Thursday, June 28, 2007

Angklung Again...

What is the difference between attending workshop/talk/program that attracts your attention and the one that does not? Yes, you don’t fall asleep!

That’s exactly what happened to me last Monday when I went to a workshop organized by Angklung Club IIUM where the night before I only had a 4-hour sleep which is typically not sufficient for my body to recover the energy. But since the inputs gotten from the workshop are basically interesting and really into me, I had fun with them and I didn’t fall asleep throughout the day.

The inputs are generally all about angklung; the history, the development, the types etc. All these while, what I knew when I played angklung was just to shake it. But after the workshop, I appreciate the uniqueness of angklung as another type of musical instruments. Moreover, I am grateful for being introduced with this great creation of Allah called bamboo that has various usages from food to musical instrument. Besides that, now I realize that bamboo is like coconut; the older it is, the better it will be. Older angklung sounds better than the new ones and even the process to make it takes years for it to sound right in tune. Subhanallah...

Besides that, the workshop was also as a preparation before Angklung Club members are sent to Bandung this early of September to take part in a festival held there. As far as I know, I’m also listed for that matter but the distance between Gombak and Kuantan is a major problem because we need to practice in group because this type of angklung we play is about performing as one group. And this time, what makes it more challenging is that we need to memorize the notes instead of seeing it during performing. But after all, I think I won’t mind if I need to go to Gombak every weekend just to practice with the rest of the members, Pak Dadang and Cikgu Zahir. Please don’t exclude me!!! I want to go to Bandung too!!! Wish us all the best ya? Amin...

The OBGYN members from Bandung performed that day and it was amazing!

Although the songs played that day were not familiar to my ears but they sounded great! I enjoyed it very much.

Their sarong is a very characteristic of them. Although it looks cliche, but still it's nice. So what?

More info about the workshop and the performance a day before (I don’t like to talk about this for few reasons), visit angklung club’s blog.
Read also: AWI's (angklung-web-institute) website.


azuwa said...

waa... really sorry!! sbb nak buat note tuh zaki tak tido mlm =( *still rasa bersalah*
anyway, psl training tuh, mmg agak susah jugak utk rakan2 dr kuantan dtg ke gombak every week. nnt makan duit minyak dgn tol lagi. kesian gak kat korang.
tp takpe, kak aton dah pon bgtau mdm nelly yg korang mmg masuk ke festival angklung di bandung, so don't worry, we won't exclude you guys, Insya Allah.
good luck for ta'aruf show! main elok2 ye =)

it's jenn. said...

huhu lihat sarong2 mereka tu...

sape2 berminat nak beli buleh order the next time sy mau pulang ke mesia....


kalo nk skang ade kaler merah n hijau..dedua menyala~ ahaxs.
promote pulak.

moon said...

em, the day u had angklung, akak ade presentation... waaa.. kalo g bandung nnt, jgn lupe, akak nak pesan ole2 from bandung.. huhu.. =D

Unknown said...


takperlu rase bersalah.. lagipun kan aku nocturnal. so no problemo la~ heh. lagipun it didnt take long. kesian plak wawa kene siapkan lebih2 baki kerja yang perlu disiapkan...
pasal perbelanjaan, mungkin aku naik bas je kot ulangalik kuantan-gombak. nak drive tak sanggup, mahal! tai yang pasti kene squatting la, as usual..
wah! madam neely furtado pun dah tau ke ade dak kuantan jejoin? seronok! nanti sebelum pi mesti dapat excuse letter dr stad gombak. kan?
tapi semua ni tentative je. kena bincang dnegan jay n awi dulu.. kot2 diorang ade plan yang lebey baeeeekkk punye.. :D

heh.. sarong tu utk lelaki ade ke? muahahaha~

kak moon..
nak saye poskan ke sabah ke? heh~

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