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It’s Ramadhan now and I’m still with my diet although it’s not as strict as previous. So far in Ramadhan I’ve taken rice at least 4 times. I’ve redeemed my desperation (not so desperate though) towards my favorite meal which is Nasi Goreng Kampung once and it suited my taste Alhamdulillah – extremely spicy and original. Yummy!
I think my body has come to its limit where it’s really hard to get lighter now because these 2 weeks the weight keeps maintaining at 76kg, based on my scale. When I measure using other scales, they show different measurements and most of the time they show higher values. Scary! Haha...
Most people say, “dah la tu Zaki. Aku tengok badan ko dah fit dah.”
Ya right. Not yet! Bumpers are still around my waist! Let’s not stop until I get rid of them!
Ok Zaki. It’s time to move on to the next stage. Do more exercise! You bought skip rope and how frequent you actually do skipping per week? To be honest, the rope has been there on the cupboard untouched for about 2 weeks. Along this period I’ve been busy with study because I need to catch things up. I’ve missed many things since the visit to
On top of that, based on the measurements, I’ve reached my target! Congratulations to myself! See the right bar in The Change Update. It shows my current BMI is 23.456 (good number huh?) which lies within my target. Alhamdulillah... *try to do this calculation: 76/1.8 and then the result divide by 1.8 again. See the result.
Thinking of ‘Eid, it makes me afraid. Can you imagine – ketupat, nasi impit, lemang? All those are rice- and pulut-based foods! How do I celebrate the Hari Raya without eating them? Does that mean I’ll get my weight increased after raya? Argh!
Ok ok... back up plan. Don’t go home during raya. Stay in Kuantan. Assume you are in oversea. Study for final exam.