It’s another day of my life where the sun of 11th October shines from the east. It’s my 21st birthday!
I’m very thankful to God for giving me opportunity to live another day on His earth with full of al-rizq and barakah that even my words of praise towards Him will never enough compared to what He has granted.
To me, reaching 21 years old is something to ponder. There were many things happened all these while; happiness, sadness, shocked, desperation, anger, frustration, satisfaction, pleasure, fight, hatred, winning, losing, all!
Yet I’m still here, trying to live my life to the fullest. Struggling to make everybody happy about me, seeking satisfaction for everybody around me, and striving to let things happen the best they can. But I’m just human. I can only do things up to my best, but not necessarily the results will be one too.
Thanks to all who wish me for this anniversary; in the blog, via the SMS and verbally. Syukrankabeeran katheeran! *setelah ditegur oleh baez. TQ!
Wish list:
October 11, 2006
8.52 am
I’m very thankful to God for giving me opportunity to live another day on His earth with full of al-rizq and barakah that even my words of praise towards Him will never enough compared to what He has granted.
To me, reaching 21 years old is something to ponder. There were many things happened all these while; happiness, sadness, shocked, desperation, anger, frustration, satisfaction, pleasure, fight, hatred, winning, losing, all!
Yet I’m still here, trying to live my life to the fullest. Struggling to make everybody happy about me, seeking satisfaction for everybody around me, and striving to let things happen the best they can. But I’m just human. I can only do things up to my best, but not necessarily the results will be one too.
Thanks to all who wish me for this anniversary; in the blog, via the SMS and verbally. Syukran
Wish list:
- I want to be more mature like a 21-year-old guy in the way I act, the way I bring myself and the way I think, and I hope that this behavior of mine which sometimes turns childish and immature will gradually fade away.
- Regarding my academic stuffs, I pray that this semester I will come out with better result, I mean dean’s list CGPA – 3.5 or above. Caiyok!
- I hope that my ‘baby’ will get OK soon as it was sent to Dr. Mobile Clinic in KLCC to repair the damage. If it’s destined not to live anymore, I’ll consider to get a new one; Nokia N-series! Hehe... Another one: Better computer. This one I’m using sometimes put my anger to the maximum point. Argh!
- Talking about clinic, I’m still hazy on why I cannot make it – reduce my weight! Argh! I wish the ninety-plus-kilo weight will little by little decrease. Amen...
- I pray for the move to Kuantan to bring more good than bad to me, to my family, to my friends, to my classmates, to my kulliyyah, and to all.
- Nak jumpe Mawi! Bapak laa... minat sikit punye mendalam, tapi haram jadah sekali pun tak pernah jumpa mamat ni! Anyone can arrange? Kalau boleh nak nyanyi sama-sama dengan dia, boleh?
- Lastly, I want to be better man!
October 11, 2006
8.52 am
owh~~~so sweet words..bro!
wl comeback again.ned continue my work.
haaa... aku taip satu2 nih.. takde copy paste mana2 gak..
happy 21st birthday... oh.. dah berada di ambang dua puluhan dah mamat nih.. tidak ku sedari... hehehe ;p
first of all.... hepi 21st birthday my friends....... Motif letak man tu besor2 dan color lain? Brief explaination please.... hahahaha
nak nyanyi lagu arab melodi sama
sanah helwa ya gameel
sanah helwa ya gameel
sanah helwa sanah helwa
sanah helwa ya gameel
Allah selamatkan kamu
Allah selamatkan kamu
Allah selamat kan Muhammad Zaki
Allah selamatkan kamu
happy bufday to you
happy bufday to you
happy bufday happy bufday
happy bufday to you~
well, i'd like to wish a very happy bufday to you~ a day to enjoy and celebrate~ :)
btw the syukran is more appropriate kalo followed by jazeelan/katheeran kot~ hehe
@kak ila...
lamenye pun nak kembali~ sibuk keja ke?
ahahah~ aku macam penah dengar ayat "tak copy and paste" tu.. tp kat mane ye? TQ anyway~ congratz pasal jadi pengwish pertama on 11th october~
uisy~ barulah nampak batang huruf ko~ TQ TQ!!!
TQ for the wish.. that's the word! katheeran! aku sikitnye nak hingat pekataan katheeran tu, tapi tak muncul2... aku sedar syukran kabeeran tak masuk~ BTQ huruf ba ngan tha sebelah2 je~ huhu~ kire hadek beradek la jugak~
wah~ cant say enough thanx to all!!!
owh menjawab persoalan zahid pasal perkataan man: no offense, but i really wanne be one. really! better than ever! hidup ni singkat, so bukan esok, bukan lusa, but it's now for improvement. MAN! :D
u r not a man kah? as of rite now..hahahaha..
anyway epi besday ..semoga gembira selalu
atas adalah miss nad
moge hajat2 ko trcapai...
hepi besday bro
slmt ari jd beb
slamet hary jadi
selamat hari tua bangka..
tu ayat kau aku amik kat mana ntah..
hahaha ;p
huhu selamat hari lahir lagi skali~
selamat hari jadi again~
selamat hari jadi again~
again selamat hari jadikkkkk.. errr... selamat hari terlambat jadi.. [happy belated besday?]
agaknye selagi tak buat post baru, selagi tu la ade ucapan hepi besdey ye? ahahha
TQ to all who wish me! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!! TQ!!!
saje nak menyemak lg
eppy belated b'day!
TQ bie...
OMG.. too bz not to read urs..
btw.. happy belated birthday bro!
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