it's misleading or inaccurate.
you go to a restaurant next to a bar with people drinking arak and people with different sexes has no physical boundaries between them and all, just for the sake of fun or maybe wanna get some rest. The bar is haram while you're not in a haram place but you're close to it, so why get close to it? Banyak restoran lain.
Facebook ialah lanjutan daripada kehidupan dalam alam realiti
The bar mentioned above is to refer to the applications in Facebook namely Fortune Teller Genius and Ramalan Ahli Nujum that are, to my understanding [I'm not making a fatwa here anyway] haram, while it (refer: the bar) cannot be extended to life. The fact is in life, it is full of good and bad things. Then, would we kill ourselves after realizing this fact? No kan~ Then, would I leave Facebook after finding the applications? No la of course.
Just as information for Linn, and maybe for Zulhilmi and Stroller also, I write my daily thoughts so currently I am personally offended (by offended I mean to my understanding it's against the hukum since I'm up to taking the Facebook as another form of my life) with the applications and I do not play video games and whatnot. But well, to give a reason for that, I don't want to educate myself into being a killer or Mafia or whatnot. And that's why I don't write about those things that do not bother my daily life.
Stroller said:
Have you seen the results that people get from that application? Don't you think they're ridiculous? Do you actually think people would believe those? Can you actually see this application ruining one's faith? I doubt so.
Yup I've seen and they ARE ridiculous, but not entertaining (if seeking fun is the main reason for using the application) to me since I have set my view on it. However, we cannot also expect all people will take it lightly as different people have different level of iman and aqidah. How about those with weak iman and aqidah?
And thanks for pointing out about my blogger profile. It was filled in years ago. Easy said, zaman jahiliyah aku la. Hehe.. I'll remove that soon.
To end this, I am fully agree with Zulhilmi's statement: Ultimately, the important thing is not about what any of us think, but about what the 'Ulama` thinks.
Eh, why ah Ulama` in Malaysia say nothing about Facebook (yet)? In Indonesia, Ulama` diorang siap kata Facebook haram kot.
To En Zulhilmi:
"Yes. Video games are haraam. They are among the most haraam things ever.
They are a waste of time. You are being idle when you play video games.
You are also usually playing some kind of storyline, and the Qur'an forbids stories, because stories are inherently lies, and the Qur'an and Hadith are chock full of the only stories you need.
It also features graven images. Not only are these "characters" created to look like humans most of the time, they are also false. They don't exist, making them inherently lies. They also promote worship of video game characters.
And of course, there is the moosic. Moosic is haraam without saying.
And then there's the gameplay. Why are you playing games and not studying the Qur'an!?
Video games are addictive. If you play an FPS, you get addicted to violence. When you play an RPG, you get...well, addicted in a million ways.
Also, most video game women are dressed improperly. Very haraam to look at them, much less them being graven images.
One more thing is that video games are luxuries. Why spend money on them when you could be spending money on the poor?
Also, most video games are made by either Japanese companies who like to put references to their own pagan, false religion, or the pagan, false religions of other cultures (such as the Nordic religion), or use their disturbing obsession with Christianity (while also not following the religion, hmmmm) in video games. Western companies enjoy putting in dragons and other pagan things into their video games. Those games are especially haraam.
Actually, your TV is haraam. Don't watch it. It's full of haraam things.
Also, the internet is haraam. Don't go on it.
Wait, actually, computers are haraam.
So, sell your video games on EBay, then cancel your internet via the internet, then promptly close the browser and uninstall it. Then, once you've done that, delete all your music and uninstall your music player. Finally, destroy your computer with a stick. And once you're done with that, smash your TV.
Oh yeah, and burn any pictures in your house.
Also, burn all your books except for your Qur'an.
Once you do all that, you're fine.
SSB4 Board:"
Do you agree with this statement? I dont. Because you see, it depends on how you interpret things that are not in the Quran. This guy actually has a point because all the things he said are basically haram. But do you agree with all that? Just wondering.
I don't, too. What's your interpretation on this issue? You quote someone from a gaming message board and pit him up against an 'Ulama`... It's ludicrous.
And if you had cared enough to actually read the article on IslamOnline, video games are not Haram indefinitely. And neither are the TV, the internet, and computers, indefinitely. And since when has the Qur`an forbidden stories?
For your info, the quote I posted above I believe was a sarcastic statement for those who interpret wrongly about these kinds of things (read: fortune teller application). Do you agree? Owh, yes you’ve already agreed by saying this “I don't, too. What's your interpretation on this issue? You quote someone from a gaming message board and pit him up against an 'Ulama`... It's ludicrous".
To answer your question, please go to these links:
Link 1
Link 2
Done reading what Ulama’ had to say about these? Now answer this, why did you agree with me in the first place? Where did this statement go? “the important thing is not about what any of us think, but about what the 'Ulama` thinks”
My points are:
You see, on Islamonline also said “Music is an issue that has been hotly debated by scholars of the past and the present. While many of them have been generally inclined to condemn all forms of music, with the singular exception of ad-duff (tambourine) in weddings, quite a few of them have taken a more positive approach of considering only music containing sensual, pagan, or unethical themes or subliminal messages as being categorically forbidden”.
If you say that some music is not haram, what kind of music do you have in your play list right now? All the nasyid songs I assume? The 'Muslim' guy was theoretically right. What kind of songs that does not have sensual, pagan, or unethical themes nowadays? If most of music are haram, therefore basically TV, games and internet are haram too because they have these elements in it. All these things are ‘melalaikan’ according to Islam, right?
And do you only watch educational and informative programs on TV because apparently according to Islamonline “Not all TV programs are haram. It is haram to watch programs that show nudity or any type of indecency. A Muslim should always select channels and programs that are beneficial, educational, and informative. If, by accident, one happens to see any indecent thing, one should turn the TV off forthwith. In fact, the problem is not in the TV as a machine but in what a person sees in it. If one watches documentary movies, news, educational and Islamic programs, then there is nothing wrong in watching TV so long as the TV does not distract the person away from his/her Islamic duties such as prayer.
If you also play games that obviously contain music (that is not nasyid), watch American and unIslamic movies on TV and listen to the music on radio, you don’t have rights to tell people to stop using those applications.
I’d like to ask these questions:
Is music haram, or being influenced by music is haram? Same goes to the games and internet and tv and facebook and whatnot. Are those things haram or being influenced by those things are haram?
Obviously you’ll choose (if not agree with) the "being influenced by those things are haram". Therefore, I was right all along as I just use those applications for fun. Nothing’s haram about it.
Well, now that you’ve agreed that:
"Ultimately, the important thing is not about what any of us think, but about what the 'Ulama` thinks.",
Therefore your blog post and your opinion CANNOT be taken as the ultimate truth. Therefore, you CANNOT deem others who defend themselves as wrong when you "tegur" them.
And why is it that you are ‘sad’ when people disagree with you? [Saya amat sedih apabila ada yang mempertahankan tindakan salah mereka apabila ditegur.]
When you yourself MIGHT be wrong all along? Don't be sad, cheer up.
And, for those who have stated things such as:
1] "these people are tend to commit the fallacy of rationalization"
2] "nahh! kan bagus mereka2 semua membace n3 kO ini.biar mereka sedar!"
Please don't bother commenting if you don't know what you're talking about, especially if you people sound like you’re condemning other people without proper research. It is not ‘fallacy’ until it is proven so.
Plus I hope the user who posted this statement,
“satu kesedaran buat diri yang sering lalai dan lupa :)”
is actually referring the ’diri’ to herself, as she herself might not know the real truth about this matter. One should think about oneself first than to bother questioning other people’s actions. Because when one questions other people’s doings without knowing the real deal, it is ALMOST like being arrogant with his/her limited knowledge.
Just one more,
“i like this article. well placed. kudos. :) people nowadays dah jd liberal sgt la. we're indonesia in the making. nationalism that put religion aside.”
Kudos to you too. But care to explain how nationalism has anything to do with these applications on Facebook?
Sorry if you people think that I’ve committed the crime of ‘ad hominem abusive statements’ again.
But the ‘aplikasi’ has not been confirmed as ‘pincang’ yet.
bukan mudah nak berdakwah...kita buat semampu least nanti time amik peperiksaan depan tuhan kita boleh juga jawap sekurang-sekurangnya kita dah cuba apa yang kita mampu...kepada sapa-sapa yang x paham tu gi lah belajar lagi...hehehe....
Dakwah memang susah. Tetapi seseorang TIDAK BOLEH berdakwah jika topik yang dibincangkan juga masih kabur di mata sendiri. Ini kerana tanpa kita ketahui, kita mungkin sedang mengajar benda yang tidak betul.
LAGI LAGI jika kita mempersoalkan orang lain seolah olah konon nya kita sendiri tepat dan mempunyai aqidah yang bagus.
Niat memang baik, tapi pastikan ilmu di dada juga sudah bagus.
Dan saya setuju, kalau tak paham tuh pergi belajar, bukan mempersoalkan tindakan orang lain.
Saya setuju dengan En/Cik Stroller.
"at least nanti time amik peperiksaan depan tuhan kita boleh juga jawap sekurang-sekurangnya kita dah cuba apa yang kita mampu"
Penyataan anda diatas menunjukkan yang anda sedikit sebanyak mengatakan yang anda lagi bagus dari orang lain. Tahukah anda sombong/bongkak itu dilaknat Allah?
Dari mula saya hanya menyatakan yang En Szakif hanya menyentuh tentang perkara kecil (ahli nujum/tilik nasib dalam Facebook) padahal beliau tidak sedar yang dalam kehidupan beliau sendiri, beliau terdedah kepada perkara-perkara syubhah yang lebih besar (seperti bermain Facebook itu sendiri). Jadi apakah matlamat beliau sebenarnya menulis entri ini, sedangkan beliau pun tidak tahu/faham apa-apa tentang perkara yang beliau ingin sampaikan.
Terima kasih.
i like the comment & answer..
i can learn how the mankind is..
the truth, we just a part of..
"uzak geçmişe uzak gelecekte yılında katılmadan"
woa~ banyaknya komen. bagus2. paling best, korang berbincang dalam bentuk yang ilmiah dan tenang.
ok. to sum up my points:
1. The entry is merely my opinion based on my understanding about the hukum in menilik nasib. I am not making any fatwa which must be applicable to all readers.
2. I take Facebook as an extent of my life. Whatever I do not do in real life, I do not do in Facebook (as far as I am concern insha Allah). In this particular issue: I do not involve in any form of fortune telling/seeking. Also to another extent, I do not kill people or involve in any form of mafia which explains why I do not play online games that contain such indecency.
3. I want to focus on the menilik nasib and not on games and gambling etc because that is the focus of the entry. I know and understand that there any many other things that are syubhah in this life but for this particular entry, I touch about menilik nasib applications in Facebook only. In analogy, do you attend a class in which the teacher teaches everything in one session? No right? Other than that, I write thing that is currently happening around me, and these few days earlier the use of applications is getting common among my friends in Facebook.
4. I appreciate your comments and I address difference in opinions. Also, we have difference in the level of faith, iman and aqidah but I never claim my faith, iman and aqidah is the at the best or highest level. But still, we can share what we think right? Whether you agree or not, that's another issue. Therefore, it's not nice la to make this statement: sedangkan beliau pun tidak tahu/faham apa-apa tentang perkara yang beliau ingin sampaikan.
5. The objective of writing this entry is to remind myself especially and readers to observe our aqidah, that could be affected (in a negative way of course, because I doubt it'd help increase faith?) by using such applications in Facebook. However, at this point after this lengthy yet thoughtful discussion, if you still think you won't be affected in any ways by doing so, I guess you have such a great aqidah la. But still I stand on the ground that says: the intention does not legalise the action. There are many other ways to have some fun in life without any concern of putting our faith into question.
6. I do not agree with the interpretation from Anonymous about Penganggur Soleh's statement.
7. By writing this entry and having an open discussion in this comment room, it's a part of learning also. I am grateful that I have this kind of readers who are critical and analytical. However, I never claim that I always right. But if I say someone is wrong, that is merely my view and it's up to him/her to accept my judgment or not. It's back to the issue that everyone has own opinion. You may also say that I'm wrong in this case but still I'll accept that as your opinion.
"Man Qola La Ilahillah..Fa Hua Daie'"...Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal~~
maaf..typing error plak...maksud saya adalah "Man Qola La ilaha illallah..Fa Hua Daie'"
tambahan.. kepada encik Anon 9.23AM yang berkata "at least nanti time amik peperiksaan depan tuhan kita boleh juga jawap sekurang-sekurangnya kita dah cuba apa yang kita mampu"
Penyataan anda diatas menunjukkan yang anda sedikit sebanyak mengatakan yang anda lagi bagus dari orang lain. Tahukah anda sombong/bongkak itu dilaknat Allah?"
Pernahkah anda mendengar, terdengar, ternampak, tak sengaja ada orang bagitau yang sebelum ini tentang dua perkataan ini? -"Husnu Zhon dan Suu Zhon" (err..maaf kalau saya salah taip dalam abjad rumi perkataan Arab ni)...
Agak2 statement anda itu dalam kategori mana ek? :D
straight to the points:
1) szakif,kami hargai semua jasa-jasa kamu kpd kamu kpd SCIENCESS dan UIA,
tetapi kami sudah tidak mahu anda terlibat lagi dgn SCIENCESS lagi, berambus, get loss, syuhhhhh,
biarkan junior2, sekarang ini giliran mereka
2) jangan terlalu menganggu live junior kamu,mereka ada kehidupan yg sendiri, zaman kamu sebagai pelajar dah berakhir,
semakin kamu menganggu mereka, semakin kamu dibenci.
3) For the election, how stupid u zaki, just mentioned about daniel only( for secretary, for president don't mind)
.Bagaimana dengan azli, azri, dan seorang lagi sister from biomeds? kamu langsung tak sebut pasal mereka?
walhal mereka tu lebih jauh baik drpd daniel lagi2 azri,rendah diri, kerja keras, previous work and task yg
diamanahkan kepada dia sgt menakjubkan hasilnya, tidak memilih kerja even as subcom for prep&tech, dia terima.
Daniel? memilih kerja, subcom tolak tepi, nak tinggi2 punay jawatan, menipu kuat.
szakif, kamu mengenali daniel since he came to Kuantan, but his batch members know him better since in CENFOS.
I actually didn’t want to comment further about this thing. The reason I’m posting this is because I want to apologize to En Szakif as I think I had used a wrong sentence (sedangkan beliau pun tidak tahu/faham apa-apa tentang perkara yang beliau ingin sampaikan) to describe what I think about him and his opinion. The sentence was supposed to be like this :
"sedangkan beliau pun (mungkin) tidak tahu/faham tentang perkara yang beliau ingan sampaikan"
I didn’t say you’re wrong. But in my humble opinion, you had only talked about things that you don’t/ don’t want to do. What about other things that you yourself do as well? Niat tak menghalalkan cara, remember? So to me, you don’t have rights to ‘tegur’ people, or ‘mengharamkan sesuatu yang halal until it is proven haram’ whereas you might be also doing something that is considered haram by the Ulama'(s). If you want to tegur people, kenapa nak tegur certain people je (read: people who use those applications). Kenapa tak tegur secara keseluruhan? Nanti orang yang tak pandai sangat agama macam saya ni fikir, "Eh, takleh main ahli nujum lah. Takpelah. kita main Mafia Wars pulak"
And to penganggur soleh. I’m sorry if I have misinterpreted your statement. I know it is DEFINITELY wrong to misjudge people. So I hope your latest post is applicable to everyone too.
anonymous 9.02 pm...
ko nih dah salah entri nih nak komen macam nih~
nak reply pun straight to the point:
1. yup, aku dah berambus daripada UIA but hubungan aku dengan orang2 di UIA tak berambus bersama2 jasad aku. yup, sekarang giliran mereka dan aku suka untuk melihat orang2 yang berkelayakan pada pandangan aku untuk bertanding.
2. istilah mengganggu tu, aku rasa kena boleh diistilahkan dengan berbagai-bagai cara. lain orang lain caranya dan dan setakat ini tiada yang berdepan dengan aku terang2 cakap, zaki i don't like you to be here anymore. and for this i appreciate a real person to see me and talk to me nicely about this face to face. lagipun, berapa ramai yang benci dan berapa ramai suka? itu juga satu persoalan.
3. How do you expect me to talk about people whom I don't know much, or I don't know at all? Lagipun, I don't know who else compete for the posts sebab semasa entri tersebut ditulis, dalam kes Danial, dia yang maklumkan kepada aku bahawa dia bertanding, dan Jazli aku tanya dia depan2 sama ada dia bertanding atau tidak semasa aku ke Kuantan last Ramadhan.
besides that, daripada cara ko tulis tu, nampak sangat ko nih ada masalah dengan danial sahaja. dan nampak sangat ko kenal dengan danial sejak di CFS. despite any problems you have with him, ada ko settlekan dengan dia sepanjang ko berkongsi kampus dengan dia? other than that, tak perlu nak mendedahkan keburukan orang lain walhal jika benar keburukan itu ada, ia boleh diperbaiki atau dibawa berbincang, daripada menabur kata-kata nista mengenai seseorang di sini. from other side, danial yang aku kenal sepanjang di UIA Kuantan bermula daripada bawah. Dia mula2 jadi subcom, then pegang headcom, then aku amik jadi secretary then sekarang dia bertanding untuk jawatan Secretary General SCIENCESS. dan jika ko ada masalah dengan dia sejak matrik, settlekan la dengan dia. antara aku dengan dia, tak de masalah pasal aku tengok dia boleh memimpin dengan baik with proper guidance.
Apology accepted :)
But in my humble opinion, you had only talked about things that you don’t/ don’t want to do.
nope. not only I don't/ don't want to, but I mengajak juga siapa2 yang bersetuju to avoid using that application which to my understanding would affect he aqidah.
What about other things that you yourself do as well? Niat tak menghalalkan cara, remember? So to me, you don’t have rights to ‘tegur’ people, or ‘mengharamkan sesuatu yang halal until it is proven haram’ whereas you might be also doing something that is considered haram by the Ulama'(s).
owh kalau macam semua daripada kita selamanya takkan ada hak untuk menegur sesiapapun la sebab semua daripada kita sedikit sebanyak terlibat dengan hal2 yang Ulama' belum ada kata putus. dalam kes menggunakan applications tilik menilik ni, to my judgment, it should be avoided and that is the focus of this entry. I admit I nak tak nak terlibat juga dalam perkara2 yang syubhah, tetapi back to the case, i don't use the applications so i ajak la orang2 yang juga to do the same. takkan all of the sudden aku nak ajak orang meninggalkan sesuatu walhal aku pun buat jugak? lima taqooloona ma la taf'aloon? and the focus of this entry is the use of the tilik menilik applications. can't we focus on that?
If you want to tegur people, kenapa nak tegur certain people je (read: people who use those applications). Kenapa tak tegur secara keseluruhan?
i don't get your point here. then what's the point i write this entry and leave it to everyone to read?
let me tell you how it all started. a junior of mine used the application then i tegur him and obviously he didn't agree with me, which was fine with me. then I observed the applications were adn are getting common in Facebook and tak larat la for me to tegur sorang2 (yang tak tentu lagi semua bersetuju dengan aku) and that's why I write this entry.
so back to your question, the reason I write this entry is not to tegur certain2 people je. in fact no names are mentioned in the entry. malah it is meant to be read by everyone or secara keseluruhan, as you suggested. so, am i not talking your language?
Nanti orang yang tak pandai sangat agama macam saya ni fikir, "Eh, takleh main ahli nujum lah. Takpelah. kita main Mafia Wars pulak"
Maaf if I have to admit that I laugh when I read this. But I laughed not because you said you tak pandai sangat agama, but I laughed because how would someone yang terpengaruh dengan my thought about leaving the tilik menilik applications will eventually main Mafia Wars? Ok, ade possibility tu, tapi do I have to be blamed kalau pun dia nak main Mafia Wars? Haha...
Again, don't drag this discussion into playing games, gambling or what not.
Owh maksud saya En Szakif, tegur secara keseluruhan adalah menegur apa-apa benda yang (mungkin) haram. Jangan focus kat satu benda je sebab awak nak tahu tak, ada manusia-manusia yang baca blog awak comment kat page saya, "weh, jangan main ahli nujum, haram lah". Padahal mereka tak sedar, mereka dok sibuk tegur aku main Ahli Nujum, padahal mereka main Mafia Wars.
You get it?
Kenapa nak lead orang lain memandang serong dekat hanya kepada mereka yang menggunakan application tersebut? Faham maksud saya? Lagipun belum tentu betul pun haram kan? So jangan judge orang dengan mengatakan mereka tak boleh ditegur seperti ayat awak ini
"ada yang mempertahankan TINDAKAN SALAH mereka apabila ditegur. Malah saya dicadangkan supaya menutup akaun Facebook saya jika tidak sukakan aplikasi tersebut"
That's why saya tekan kan daripada awal, jangan nak suka-suka jatuhkan hukum kat orang lain dengan mengatakan apa yang mereka buat haram. Benda-benda lain yang kau buat semua halal ke? Betul tak? Judging people pun haram. Who are you to judge?
berkeenaan "secara keseluruhan":
if you want to tegur people, kenapa nak tegur certain people je (read: people who use those applications). Kenapa tak tegur secara keseluruhan? Nanti orang yang tak pandai sangat agama macam saya ni fikir, "Eh, takleh main ahli nujum lah.
in your first sentence, you were talking about people. same goes to the third sentence. so how would that doesn't make me think "secara keseluruhan" tu refer to people jugak? please be clear with the structure and arrangement of your sentences.
anyway, if you want to refer the "secara keseluruhan" tu kepada application yang (mungkin) haram, I want to stress that the focus of the entry is about the application and I'm not up to discussing anything else yet.
Padahal mereka tak sedar, mereka dok sibuk tegur aku main Ahli Nujum, padahal mereka main Mafia Wars.
now i get it why you drag the discussion into playing games pula~
berkenaan "tindakan salah":
saya ingin tekankan semula, apa2 yang ditulis dalam blog ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. jika saya kata tindakan itu salah, itu adalah pandangan peribadi saya dan terpulang jika mahu menerima atau tidak. apa2 yang saya tulis, semuanya ialah ijtihad periadi saya, dan tidak disandarkan kepada mana-mana ulama' dan bukan diniatkan untuk meletakkan atau menjatuhkan sebarang hukum ataupun hukuman yang perlu applicable to all people, and it's neither to menghukum sesiapa.
boleh saya tahu, what's your reference for saying this: Judging people pun haram.
"apa2 yang ditulis dalam blog ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya. jika saya kata tindakan itu salah, itu adalah pandangan peribadi saya dan terpulang jika mahu menerima atau tidak."
"The entry is merely my opinion based on my understanding about the hukum in menilik nasib. I am not making any fatwa which must be applicable to all readers."
Of course it is your OPINION. But you have to be careful with what you preach. Because what you write might mislead others. Some of the posts above clearly showed that they've at least partially believed what you've written. When in reality, even the blog owner does not know the REAL truth. This post even evoked arrogance among the users ["nahh! kan bagus mereka2 semua membace n3 kO ini.biar mereka sedar!"]. Mereka? Why dear user? Are you that great to condemn these 'mereka' you're talking about?
'Pandangan peribadi', but why do you 'tegur' others as if your 'pandangan peribadi' is the ultimate truth, even to the extent that you assume others have egos ["Tundukkan ego dan dengarlah nasihat yang berguna."]when they do not listen to your 'nasihat yang berguna'. It's good to have the intentions to da'wah. But how can one berda'wah, if the matter is not clear even to himself? For all you know, they've been doing something that is not wrong at all.
"apa2 yang saya tulis, semuanya ialah ijtihad periadi saya, dan tidak disandarkan kepada mana-mana ulama' dan bukan diniatkan untuk meletakkan atau menjatuhkan sebarang hukum"
So do you agree that this RIDICULOUS online application [which the results keep rotating among limited amount of possible answers] has not been confirmed as Haram yet?
Because once a person goes around correcting people of their doings, he/she obviously has thought that what they're preaching is right, with solid proof. But in this case, I'm afraid I don't see such PROOF about such applications. Therefore those whom you have tried to correct, might be correct all along.
And I think Linn's statement about judging people meant something like this:
You may have views on matters such as these. But to claim someone as WRONG, and to be judgmental is basically not anybody's job, ESPECIALLY if the matter is still vague to you. Unless the matter is based on solid reasoning such as to claim someone to be wrong when he/she does not perform the Solat, then it's a different matter.
Please leave the role of judging people to ALLAH and perhaps, those who are qualified, probably the ulama'[s].
[kenapa nak tegur certain people je (read: people who use those applications]. Certain people disitu bermaksud, mereka-mereka yang bermain applications tersebut sahaja.
Okaylah. I just want to conclude everything that I’ve been telling/arguing/stating here so I hope this would be my last post as I think I’ve stated enough.
1) Firstly, I didn’t say you were wrong. I was just questioning whether those applications are really haram. Because in your entry, it seems like you’re already stressed out that those are in fact haram by saying “Isu pokoknya ialah apa-apa yang haram adalah tetap haram”. Therefore, people who read your blog, would go around telling other people that they’re doing something haram which in other word, 'kau dah berdosalah'.
What bothers me was, if you want to say that those are haram, what about other things? Kalau menilik nasib secara tipu-tipu berdosa, maka membunuh, menipu, membela anjing, dan menternak babi secara tipu-tipu juga berdosa. That’s why I went on and on about other things that are also considered haram that other people (yang tak main those applications but main games, macam En Zulhilmi) buat tanpa disedari. Biar those people yang judge people cam saya yang main tilik nasib tuh sedar yang mereka pun buat benda sama yang ‘kononnya haram' juga.
And I doubt takde seorang pun yang terpengaruh dengan apa yang awak tulis, tak rasa yang dorang lagi bagus dari orang lain sebab dorang tak buat benda ‘haram’.
So now you knew certain games are haram (mengikut kata ulama’) but still, you just want to focus on this application. Why?
But that’s fine with me.
2) Secondly,
Okayla, lets make it simpler. Let say, now I agree that you have all rights to tegur people who you think are wrong. Fine. We have different opinions about this matter. Fine.
So sekarang PADA PENDAPAT SAYA, dari nak boikot Ahli Nujum, baik boikot Facebook. Or, IN MY OPINION, 80-90% programs kat TV tak mendatangkan manfaat dan boleh merosakkan aqidah. Semua lagu kat radio kebanyakkannya memuja-muja makhluk lain selain Tuhan. So those things are basically haram (as had been said by some Ulama’ and you did agree that ‘Ultimately, the important thing is not about what any of us think, but about what the 'Ulama` thinks). Now, I want to ‘tegur’ you to stop using all these things. Can you?
If you can, so I agree with this statement [Saya amat sedih apabila ada yang mempertahankan TINDAKAN SALAH mereka apabila ditegur] as you also can accept my ‘teguran’ without ‘mempertahankan TINDAKAN SALAH’ you.
But if you can’t because of some reasons, or niat (though you said ‘niat tak menghalalkan cara), then you have no rights to judge people based on your opinion semata-mata without any proof from any ulama’ yang kata application tuh haram. And saya tak ‘sedih’ pun kalau awak nak mempertahankan, takpe berFacebook and tengok TV or post video hiburan kat dalam blog or nyanyi lagu memuja kekasih kalau tujuan baik.
Your entry nih, walaupun hanya lah pendapat anda semata-semata, tapi telah mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mengatakan yang aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut sudah sah haram melalui statement-staement anda.
To me honestly, if diri sendiri tak betul, kenapa nak betulkan orang lain. Who are you to judge people, to say something like, dah tahu dosa, nak pertahankan lagi kenapa. Sedih-sedih. Contoh, macam saya free hair tapi nak tegur orang yang pakai baju ketat sebab saya tak suka orang pakai baju ketat. Patut ke tak patut? Okaylah, patut. Tapi kalau orang yang baju ketat tuh persoal saya, saya dosa juga sebab tak pakai tudung, takkanlah saya nak ‘bersedih’.
That's all I need to say.
linn ni bodoh la..
benda agama buat main2 ja..
mmg mencari jalan pintas ke neraka..
aku mmg xsuka kalau ilmu agama xbrapa ada, tp sembang lebat(mcm linn)
ada otak guna la..
Anonymous 12:16 PM
"linn ni bodoh la.."
Mana kau tahu saudari Linn ni bodoh? Kau tuh pandai sgt ke?
"benda agama buat main2 ja.."
Part mana dia main main?
"mmg mencari jalan pintas ke neraka.."
Kau confirm ke kau on the way pergi syurga?
"aku mmg xsuka kalau ilmu agama xbrapa ada, tp sembang lebat(mcm linn)"
At least dia cuba nak mengupas isu dengan ilmu yang dia ada. Kau pula menyumbang dengan cara apa?
Of course it is your OPINION. But you have to be careful with what you preach. Because what you write might mislead others. Some of the posts above clearly showed that they've at least partially believed what you've written.
The fact is that, I write the entry based on my understanding about the matter. I can control and be careful with what I write but I can't control what they believe after reading the posts. And what I believe is that, whoever believe what I write in the post basically agree or share the same stand with me. To those who do not agree or are in different stand with me, I am open to discussion like what we are having now. And I wouldn't like to comment other people's comment because I leave that for them to explain/defend on their own behalf (if they read your comment on their comment la of course).
When in reality, even the blog owner does not know the REAL truth.
So if you can tell what the REAL truth is, I am still opening this comment room for discussion insha Allah.
'Pandangan peribadi', but why do you 'tegur' others as if your 'pandangan peribadi' is the ultimate truth
I find the phrase as if there and that's merely your interpretation. I guess I don't want to argue more about this because I never claim my pandangan peribadi is THE ultimate truth.
even to the extent that you assume others have egos ["Tundukkan ego dan dengarlah nasihat yang berguna."]when they do not listen to your 'nasihat yang berguna'. It's good to have the intentions to da'wah.
Tell me siapa di dunia ini yang tiada ego? It's either ego tu besar atau tidak, disalahgunakan atau tidak. Saya membuat kenyataan begitu kerana dalam bab2 tegur-menegur ni, kita perlu bersifat terbuka untuk menerima teguran (generally speaking and not necessarily in case of using the tilik menilik applications sahaja) dan antara cara yang paling mudah untuk menerima teguran ialah dengan menundukkan ego. Dan saya rasakan niat saya baik dan betul, iaitu untuk sama2 menjaga pegangan aqidah masing-masing. Kerana itu saya sampaikan nasihat tersebut. Namun begitu saya akui, apa yang betul pada pandangan saya tak tentu lagi betul pada pandangan orang lain. Terpulang la nak terima ke tak.
But how can one berda'wah, if the matter is not clear even to himself?
Is this question referred to me? What is your reference to say that I am not clear about this matter even to myself? Read the comments in which I listed down 7 points.
So do you agree that this RIDICULOUS online application [which the results keep rotating among limited amount of possible answers] has not been confirmed as Haram yet?
By the Ulama`, yes. How about you? Do you agree on that also? If you do, why do you still continue using RIDICULOUS applications?
Despite the fact there's no Ulama's fatwa regarding this matter (yet?), that doesn't stop me to stand on my point that we should avoid using the application because to me it's haram based on the qiyas (I'm not sure if you are familiar with this term) i took from real fortune teller in real life and based on the stand that I opt to taking Facebook as the extent of my life. Moreover, based on my understanding that is written in the blog entry, people who read can or cannot be influenced depending on their own understanding and believe pulak, which is out of my control sebab masing2 punyai pendirian dan pemahaman tersendiri.
Since dah beberapa kali your comments berbunyi macam dah tak nak argue lagi then I reply my komen balas, then you reply lagi, this time I guess I don't want to roll everything again and again because I'll still use the same points again and again because I've put clearly my stands and my points above.
But not necessarily that means I do not appreciate if you come again and post your comments. In next entries in the future pun, if we have something to discuss, come and share your thoughts.
Also, not necessarily it means I agree with few things in your last comment.
But I'd like to touch about this: Tutuplah aurat sebaik2nya :)
terasa nk komen jugk la..hehehe
jgn main2 dgn sesuatu yg berbau syirik..
cakap mmg senang, hnya suka2, hnya utk jadik bhn gelak tp kalu nk sembhyg tidk diterima phalanya selama 40 hari, sila la berani mencabar hukum Tuhan..
guna aja facebook tp amik yg baik, tinggalkan yg merosakkan..simple bukan..islam bukan agma yg menyusahkan
ups lupa nk cakap, zaki,aper yg zaki buat ni secra personal mmg bgus..cuba utk membuka mata tp biasala bende2 mcm ni mmg susah utk nk khabarkan kpd org awam..diorg mungkin xada ilmu yg mndalam utk amik komen2 tu semua sbgai komen yg membuat kite sdar sbnrnya bsr tnggnjawab sbg umat islam dalam menyampaikan kebenaran..islam walaupun mudah tp islam mnjga manusia dr sekecil2 gud luck bro..truskan usaha murni itu..wallahualam
salam bro..
aku dh lame giler x bukak blog ko n under suggestion of my wife, i take a look on ur blog n i'm quite surprised with this latest entry of urs..bravo bro..u've changed a lot compared to wut i've known u btul la bro, aku setuju ngan entry ko kali ni..mmg ade hadis sahih yg maksudnya lebih kurang -sape yg dtg kpd ahli tilik, 40 hari solat dia x diterima.- (sape2 tau hadis ni yg complete, bleh bg link or post hadis tu)..kalu percaye yg Allah bg ilham kat ahli tilik td n bukan ahli tilik tu yg ade power utk menilik, 40 hari solat x diterima. tp kalu dia ckp "mmg ahli tilik tu ade power utk tilik nasib org" yg ni dia dah wat bende yg syirik. kene mengucap blk..sbb dier percaya yg ahli tilik tu ade power. "Iyya ka nakbudu wa Iyya ka nasta'in" (hanya kpd KAMU yg kami sembah dan hanya kpd KAMU yg kami mintak pertolongan)...wallahu a'lam..
Kata aluan dimulakan dengan Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.Hukumnya adalah wajib untuk menjawab.tiada noktah kecuali dalam keadaan yang tidak dibenarkan menjawab salam.Maklum balas setelah apa yang diluahkan oleh saudara akan saya hulurkan sepertimana pedang bertemu pedang.Bukan niat terbuku untuk mencetuskan peperangan atau salah faham tetapi ini semua adalah untuk kemajuan ummah dah perpaduan satu agama yakni agama islam tercinta.
Saudara telah menceritakan masalah yang utama berlaku dalam "facebook".Apa yang saya faham disini,saudara ingin memperjuangkan kebenaran hak kita sebagai Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.Bukan saya ingin mengatakan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh saudara itu salah tetapi berdasarkan apa yang ingin saya coretkan ini harap saudara dapat menelitinya dengan lebih terperinci lagi.
1)Dalam situasi yang melanda negara kita sekarang,bukan sahaja negara malahan agama kita,tidak perlulah saudara mengucarkacirkan keadaan yang sudah timbul.Tujuan kita bukanlah hendak menunjukkan siapa menang atau siapa yang kalah dalam perdebatan ini tetapi apa yang ingin kita jelaskan adalah untuk menjaga perhubungan antara umat seantero dunia.Bukan caranya saudara mengeluarkan agenda seperti ini dengan mendabik dada menuding jari kepada pihak yang bersalah sebaliknya saudara perlu meneliti dan mengkaji masalah utama kenapa seseorang itu melakukan demikian.Pada pendapat saya apa yagn saudara ingin perjuangkan sekarang adalah kemenangan.Saudara berfikiran jika saudara kalah dalam perdebatan ini saudara akan berasa malu dan sebagainya.
2)Perbualan kita ini akan dilihat oleh mata dunia.Elok sangatlah jika saya katakan,tidak molek untuk saudara menggambarkan situasi yang terjadi perlu dihapuskan atas alasan ia akan memesongkan akidah manusia terutamanya kita sebagai umat islam.Tidak usah membuka pekung didada kerana Allah sendiri menjaga 'aib hambanya sepertimana yang terjadi pada kaum nabi Musa a.s.Kita seolah-olah menunjukkan kelemahan kita dimata pandangan dunia.
3)Ini saya rasa lebih khusus kepada permainan itu.Jika pemilik kuiz atau segala aplikasi didalam "facebookitu mempunyai niat yang tidak baik untuk disebarkan kepada masyarakat islam moleklah saya sarankan supaya bertaubat selagi pintu taubat masih lagi terbuka untuk anda.Saya tidak mahu berpihak kepada mana-mana pihak tetapi inilah kebenarannya.Kedua-dua pihak sekarang seolah-olah masing-masing ingin mempertahankan hak masing-masing sedangakan kedua-dua belah pihak sudahpun tahu yang mereka sebenarnya betul.Saya ingin mengambil contoh yang terdekat.dalam satu aplikasi "facebook" iaitu "ramalan ahli nujum".Bagi pendapat saya sebagai pengguna,kta perlulah meneliti kesemunya dahulu sebelum kita menuduh seseorang.Saya rasa telahpun dicatatkan oleh si pencipta aplikasi itu bahawa nujum itu adalah rekaan semata-mata.jangan percaya.jadi pokoknya disini adalah,kita sebagai muslim yang baik harus pandai memikirkan yang mana baik atu sebaliknya.
4)Saya nak mengucapkan tahniah juga kepada si penulis blog ini kerana berani bersuara.cuba anda teliti hadis ini:
saya senang jika hadis ini ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris kerana seatero dunia akan memahaminya.
"Imam Malik said:"It was not the habit of those who preceded us,the early pious Muslims,who set good example for the following generation,to say,"this is HALAL,and this is HARAM.But they would say,I hate such-and-such,and maintain such-and-such,but as for HALAL and HARAM ,that is what may be called inventing lies concerning Allah.Did not you hear Allah's statement that reads,'Say:have you considered what provisionAllah has sent down for you,how youhave made of it lawful and unlawful?Say:Has Allah permitted you,or dou you invent a lie concerning Allah?"(Yunus:59)For,the HALAL is what ALLAH and His Messenger made lawful,and the HARAM is what Allah and His Messenger made unlawful."
1. Saya tidak jelas bagaimana dengan hal yang berkaitan dengan entri ini, dan mungkin boleh dipanjangkan kepada komen2 yang terdapat di sini juga, boleh mengucarkacirkan keadaan yang sudah timbul? Dan jika diperhatikan dengan lebih terperinci lagi, bukannya saya ingin perjuangkan kemenangan, kerana tiada istilah menang atau kalah di sini. Malah tiada hakim mahupun pengadil. Apa2 yang terdapat di sini ialah perbincangan secara terbuka. Kalau menang pun, dapat apa?
2. Situasi apa yang dimaksudkan oleh saudara/i? Jika berkenaan aplikasi itu, saya cuma menyeru supaya mengelakkan daripada menggunakan atau terlibat dengan aplikasi seperti itu kerana dikhuatiri boleh menjejaskan aqidah. Bukannya perlu dihapuskan kerana itu di luar kuasa/kemampuan saya. Saudara/i maklum mengenai Maqasid Syariah?
Selain itu, saya lebih suka untuk menyifatkan apa-apa yang terdapat dalam perbincangan panjang lebar di atas sebagai perjuangan mempertahankan pendirian masing-masing, selagi tiada fatwa yang jelas daripada mana-mana Ulama`. Ia masih terbuka untuk dibincangkan.
3. Saya ingin persoalkan, jika benar si pencipta ialah Muslim, sepatutnya dia harus pandai memikirkan yang mana baik atu sebaliknya tentang bagaimana aplikasi tersebut boleh mempengaruhi minda orang yang menggunakannya. Dalam hidup kita, menilik nasib adalah haram kerana boleh menjejaskan kebergantungan seseorang Muslim kepada Tuhannya. Bagaimana pula dengan jika ia (aktiviti menilik nasib) dipanjangkan ke dalam Facebook? Bukankah boleh diragui kegunaan dan kebaikan (jika ada) aplikasi tersebut?
4. Terima kasih atas hadith yang diberikan di atas. Boleh difikir2kan. :)
Assalamu'alaikum kembali.
Kepada saudara pencipta warkah ini harap dapat memahami tujuan penulisan saya tadi.Apa yang ingin sya perkatakan adalah mengenai pendirian kita sebagai umat islam.Kita haruslah berjuang bukan sahaja memperjuangkan hak tetapi juga agama.Aa yang kita semua utarakan ini bukanlah berdebat tetapi pandangan yang lahir dari hati masing-masing.Kalau niat untuk mencoret sesuatu yang tiada di dalam kamus kehidupan baik hentikan.Saya rasa tiada salahnya semua pengguna untuk menggunakan aplikasi tersebut kerana aplikasi itu bermotifkan hiburan.Apa yang penting sekarang kita perlulah menggunakan 'akal yang dianugerahkan Allah s.w.t.Kalau kita gagal menggunakan pemberian itu maka kita diklasifikasikan sebagai hamba yang gagal dan hamba yang tidak pandai menggunakan ni'mat Allah dengan betul.
Memang kita perlu mempertahankan Agama,Maruah,Naf's,....
untuk pengetahuan saudara,hadis itu hadis yang sahih,tidak perlu ragu-ragu untuk menerimanya atau difikirkannya.
saya setuju,saudara tidak bersalah dan tiada yang bersalah dalam hal ini tapi kita perllah memikirkan prioriti apa yang akan kita perolehi jika melakukan perkara ini.
kita semua islam,berdebat itu perlu.
beberapa poin:
1. Dengan menulis entri ini, daripada satu sudut, saya memperjuangkan agama kerana tidak mahu rakan-rakan seagama saya terjejas aqidah mereka dengan aplikasi yang disifatkan sebagai RIDICULOUS dalam perbincangan di atas.
2. Facebook ada dalam kamus hidup saya. Malah saya menjadikan ia sebagai lanjutan daripada hidup realiti saya. Kerana itu saya coretkan sesuatu berkenaan hal ini berdasarkan pandangan dan ilmu pengetahuan setakat yang saya ada.
3. Suka saya mahu berkongsi lirik lagu daripada Kumpulan Raihan:
Berhibur tiada salahnya
Kerna hiburan itu indah
Hanya pabila salah memilihnya
Membuat kita jadi bersalah~
Owh sangat kena dengan isi dan isu perdebatan (jika itu yang diistilahkan) di atas.
Assalamu'alaikum kembali.
Untuk pengetahuan saudara,saya jugak diutuskan Allah untuk menjadi khalifah dan da'e di muka bumi ini.
jadi saya mengambil masa mengisi ruang bicara ini adalah bertujuan untuk memperbetulkan persepsi kita terhadap sesebuah pihak.Jadi menjadi tanggungjawab kita melakukannya.
Untuk pengetahuan saudara juga,berdakwah ini bukan melalui satu jalan sahaja.saya bagi contoh situasi sekarang:
1)merokok adalah haram.itu adalah fatwa negara.tetapi perasan atau tidak imam masjid pon merokok.
2)"coupling before marriage" adalah diharamkan.tetapi ada juga yang melakukannya.
konklusinya disini.jika saudara menggunakan facebook sebagai kamus hidup saudara maka saudara tidak perlu menuding jari kepada sesiapa.Kita tidak tahu niat yang sebenarnya.Mungkin baik atau'uzubillah...
kita harus menghentikan diri kita dulu daripada melakukan kesalahan sebelum menuding jari kepada seseoarang yang melakukan kesalahan.
tindakan saudara memang tepat.Saya bersetuju seratus peratus tetapi ingat pesanan saya.Berdasarkan hadis yang saya bagi tadi,kita ambil yang mana halal dan kita bencikan yang mana haram..
memang saya mengaku kita perlu mlakukan kerja dakwa untuk mengingatkan semua orang berkenaan 5 maqasid syariah yang utama tetapi semua ada caranya.
saya rasa cara yang saudara gunakan ini boleh memburukkan lagi keadaan.
Ada beberapa perkara saya tidak jelas dengan kenyataan saudara/i:
1. berdakwah ini bukan melalui satu jalan sahaja.
Ok... So? You point is? Saya tak dapat nak kaitkan statement tu dengan mana-mana point sebelum2 ini.
2. maka saudara tidak perlu menuding jari kepada sesiapa.Kita tidak tahu niat yang sebenarnya.Mungkin baik atau'uzubillah...
Menuding jari untuk apa ya? Mungkin boleh dijelaskan lebih lagi. sebagaimana yang dibincangkan di atas, dalam komen2 dan komen balas bersama pemberi komen yang lain, niat tidak menghalalkan cara.
3. saya rasa cara yang saudara gunakan ini boleh memburukkan lagi keadaan.
keadaan apa yang dimaksudkan?
Selain itu,
1. kita harus menghentikan diri kita dulu daripada melakukan kesalahan sebelum menuding jari kepada seseoarang yang melakukan kesalahan
setuju. lima taquluna mala taf'alun :)
kerana itu saya tidak menggunakan aplikasi tersebut dan seterusnya menyeru yang lain2 supaya meninggalkan juga (sekiranya mereka setuju dengan saya).
2. Berdasarkan hadis yang saya bagi tadi,kita ambil yang mana halal dan kita bencikan yang mana haram..
benar. i take the application as something haram for me and i hate it, and i hate that there are others who use the application in Facebook, but that doesn't mean i hate the people, but i only hate the action of using the application.
sama seperti dalam kehidupan sebenar. jika saya ambil salah satu contoh yang diberikan di atas: saya juga benci melihat orang merokok, apatah lagi jika orang itu, sebagai contoh, seorang imam.
saya harap istilah benci@hate ini tidak disalahertikan oleh mana-mana pihak.
Just wondering, why did you say this?
'Eh, why ah Ulama` in Malaysia say nothing about Facebook (yet)? In Indonesia, Ulama` diorang siap kata Facebook haram kot'
Di Indonesia baru2 ni kecoh dengan pengharaman Facebook. bagaimana pula dengan tindakan yang diambil dengan ulama di Malaysia, jika ada?
Nice entry bro. Love it. pun ada citer pasal penggunaan Facebook dan hukum hakam nye. bacalah!
pengharaman facebook di indonesia telah di tarik balik
hujah anynonymous nampaknya lebih bernas dan tidak hanya melihat dari sudut sempit
facebook cuma alat
saya tak maklum pula pasal penarikan pengharaman facebook tu. boleh bagi sebarang link untuk rujukan?
utk berkongsi..member aku pun ada gak tekan benda tu,sekadar suka2 tp takut ada lak yang percaya..jadi kita share ya
amalan bertilik nasib hari ini tak boleh dipercayai kerana mustahil bagi tukang nujum dapat mengetahui apa yg akan berlaku pada masa hadapan. Ini kerana setelah kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w para Jin dan Syaitan tidak lagi boleh mengetahui rahsia di langit(peristiwa yg belum berlaku).Tukang nujum menggunakan perantaraan Jin dan Syaitan utk mendapat maklumat bagi ramalannya. Kita harus yakin segala yg berkaitan dengan apa yg bakal berlaku adalah dibawah kekeuasaan Allah dan Jin serta Syaitan tak tahu mengenainya.JIn tak dapat mendengar rahsia di langit kerana dia akan dihalang oleh Allah. Ini berbeza engan nujum pada zam,an sebelum kelahirian Muhammad s.a.w, di mana para JIn dan Syaitan dapat mengetahu rahsia di langit. Sebab itulah tilikan tukang nujum Firaun menepati realiti. Seperti tentang kelahiran Nabi Musa dll.
Nmaun adalah tidak boleh dinamakan bernujum seandainya ia dilakukan dnegan menggunakan teknologi dan pengetahuan serta pengalaman.Contohnha ramalan cuaca adalah berdasarkan ilmu dan teknologi. Ramai pakar kaji cuaca yg terlatih yg terlibat dalam uasaha itu. Begitu juga dengan soalan Ramalan(PMR ,SPM,STPM). Ia dibuat berdasarkan andaian berasaskan pengalaman gur yg mengajar dan kekerapan soalan yg berulang pada setiap tahun.
Apa yang pasti sebagai umat Islam kita hendaklah mempercayai setiap yg berlkau sudah tersurat di azali.Dalam masa yg sama kita berdoa agar apa yg tercatat di Luh Mahfuz adalah kebaikan untuk kita.
Kita doakan kebahagian dunia dan kahirat. Kita yakinilah Allah Maha Berkuasa.Sesunggunya ilmu Allah itu tinggi. Andainya segala lautan di jadikan dakwat dan segala pokok dijadikan pena maka belum lagi mampu utk menulis segala ilmu Allah. Di bawah kekuasaanyalah apa yang berada dilangit dan bumi(Lahuma Fissama watiwalard.)
Buat pengeathuna saudara juga seandainya apa yg diramalkan ia menepati realiti ,itu hanyalah kebetulan sahaja dan berlkau dengan keizinan Allah.
Assalamualaikum. Saya ingat bertanya apakah hukum untuk mempercayai tilikan seserang yg boleh mengatahui kejadian apa yg telah kita lakukan dimasa lampau. Kebolehan dia hanya dengan melihat orang tersebut dan dia boleh tahu apa yg telah dilakukan dimasa lampau org yg dilihat tersebut. Menurut cerita org yg terdekat. Dia juga mampu mengubat org dengan menggunakan air, limau purut dan sedikit bacaan. Kebolehan beliau diperolehi semasa beliau kecil. Apakah hukum mempercayai tilikan dan apakah hukum jika kita menggunakan khidmat beliau? terima kasih
Jawapan Wa'alaikumussalam... Menilik nasib seseorang adalah perbuatan yang haram dalam Islam. Oleh itu kita tidak boleh mempercayai tilikan tersebut kerana ia boleh membawa kepada syirik. Walau bagaimanapun saudara boleh berubat dengan orang tersebut dengan syarat tidak mempercayai orang tersebut boleh menyembuhkannya."
dah kata, "jangan main kuiz telek nasib tu!" Kata mereka, "ala, lepaklah. Kami gurau-gurau je." Kata Allah "Dan jika Engkau bertanya kepada mereka (tentang ejek-ejekan itu) tentulah mereka akan menjawab: "Sesungguhnya Kami hanyalah berbual dan bermain-main". Katakanlah: "Patutkah nama Allah dan ayat-ayatNya serta RasulNya kamu memperolok-olok dan mengejeknya?" [al-Taubah 9: 65]
"Oleh itu (berpegang teguhlah pada ajaran Islam Yang sedang Engkau amalkan, dan) janganlah Engkau menurut kemahuan orang-orang Yang mendustakan (ugama Allah).Mereka suka kalaulah Engkau bertolak ansur (menurut kemahuan mereka), supaya mereka juga bertolak ansur berlemah-lembut (pada zahirnya terhadapmu)[Al-Qalam:8-9]
"Dan Bersabarlah terhadap apa Yang dikatakan oleh mereka (yang menentangmu), dan jauhkanlah dirimu dari mereka Dengan cara Yang baik. Dan biarkanlah Aku sahaja membalas orang-orang Yang mendustakan (bawaanmu) itu[al-muzammil:10-11]
"...bandingan orang-orang (Yahudi) Yang ditanggungjawab dan ditugaskan (mengetahui dan melaksanakan hukum) Kitab Taurat, kemudian mereka tidak menyempurnakan tanggungjawab dan tugas itu, samalah seperti keldai Yang memikul bendela Kitab-kitab besar (sedang ia tidak mengetahui kandungannya). buruk sungguh bandingan kaum Yang mendustakan ayat-ayat keterangan Allah; dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada kaum Yang zalim.[Al-jumu'ah:5]
Dear brother
This is qiyas ma'al fariq. The awwam will still do that. Wara' people will avoided it.
the method of rulings in this issues you did not uses properly which is of course since it is not a proper ijtihad. It is mere opinion.
If said that, what we actually should do is avoided the haram and syubhah which different as according to different levels of muslims. Avoid mingling with woman, taking pictures with woman so closely and whatever horoscope we have since that HAS been ITTIFAQ by ulama' IS haram,
which is the application is still NOT ITTIFAQ is haram.
So what we felt outmost sense it is halal, ibahah(harus) and not syubhah from all sources of rulings:alquran; sunnah;ijma' and qiyas.
Not that I'm bother AT ALL with all the application.
It just you should USED A RIGHT method of ruling (qawaeed feqhiah), usul feqh not just stated it is HARAM if it is NOT ittifaq as haram yet by the scholars.
It is dangerous to the discipline of ilm. If want to say, say it mere your opinion and not ijtihad per say or so on.
As Imam Syafie said;
My opinion is right but I maybe wrong.
And this is should be an opinion that is SHOULD NOT be ONLY opinion matters if this entry DIDN'T provide with strong and decent hujjah from Quran, Sunnah and all method of rulings.
It is mere opinion. That's it.
It can be agree or disagree.
Tawaddhu' people/ulama' will try to accept that.
Wouldn't have so many argumentation at the first place.
What should be done is avoided fitnah to your da'wah by showing good example/qudwa (i.e don't taking pictures with female friends so casually and keep posting it to the blog). That is something even an ulama' wouldn't agree. A casual pictures of just smiling NOT because of official photos can invite fitna.
Qudwah is the strongest method of da'wah as said by Prof Sayyid Latif of AlAzhar Uni.
Wa'alaikumussalam me...
Thanks for comments and advises. I take them :)
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